import {appName} from 'config'; import {} from '../../../src/app/auth/sessions/sessions.js'; describe( 'Sessions controllers', function() { beforeEach( module( `${appName}.auth.sessions` ) ); var $scope, $stateMock, $authMock, $toastMock; beforeEach(inject(function($q) { $toastMock = {}; $toastMock.error = jasmine.createSpy('error'); $toastMock.errorList = jasmine.createSpy('errorList'); $stateMock = { go(state){} }; spyOn($stateMock, 'go').and.callThrough(); $authMock = { submitLogin(session) { if (( == "bob") && (session.user.password = "password")) { return $q((resolve, reject) => { resolve(); }); } else { return $q((resolve, reject) => { reject({errors: "Invalid Login"}); }); } } }; spyOn($authMock, 'submitLogin').and.callThrough(); })); describe("Sessions Controller", function() { beforeEach( inject(function($controller, $rootScope) { $scope = $rootScope.$new(); $controller('SessionsCtrl', { $scope: $scope, $state: $stateMock, $auth: $authMock, $xngToast: $toastMock }); $scope.$apply(); })); it('should assign session', function(){ expect($scope.session).toEqualData({email: "", password: ""}); }); it('should assign humanAuthKey', function () { expect($scope.humanAuthKey).toEqual("Email"); }); describe("sessionSubmit", function() { describe("with valid login", function() { beforeEach(function() { $scope.session = { email: "bob", password: "password" }; $scope.sessionSubmit(); $scope.$apply(); }); it ("should call the auth service", function() { expect($authMock.submitLogin).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it ("should redirect to the sign in success page", function() { expect($stateMock.go).toHaveBeenCalledWith("root.inner.sessionsSuccess"); }); }); describe("with invalid login", function() { beforeEach(function() { $scope.session = { email: "jill", password: "wrong password" }; $scope.sessionSubmit(); $scope.$apply(); }); it ("should call the auth service", function() { expect($authMock.submitLogin).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it ("should set the toast error message", function() { expect($toastMock.error).toHaveBeenCalledWith("Invalid Login"); }); }); }); }); });