✨"8,@ P P @ 0 AЌ+-+/+(CB)B(B(B(<0B+)+/B(B)Ќ+B++/+(ƒB)+(B+B)- % Td 0(SwiftXPCxXLLVM 3.5svn2 J(Ns:8SwiftXPC13XPCDictionary^Type alias to simplify referring to a Dictionary of XPCRepresentable objects with String keys.c/// Type alias to simplify referring to a Dictionary of XPCRepresentable objects with String keys. -s:F8SwiftXPC5toXPCFVSs6UInt64GSqCSo8NSObject_,Converts a UInt64 to an xpc_object_t uint64.w/** Converts a UInt64 to an xpc_object_t uint64. :param: number UInt64 to convert. :returns: Converted XPC uint64. */KMs:P8SwiftXPC16XPCRepresentableOProtocol to group Swift/Objective-C types that can be represented as XPC types.T/// Protocol to group Swift/Objective-C types that can be represented as XPC types. 9s:O8SwiftXPC7XPCTypePossible XPC types/// Possible XPC types QK/s:F8SwiftXPC7fromXPCFCSo8NSObjectGSqCSo6NSUUID_6Converts an xpc_object_t uuid to an equivalent NSUUID./** Converts an xpc_object_t uuid to an equivalent NSUUID. :param: xpcObject XPC uuid to to convert. :returns: Converted NSUUID. Equivalent but not necessarily identical to the input. */Ѡ%s:F8SwiftXPC5toXPCFSSGSqCSo8NSObject_,Converts a String to an xpc_object_t string.w/** Converts a String to an xpc_object_t string. :param: string String to convert. :returns: Converted XPC string. */'s:F8SwiftXPC7fromXPCFCSo8NSObjectGSqSb_(Converts an xpc_object_t bool to a Bool.u/** Converts an xpc_object_t bool to a Bool. :param: xpcObject XPC bool to to convert. :returns: Converted Bool. */U's:F8SwiftXPC7fromXPCFCSo8NSObjectGSqSd_,Converts an xpc_object_t double to a Double.}/** Converts an xpc_object_t double to a Double. :param: xpcObject XPC double to to convert. :returns: Converted Double. */Vs+xAs:F8SwiftXPC12toXPCGeneralFPS_16XPCRepresentable_GSqCSo8NSObject_>Converts an XPCRepresentable object to its xpc_object_t value./** Converts an XPCRepresentable object to its xpc_object_t value. :param: object XPCRepresentable object to convert. :returns: Converted XPC object. */4x/s:F8SwiftXPC7fromXPCFCSo8NSObjectGSqVSs6UInt64_,Converts an xpc_object_t uint64 to a UInt64.}/** Converts an xpc_object_t uint64 to a UInt64. :param: xpcObject XPC uint64 to to convert. :returns: Converted UInt64. */^*-s:F8SwiftXPC5toXPCFCSo6NSUUIDGSqCSo8NSObject_6Converts an NSUUID to an equivalent xpc_object_t uuid./** Converts an NSUUID to an equivalent xpc_object_t uuid. :param: uuid NSUUID to convert. :returns: Converted XPC uuid. Equivalent but not necessarily identical to the input. */q1qs:F8SwiftXPCoi2neFTPS_16XPCRepresentable_PS0___Sb.Enable comparison of XPCRepresentable objects.3/// Enable comparison of XPCRepresentable objects. _̠s:8SwiftXPC8XPCArrayIType alias to simplify referring to an Array of XPCRepresentable objects.N/// Type alias to simplify referring to an Array of XPCRepresentable objects. 4's:F8SwiftXPC5toXPCFCSo12NSFileHandleGSqCSo8NSObject_CConverts an NSFileHandle to an equivalent xpc_object_t file handle./** Converts an NSFileHandle to an equivalent xpc_object_t file handle. :param: fileHandle NSFileHandle to convert. :returns: Converted XPC file handle. Equivalent but not necessarily identical to the input. */U%s:F8SwiftXPC5toXPCFSbGSqCSo8NSObject_(Converts a Bool to an xpc_object_t bool.m/** Converts a Bool to an xpc_object_t bool. :param: bool Bool to convert. :returns: Converted XPC bool. */4=-s:F8SwiftXPC5toXPCFCSo6NSDataGSqCSo8NSObject_+Converts an NSData to an xpc_object_t data.p/** Converts an NSData to an xpc_object_t data. :param: data Data to convert. :returns: Converted XPC data. */⢎{%s:F8SwiftXPC5toXPCFSdGSqCSo8NSObject_,Converts a Double to an xpc_object_t double.w/** Converts a Double to an xpc_object_t double. :param: number Double to convert. :returns: Converted XPC double. */|.s:F8SwiftXPC7fromXPCFCSo8NSObjectGSqVSs5Int64_*Converts an xpc_object_t int64 to a Int64.y/** Converts an xpc_object_t int64 to a Int64. :param: xpcObject XPC int64 to to convert. :returns: Converted Int64. */$'s:F8SwiftXPC7fromXPCFCSo8NSObjectGSqSS_,Converts an xpc_object_t string to a String.}/** Converts an xpc_object_t string to a String. :param: xpcObject XPC string to to convert. :returns: Converted String. */-s:F8SwiftXPC5toXPCFCSo6NSDateGSqCSo8NSObject_+Converts an NSDate to an xpc_object_t date.r/** Converts an NSDate to an xpc_object_t date. :param: date NSDate to convert. :returns: Converted XPC date. */ifCs:F8SwiftXPC14fromXPCGeneralFCSo8NSObjectGSqPS_16XPCRepresentable__?Converts an xpc_object_t to its Swift value (XPCRepresentable)./** Converts an xpc_object_t to its Swift value (XPCRepresentable). :param: xpcObject xpc_object_t object to to convert. :returns: Converted XPCRepresentable object. */-pg8; s:F8SwiftXPC7fromXPCFCSo8NSObjectGSaPS_16XPCRepresentable__GConverts an xpc_object_t array to an Array of XPCRepresentable objects./** Converts an xpc_object_t array to an Array of XPCRepresentable objects. :param: xpcObject XPC array to to convert. :returns: Converted Array of XPCRepresentable objects. */2X',s:F8SwiftXPC5toXPCFVSs5Int64GSqCSo8NSObject_+Converts an Int64 to an xpc_object_t int64.t/** Converts an Int64 to an xpc_object_t int64. :param: number Int64 to convert. :returns: Converted XPC int64. */PGJ%s:F8SwiftXPC7fromXPCFCSo8NSObjectGVSs10DictionarySSPS_16XPCRepresentable__PConverts an xpc_object_t dictionary to a Dictionary of XPCRepresentable objects./** Converts an xpc_object_t dictionary to a Dictionary of XPCRepresentable objects. :param: xpcObject XPC dictionary to to convert. :returns: Converted Dictionary of XPCRepresentable objects. */%6)s:F8SwiftXPC7fromXPCFCSo8NSObjectGSqCSo12NSFileHandle_CConverts an xpc_object_t file handle to an equivalent NSFileHandle./** Converts an xpc_object_t file handle to an equivalent NSFileHandle. :param: xpcObject XPC file handle to to convert. :returns: Converted NSFileHandle. Equivalent but not necessarily identical to the input. *//s:F8SwiftXPC7fromXPCFCSo8NSObjectGSqCSo6NSData_+Converts an xpc_object_t data to an NSData.z/** Converts an xpc_object_t data to an NSData. :param: xpcObject XPC data to to convert. :returns: Converted NSData. */ 1qs:F8SwiftXPCoi2eeFTPS_16XPCRepresentable_PS0___Sb.Enable comparison of XPCRepresentable objects.3/// Enable comparison of XPCRepresentable objects. x/s:F8SwiftXPC7fromXPCFCSo8NSObjectGSqCSo6NSDate_+Converts an xpc_object_t date to an NSDate.z/** Converts an xpc_object_t date to an NSDate. :param: xpcObject XPC date to to convert. :returns: Converted NSDate. */9s:F8SwiftXPC5toXPCFGSaPS_16XPCRepresentable__CSo8NSObjectHConverts an Array of XPCRepresentable objects to its xpc_object_t value./** Converts an Array of XPCRepresentable objects to its xpc_object_t value. :param: array Array of XPCRepresentable objects to convert. :returns: Converted XPC array. */L|Hs:F8SwiftXPC5toXPCFGVSs10DictionarySSPS_16XPCRepresentable__CSo8NSObjectLConverts a Dictionary of XPCRepresentable objects to its xpc_object_t value./** Converts a Dictionary of XPCRepresentable objects to its xpc_object_t value. :param: dictionary Dictionary of XPCRepresentable objects to convert. :returns: Converted XPC dictionary. */@%H*OE ( 0 [D.