# coding: utf-8 class CodeType < NudgeType @@defaultPoints = 20 def self.random_skeleton(points=@@defaultPoints, blocks=points/10) blocks = [0,[points,blocks].min].max if points > 1 skel = ["block {"] (points-2).times {skel << "*"} skel << "*}" front = 0 (blocks-1).times do until skel[front].include?("*") do a,b = rand(points), rand(points) front,back = [a,b].min, [a,b].max end skel[front] = skel[front].sub(/\*/," block {") skel[back] = skel[back] + "}" end skel = skel.join else if blocks>0 skel = "block {}" else skel = "*" end end return skel end def self.any_type(types) raise(ArgumentError,"no available NudgeTypes") if types.empty? return types.sample end def self.any_instruction(instructions) raise(ArgumentError,"no available Instructions") if instructions.empty? return instructions.sample end def self.any_reference(references) raise(ArgumentError,"no available references") if references.empty? return references.sample end def self.roulette_wheel(references, instructions, types) basis = Hash["reference", references.length, "instruction", instructions.length, "sample", types.length] sum = basis.values.inject(:+) spin = rand(sum) basis.each do |result,weight| return result if spin <= weight && weight > 0 spin -= weight end raise "A problem occurred when executing CodeType#roulette_wheel" end def self.random_value(context, params = {}) points = params[:points] || @@defaultPoints blocks = params[:blocks] || points/10 skeleton = params[:skeleton] || self.random_skeleton(points, blocks) instructions = params[:instructions] || context.instructions references = params[:references] || context.references types = params[:types] || context.types while skeleton.include?("*") do case self.roulette_wheel(references,instructions,types) when "instruction" newPoint = " do " + self.any_instruction(instructions).to_nudgecode when "reference" newPoint = " ref " + self.any_reference(references) when "sample" theType = any_type(types) if theType == CodeType if types != [CodeType] theType = self.any_type(types - [CodeType]) else raise ArgumentError, "Random code cannot be created" end end newPoint = " sample " + theType.to_nudgecode + " (" + theType.any_value.to_s + ")" else raise ArgumentError, "Nothing to make random code from" end skeleton = skeleton.sub(/\*/, newPoint) skeleton = skeleton.sub(/\n/,'') end skeleton end def self.from_s(string_value) return string_value.sub(/\(/,"«").sub(/\)/,"»") end def self.any_value(context) self.random_value(context) end end