module Assetable module Base extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do end module ClassMethods def assetable *args if args.present? args.each do |arg| has_one :"#{arg}_association", -> { where(name: arg) }, class_name: "Assetabler::AssetAttachment", as: :assetable has_one arg, through: :"#{arg}_association", :source => :asset accepts_nested_attributes_for :"#{arg}_association", allow_destroy: true # Hack to fix the has_one accessor from not correctly guessing namespace of source association class_eval %Q" def #{arg} #{arg}_association.try(:asset) || super end " end end end # Galleries def galleryable *args # By default, let's include a gallery. unless args.include? :gallery has_one :gallery, class_name: "Assetabler::Gallery", as: :galleryable, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :gallery end if args.present? args.each do |arg| has_one arg, -> { where(name: arg) }, class_name: "Assetabler::Gallery", as: :galleryable accepts_nested_attributes_for arg end end end end module InstanceMethods end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Assetable::Base