## AngularJS-style CSRF Protection for Rails [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/angular_rails_csrf.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/angular_rails_csrf) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jsanders/angular_rails_csrf.png)](https://travis-ci.org/jsanders/angular_rails_csrf) The AngularJS [ng.$http](http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$http) service has built-in CSRF protection. By default, it looks for a cookie named `XSRF-TOKEN` and, if found, writes its value into an `X-XSRF-TOKEN` header, which the server compares with the CSRF token saved in the user's session. This project adds direct support for this scheme to your Rails application without requiring any changes to your AngularJS application. It also doesn't require the use of `csrf_meta_tags` to write a CSRF token into your page markup, so it works for pure JSON API applications. Note that there is nothing AngularJS specific here, and this will work with any other front-end that implements the same scheme. *Version 3 supports only Rails 4+ and Ruby 2.3+. If you are still on Rails 3 (2, 1?!), you have to utilize version 2.1.1!* ## Installation Add this line to your application's *Gemfile*: gem 'angular_rails_csrf' And then execute: $ bundle That's it! ## Configuration ### Cookie Name The default cookie's name is `XSRF-TOKEN` but it can be configured with the `angular_rails_csrf_cookie_name` setting: ```ruby # application.rb class Application < Rails::Application #... config.angular_rails_csrf_cookie_name = 'CUSTOM_NAME' end ``` ### Cookie Domain Starting from version 3, you may set domain for the XSRF cookie: ```ruby # application.rb class Application < Rails::Application #... config.angular_rails_csrf_domain = :all end ``` If `angular_rails_csrf_domain` is not set, it defaults to `nil`. ### Exclusions Sometimes you will want to skip setting the XSRF token for certain controllers (for example, when using SSE or ActionCable, as discussed [here](https://github.com/jsanders/angular_rails_csrf/issues/7)): ```ruby class ExclusionsController < ApplicationController exclude_xsrf_token_cookie # your actions here... end ``` ## Testing Run ```console $ bundle install ``` and then ```console $ rake test ``` ## License Licensed under the [MIT License](https://github.com/jsanders/angular_rails_csrf/blob/master/LICENSE).