/* * Some classes in this package have been partly inspired by & bits ported from * Python code written by Tom De Smedt & Frederik De Bleser for the "colors" library * of Nodebox.net. * * http://nodebox.net/code/index.php/Colors * * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Karsten Schmidt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package toxi.color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import toxi.color.theory.ColorTheoryRegistry; import toxi.color.theory.ColorTheoryStrategy; import toxi.math.MathUtils; /** * A container class of concrete colors. ColorLists can be built manually and * are also created when working with {@link ColorRange}s. The class has various * methods to manipulate all colors in the list in parallel, as well as sort * them by various criteria. * * @see ColorRange * @see AccessCriteria */ public class ColorList implements Iterable { /** * Factory method. Creates a new ColorList of colors sampled from the given * ARGB image array. If the number of samples equals or exceeds the number * of pixels in the image and no unique colors are required, the function * will simply return the same as {@link #ColorList(int[])}. * * @param pixels * int array of ARGB pixels * @param num * number of colors samples (clipped automatically to number of * pixels in the image) * @param uniqueOnly * flag if only unique samples are to be taken (doesn't guarantee * unique colors though) * @return new color list */ public static final ColorList createFromARGBArray(int[] pixels, int num, boolean uniqueOnly) { return createFromARGBArray(pixels, num, uniqueOnly, 100); } /** * Factory method. Creates a new ColorList of colors randomly sampled from * the given ARGB image array. If the number of samples equals or exceeds * the number of pixels in the source image and no unique colors are * required, the function will simply return the same as * {@link #ColorList(int[])}. * * @param pixels * int array of ARGB pixels * @param num * number of colors samples (clipped automatically to number of * pixels in the image) * @param uniqueOnly * flag if only unique samples are to be taken (doesn't guarantee * unique colors though) * @param maxIterations * max number of attempts to find a unique color. If no more * unique colors can be found the search is terminated. * @return new color list of samples */ public static final ColorList createFromARGBArray(int[] pixels, int num, boolean uniqueOnly, int maxIterations) { num = MathUtils.min(num, pixels.length); if (!uniqueOnly && num == pixels.length) { return new ColorList(pixels); } List colors = new ArrayList<>(); TColor temp = TColor.BLACK.copy(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int idx; if (uniqueOnly) { boolean isUnique = true; int numTries = 0; do { idx = MathUtils.random(pixels.length); temp.setARGB(pixels[idx]); isUnique = !colors.contains(temp); } while (!isUnique && ++numTries < maxIterations); if (numTries < maxIterations) { colors.add(temp.copy()); } else { break; } } else { idx = MathUtils.random(pixels.length); colors.add(TColor.newARGB(pixels[idx])); } } return new ColorList(colors); } /** * Factory method. Creates a new ColorList based on the given * {@link ColorTheoryStrategy} instance and the given source color. The * number of colors returned will vary with the strategy chosen. * * @param strategy * @param c * @return new list */ public static final ColorList createUsingStrategy( ColorTheoryStrategy strategy, TColor c) { return strategy.createListFromColor(c); } /** * Factory method. Creates a ColorList based on the name of a * {@link ColorTheoryStrategy} and the given source color. * * @param name * strategy name * @param c * @return new color list or null, if the supplied strategy name is not * mapped to a registered implementation. */ public static final ColorList createUsingStrategy(String name, TColor c) { ColorTheoryStrategy strategy = ColorTheoryRegistry .getStrategyForName(name); ColorList list = null; if (strategy != null) { list = strategy.createListFromColor(c); } return list; } /** * */ protected List colors; /** * Creates an empty list. */ public ColorList() { this.colors = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Creates a ColorList by wrapping the given ArrayList of colors. No copies * of the given colors are created (shallow copy only). * * @param colors */ public ColorList(Collection colors) { this.colors = new ArrayList<>(); this.colors.addAll(colors); } /** * Creates a deep copy of the given ColorList. Manipulating the new list or * its color entries does NOT change the colors of the original. * * @param list * source list to copy */ public ColorList(ColorList list) { this.colors = new ArrayList<>(); for (TColor c : list) { this.colors.add(c.copy()); } } /** * Creates a new color list from the array of ARGB int values. In most cases * this will be the pixel buffer of an image. * * @param argbArray */ public ColorList(int[] argbArray) { this.colors = new ArrayList<>(); for (int c : argbArray) { colors.add(TColor.newARGB(c)); } } /** * Creates new ColorList from the given colors. Copies of the given colors * are created. This is a varargs constructor allowing these two parameter * formats: * *
     * // individual parameters
     * ColorList cols=new ColorList(TColor.BLACK,TColor.WHITE,TColor.newRGB(1,0,0));
     * // or array of colors
     * ReadonlyTColor[] colArray=new ReadonlyTColor[] {
     *   TColor.BLACK,TColor.WHITE,TColor.newRGB(1,0,0);
     * };
     * ColorList cols=new ColorList(colArray);
* * @param colorArray */ public ColorList(ReadonlyTColor... colorArray) { this.colors = new ArrayList<>(); for (ReadonlyTColor c : colorArray) { colors.add(c.copy()); } } /** * Adds a copy of the given color to the list * * @param c * @return itself */ public ColorList add(ReadonlyTColor c) { colors.add(c.copy()); return this; } /** * Adds all entries of the TColor collection to the list (shallow copy only, * manipulating the new list will modify the original colors). * * @param collection * @return itself */ public ColorList addAll(Collection collection) { colors.addAll(collection); return this; } /** * Adjusts the brightness component of all list colors by the given amount. * * @param step * adjustment value * @return itself */ public ColorList adjustBrightness(float step) { colors.forEach((c) -> { c.lighten(step); }); return this; } /** * Adjusts the saturation component of all list colors by the given amount. * * @param step * adjustment value * @return itself */ public ColorList adjustSaturation(float step) { colors.forEach((c) -> { c.saturate(step); }); return this; } /** * Sorts the list based on two criteria to create clusters/segments within * the list. * * @param clusterCriteria * main sort criteria * @param subClusterCriteria * secondary sort criteria * @param numClusters * number of clusters * @param isReversed * true, if reversed sort * @return itself */ public ColorList clusterSort(AccessCriteria clusterCriteria, AccessCriteria subClusterCriteria, int numClusters, boolean isReversed) { ArrayList sorted = new ArrayList<>(colors); Collections.sort(sorted, clusterCriteria); Collections.reverse(sorted); ArrayList clusters = new ArrayList<>(); float d = 1; int i = 0; int num = sorted.size(); for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { ReadonlyTColor c = sorted.get(j); if (c.getComponentValue(clusterCriteria) < d) { ArrayList slice = new ArrayList<>(); slice.addAll(sorted.subList(i, j)); Collections.sort(slice, subClusterCriteria); clusters.addAll(slice); d -= 1.0f / numClusters; i = j; } } ArrayList slice = new ArrayList<>(); slice.addAll(sorted.subList(i, sorted.size())); Collections.sort(slice, subClusterCriteria); clusters.addAll(slice); if (isReversed) { Collections.reverse(clusters); } colors = clusters; return this; } /** * Switches all list colors to their complementary color. * * @return itself */ public ColorList complement() { colors.forEach((c) -> { c.complement(); }); return this; } /** * Checks if the given color is part of the list. Check is done by value, * not instance. * * @param color * @return true, if the color is present. */ public boolean contains(ReadonlyTColor color) { return colors.stream().anyMatch((c) -> (c.equals(color))); } /** * Returns the color at the given index. This function follows Python * convention, in that if the index is negative, it is considered relative * to the list end. Therefore the color at index -1 is the last color in the * list. * * @param i * index * @return color */ public TColor get(int i) { if (i < 0) { i += colors.size(); } return colors.get(i); } /** * Calculates and returns the average color of the list. * * @return average color or null, if there're no entries yet. */ public ReadonlyTColor getAverage() { float r = 0; float g = 0; float b = 0; float a = 0; for (TColor c : colors) { r += c.rgb[0]; g += c.rgb[1]; b += c.rgb[2]; a += c.alpha; } int num = colors.size(); if (num > 0) { return TColor.newRGBA(r / num, g / num, b / num, a / num); } else { return null; } } /** * Creates a new ColorList by blending all colors in the list with each * other (successive indices only) * * @param amount * blend amount * @return new color list */ public ColorList getBlended(float amount) { TColor[] clrs = new TColor[colors.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < clrs.length; i++) { TColor c = colors.get(i > 0 ? i - 1 : clrs.length - 1); clrs[i] = colors.get(i).getBlended(c, amount); } return new ColorList(clrs); } /** * Finds and returns the darkest color of the list. * * @return darkest color or null if there're no entries yet. */ public TColor getDarkest() { TColor darkest = null; float minBrightness = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (TColor c : colors) { float luma = c.luminance(); if (luma < minBrightness) { darkest = c; minBrightness = luma; } } return darkest; } /** * Finds and returns the lightest (luminance) color of the list. * * @return lightest color or null, if there're no entries yet. */ public ReadonlyTColor getLightest() { ReadonlyTColor lightest = null; float maxBrightness = Float.MIN_VALUE; for (ReadonlyTColor c : colors) { float luma = c.luminance(); if (luma > maxBrightness) { lightest = c; maxBrightness = luma; } } return lightest; } /** * * @return */ public TColor getRandom() { return colors.get(MathUtils.random(colors.size())); } /** * Returns a reversed copy of the current list. * * @return reversed copy of the list */ public ColorList getReverse() { return new ColorList(colors).reverse(); } /** * Inverts all colors in the list. * * @return itself */ public ColorList invert() { colors.forEach((c) -> { c.invert(); }); return this; } public String toRubyString() { StringBuilder ruby = new StringBuilder("%w("); colors.stream().map((c) -> { ruby.append('#'); ruby.append(c.toHex()); return c; }).forEachOrdered((_item) -> { ruby.append(' '); }); ruby.deleteCharAt(ruby.length() - 1); ruby.append(")\n"); return ruby.toString(); } /** * Returns an iterator over the internal list. This means the list can be * accessed via standard Iterator loops. * * @return list iterator */ @Override public Iterator iterator() { return colors.iterator(); } /** * Reverses the current order of the list. * * @return itself */ public ColorList reverse() { Collections.reverse(colors); return this; } /** * Rotates the hues of all colors in the list by the given amount. * * @param theta * rotation angle in radians * @return itself */ public ColorList rotateRYB(float theta) { rotateImplementation(MathUtils.degrees(theta)); return this; } /** * Rotates the hues of all colors in the list by the given amount. * * @param angle * rotation angle in degrees * @return itself */ public ColorList rotateRYB(int angle) { rotateImplementation(angle); return this; } /** * Rotates the hues of all colors in the list by the given amount. * * @param angle * rotation angle in degrees */ private void rotateImplementation(float angle) { colors.forEach((c) -> { c.rotateRYB(angle); }); } /** * @return the number of colors in the list */ public int size() { return colors.size(); } /** * Convenience method. Sorts the list by hue. * * @return itself */ public ColorList sort() { return sortByCriteria(AccessCriteria.HUE, false); } /** * Sorts the list using the given comparator. * * @param comp * comparator * @param isReversed * true, if reversed sort * @return itself */ public ColorList sortByComparator(Comparator comp, boolean isReversed) { Collections.sort(colors, comp); if (isReversed) { Collections.reverse(colors); } return this; } /** * Sorts the list using the given {@link AccessCriteria}. * * @param criteria * sort criteria * @param isReversed * true, if reversed sort * @return itself */ public ColorList sortByCriteria(AccessCriteria criteria, boolean isReversed) { return sortByComparator(criteria, isReversed); } /** * Sorts the list by relative distance to each predecessor, starting with * the darkest color in the list. * * @param isReversed * true, if list is to be sorted in reverse. * @return itself */ public ColorList sortByDistance(boolean isReversed) { return sortByDistance(new HSVDistanceProxy(), isReversed); } /** * Sorts the list by relative distance to each predecessor, starting with * the darkest color in the list. * * @param proxy * @param isReversed * true, if list is to be sorted in reverse. * @return itself */ public ColorList sortByDistance(DistanceProxy proxy, boolean isReversed) { if (colors.isEmpty()) { return this; } TColor root = getDarkest(); // Remove the darkest color from the stack, // put it in the sorted list as starting element. ArrayList stack = new ArrayList<>(colors); stack.remove(root); ArrayList sorted = new ArrayList<>(colors.size()); sorted.add(root); // Now find the color in the stack closest to that color. // Take this color from the stack and add it to the sorted list. // Now find the color closest to that color, etc. int sortedCount = 0; while (stack.size() > 1) { TColor closest = stack.get(0); TColor lastSorted = sorted.get(sortedCount); float distance = proxy.distanceBetween(closest, lastSorted); for (int i = stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { TColor c = stack.get(i); float d = proxy.distanceBetween(c, lastSorted); if (d < distance) { closest = c; distance = d; } } stack.remove(closest); sorted.add(closest); sortedCount++; } sorted.add(stack.get(0)); if (isReversed) { Collections.reverse(sorted); } colors = sorted; return this; } /** * Sorts the list by proximity to the given target color (using RGB distance * metrics). * * @see #sortByProximityTo(ReadonlyTColor, DistanceProxy, boolean) * @param target * color * @param isReversed * true, if reverse sorted * @return sorted list */ public ColorList sortByProximityTo(ReadonlyTColor target, boolean isReversed) { return sortByProximityTo(target, new RGBDistanceProxy(), isReversed); } /** * Sorts the list by proximity to the given target color using the given * {@link DistanceProxy} implementation. * * @param target * color * @param proxy * distance metrics * @param isReversed * true, if reverse sorted * @return sorted list */ public ColorList sortByProximityTo(ReadonlyTColor target, DistanceProxy proxy, boolean isReversed) { return sortByComparator(new ProximityComparator(target, proxy), isReversed); } /** * Creates an ARGB integer array of the list items. * * @return all list colors as ARGB values */ public int[] toARGBArray() { int[] array = new int[colors.size()]; int i = 0; for (ReadonlyTColor c : colors) { array[i++] = c.toARGB(); } return array; } }