import '../../vendor/polyfills/Function/prototype/bind.mjs' import '../../vendor/polyfills/Element/prototype/classList.mjs' import '../../vendor/polyfills/Element/prototype/nextElementSibling.mjs' import '../../vendor/polyfills/Element/prototype/previousElementSibling.mjs' import '../../vendor/polyfills/Event.mjs' // addEventListener and normaliziation import { nodeListForEach } from '../../common.mjs' function Tabs ($module) { this.$module = $module this.$tabs = $module.querySelectorAll('.govuk-tabs__tab') this.keys = { left: 37, right: 39, up: 38, down: 40 } this.jsHiddenClass = 'govuk-tabs__panel--hidden' } Tabs.prototype.init = function () { if (typeof window.matchMedia === 'function') { this.setupResponsiveChecks() } else { this.setup() } } Tabs.prototype.setupResponsiveChecks = function () { this.mql = window.matchMedia('(min-width: 40.0625em)') this.mql.addListener(this.checkMode.bind(this)) this.checkMode() } Tabs.prototype.checkMode = function () { if (this.mql.matches) { this.setup() } else { this.teardown() } } Tabs.prototype.setup = function () { var $module = this.$module var $tabs = this.$tabs var $tabList = $module.querySelector('.govuk-tabs__list') var $tabListItems = $module.querySelectorAll('.govuk-tabs__list-item') if (!$tabs || !$tabList || !$tabListItems) { return } $tabList.setAttribute('role', 'tablist') nodeListForEach($tabListItems, function ($item) { $item.setAttribute('role', 'presentation') }) nodeListForEach($tabs, function ($tab) { // Set HTML attributes this.setAttributes($tab) // Save bounded functions to use when removing event listeners during teardown $tab.boundTabClick = this.onTabClick.bind(this) $tab.boundTabKeydown = this.onTabKeydown.bind(this) // Handle events $tab.addEventListener('click', $tab.boundTabClick, true) $tab.addEventListener('keydown', $tab.boundTabKeydown, true) // Remove old active panels this.hideTab($tab) }.bind(this)) // Show either the active tab according to the URL's hash or the first tab var $activeTab = this.getTab(window.location.hash) || this.$tabs[0] this.showTab($activeTab) // Handle hashchange events $module.boundOnHashChange = this.onHashChange.bind(this) window.addEventListener('hashchange', $module.boundOnHashChange, true) } Tabs.prototype.teardown = function () { var $module = this.$module var $tabs = this.$tabs var $tabList = $module.querySelector('.govuk-tabs__list') var $tabListItems = $module.querySelectorAll('.govuk-tabs__list-item') if (!$tabs || !$tabList || !$tabListItems) { return } $tabList.removeAttribute('role') nodeListForEach($tabListItems, function ($item) { $item.removeAttribute('role', 'presentation') }) nodeListForEach($tabs, function ($tab) { // Remove events $tab.removeEventListener('click', $tab.boundTabClick, true) $tab.removeEventListener('keydown', $tab.boundTabKeydown, true) // Unset HTML attributes this.unsetAttributes($tab) }.bind(this)) // Remove hashchange event handler window.removeEventListener('hashchange', $module.boundOnHashChange, true) } Tabs.prototype.onHashChange = function (e) { var hash = window.location.hash var $tabWithHash = this.getTab(hash) if (!$tabWithHash) { return } // Prevent changing the hash if (this.changingHash) { this.changingHash = false return } // Show either the active tab according to the URL's hash or the first tab var $previousTab = this.getCurrentTab() this.hideTab($previousTab) this.showTab($tabWithHash) $tabWithHash.focus() } Tabs.prototype.hideTab = function ($tab) { this.unhighlightTab($tab) this.hidePanel($tab) } Tabs.prototype.showTab = function ($tab) { this.highlightTab($tab) this.showPanel($tab) } Tabs.prototype.getTab = function (hash) { return this.$module.querySelector('.govuk-tabs__tab[href="' + hash + '"]') } Tabs.prototype.setAttributes = function ($tab) { // set tab attributes var panelId = this.getHref($tab).slice(1) $tab.setAttribute('id', 'tab_' + panelId) $tab.setAttribute('role', 'tab') $tab.setAttribute('aria-controls', panelId) $tab.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false') $tab.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1') // set panel attributes var $panel = this.getPanel($tab) $panel.setAttribute('role', 'tabpanel') $panel.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', $ $panel.classList.add(this.jsHiddenClass) } Tabs.prototype.unsetAttributes = function ($tab) { // unset tab attributes $tab.removeAttribute('id') $tab.removeAttribute('role') $tab.removeAttribute('aria-controls') $tab.removeAttribute('aria-selected') $tab.removeAttribute('tabindex') // unset panel attributes var $panel = this.getPanel($tab) $panel.removeAttribute('role') $panel.removeAttribute('aria-labelledby') $panel.classList.remove(this.jsHiddenClass) } Tabs.prototype.onTabClick = function (e) { if (!'govuk-tabs__tab')) { // Allow events on child DOM elements to bubble up to tab parent return false } e.preventDefault() var $newTab = var $currentTab = this.getCurrentTab() this.hideTab($currentTab) this.showTab($newTab) this.createHistoryEntry($newTab) } Tabs.prototype.createHistoryEntry = function ($tab) { var $panel = this.getPanel($tab) // Save and restore the id // so the page doesn't jump when a user clicks a tab (which changes the hash) var id = $ $ = '' this.changingHash = true window.location.hash = this.getHref($tab).slice(1) $ = id } Tabs.prototype.onTabKeydown = function (e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case this.keys.left: case this.keys.up: this.activatePreviousTab() e.preventDefault() break case this.keys.right: case this.keys.down: this.activateNextTab() e.preventDefault() break } } Tabs.prototype.activateNextTab = function () { var currentTab = this.getCurrentTab() var nextTabListItem = currentTab.parentNode.nextElementSibling if (nextTabListItem) { var nextTab = nextTabListItem.querySelector('.govuk-tabs__tab') } if (nextTab) { this.hideTab(currentTab) this.showTab(nextTab) nextTab.focus() this.createHistoryEntry(nextTab) } } Tabs.prototype.activatePreviousTab = function () { var currentTab = this.getCurrentTab() var previousTabListItem = currentTab.parentNode.previousElementSibling if (previousTabListItem) { var previousTab = previousTabListItem.querySelector('.govuk-tabs__tab') } if (previousTab) { this.hideTab(currentTab) this.showTab(previousTab) previousTab.focus() this.createHistoryEntry(previousTab) } } Tabs.prototype.getPanel = function ($tab) { var $panel = this.$module.querySelector(this.getHref($tab)) return $panel } Tabs.prototype.showPanel = function ($tab) { var $panel = this.getPanel($tab) $panel.classList.remove(this.jsHiddenClass) } Tabs.prototype.hidePanel = function (tab) { var $panel = this.getPanel(tab) $panel.classList.add(this.jsHiddenClass) } Tabs.prototype.unhighlightTab = function ($tab) { $tab.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false') $tab.parentNode.classList.remove('govuk-tabs__list-item--selected') $tab.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1') } Tabs.prototype.highlightTab = function ($tab) { $tab.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true') $tab.parentNode.classList.add('govuk-tabs__list-item--selected') $tab.setAttribute('tabindex', '0') } Tabs.prototype.getCurrentTab = function () { return this.$module.querySelector('.govuk-tabs__list-item--selected .govuk-tabs__tab') } // this is because IE doesn't always return the actual value but a relative full path // should be a utility function most prob // Tabs.prototype.getHref = function ($tab) { var href = $tab.getAttribute('href') var hash = href.slice(href.indexOf('#'), href.length) return hash } export default Tabs