# ro-crate-ruby This is a WIP gem for creating, manipulating and reading RO-Crates (conforming to version 1.1 of the specification). * RO-Crate - https://researchobject.github.io/ro-crate/ * RO-Crate spec (1.1) - https://researchobject.github.io/ro-crate/1.1/ ## Installation Using bundler, add the following to your Gemfile: ``` gem 'ro-crate' ``` and run `bundle install`. ## Usage ### Documentation [Click here for API documentation](https://www.researchobject.org/ro-crate-ruby/). ### Examples ```ruby require 'ro_crate' # Make a new crate crate = ROCrate::Crate.new crate.add_file(File.open('Gemfile')) # Using IO-like objects crate.add_file('README.md') # or paths # Quickly add everything from a directory into the crate crate = ROCrate::Crate.new crate.add_all('workspace/secret_project/dataset123') # Write to a zip file ROCrate::Writer.new(crate).write_zip(File.new('ro_crate.zip', 'w')) # Write to a directory ROCrate::Writer.new(crate).write('./ro_crate_stuff') # Read an RO-Crate crate = ROCrate::Reader.read('./an_ro_crate_directory') # Make some changes existing_file = crate.dereference('some_data.csv') existing_file.name = 'Some amazing data' existing_author = existing_file.author joe = crate.add_person('joe', { name: 'Joe Bloggs' }) file = crate.add_file('some_more_data.csv') file.author = [joe, existing_author] # Add an external file ext_file = crate.add_external_file('https://example.com/my_file.txt') # Write it back ROCrate::Writer.new(crate).write('./an_ro_crate_directory') ``` ### RO-Crate Preview A simple HTML preview page is generated when an RO-Crate is written, containing a list of the crate's contents and some metadata. This preview is written to `ro-crate-preview.html` at the root of the RO-Crate. The default template can be seen here [here](lib/ro_crate/ro-crate-preview.html.erb). You can customize this preview by providing your own ERB file. The ERB file is evaluated using the `ROCrate::Crate` instance's `binding`. #### Example ```ruby crate = ROCrate::Crate.new # ... add stuff to the crate # Tell the crate to use your own template (as a string) crate.preview.template = File.read('path_to_your_template.html.erb') # Write it ROCrate::Writer.new(crate).write('./an_ro_crate_directory') ```