/* Lasem * * Copyright © 2009 Emmanuel Pacaud * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Author: * Emmanuel Pacaud */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static GObjectClass *parent_class; /* GdomNode implementation */ static const char * lsm_svg_svg_element_get_node_name (LsmDomNode *node) { return "svg"; } /* LsmSvgElement implementation */ void lsm_svg_svg_element_measure (LsmSvgSvgElement *self, LsmSvgView *view, double *width, double *height) { LsmSvgViewbox *svg_viewbox; LsmBox viewport; gboolean is_outermost_svg; double resolution_ppi; double svg_x; double svg_y; double svg_width; double svg_height; double font_size; g_return_if_fail (LSM_IS_SVG_SVG_ELEMENT (self)); resolution_ppi = lsm_dom_view_get_resolution (LSM_DOM_VIEW (view)); viewport = lsm_dom_view_get_viewport_pixels (LSM_DOM_VIEW (view)); svg_viewbox = lsm_svg_viewbox_new (resolution_ppi, &viewport); font_size = 10 * resolution_ppi / 72.0; is_outermost_svg = LSM_IS_SVG_DOCUMENT (lsm_dom_node_get_parent_node (LSM_DOM_NODE (self))); if (lsm_attribute_is_defined (&self->x.base) && !is_outermost_svg) svg_x = lsm_svg_length_normalize (&self->x.length, svg_viewbox, font_size, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL); else svg_x = viewport.x; if (lsm_attribute_is_defined (&self->y.base) && !is_outermost_svg) svg_y = lsm_svg_length_normalize (&self->y.length, svg_viewbox, font_size, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_VERTICAL); else svg_y = viewport.y; if (lsm_attribute_is_defined (&self->width.base)) svg_width = lsm_svg_length_normalize (&self->width.length, svg_viewbox, font_size, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL); else svg_width = viewport.width; if (lsm_attribute_is_defined (&self->height.base)) svg_height = lsm_svg_length_normalize (&self->height.length, svg_viewbox, font_size, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_VERTICAL); else svg_height = viewport.height; if (width != NULL) *width = svg_width * 72.0 / resolution_ppi; if (height != NULL) *height = svg_height * 72.0 / resolution_ppi; self->svg_box.x = svg_x; self->svg_box.y = svg_y; self->svg_box.width = svg_width; self->svg_box.height = svg_height; lsm_debug_measure ("[LsmSvgSvgElement::measure] Size = %g, %g, %g, %g", svg_x, svg_y, svg_width, svg_height); lsm_svg_viewbox_free (svg_viewbox); } /* LsmSvgGraphic implementation */ static void _svg_element_render (LsmSvgElement *self, LsmSvgView *view) { LsmSvgSvgElement *svg = LSM_SVG_SVG_ELEMENT (self); gboolean is_viewbox_defined; gboolean is_outermost_svg; LsmBox viewport; is_outermost_svg = LSM_IS_SVG_DOCUMENT (lsm_dom_node_get_parent_node (LSM_DOM_NODE (self))); if (is_outermost_svg) { /* outermost svg - ignore x and y */ viewport.x = 0; viewport.y = 0; } else { viewport.x = lsm_svg_view_normalize_length (view, &svg->x.length, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL); viewport.y = lsm_svg_view_normalize_length (view, &svg->y.length, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_VERTICAL); } viewport.width = lsm_svg_view_normalize_length (view, &svg->width.length, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL); viewport.height = lsm_svg_view_normalize_length (view, &svg->height.length, LSM_SVG_LENGTH_DIRECTION_VERTICAL); is_viewbox_defined = lsm_attribute_is_defined ((LsmAttribute *) &svg->viewbox); if (is_viewbox_defined && (svg->viewbox.value.width == 0.0 || svg->viewbox.value.height == 0.0)) return; if (viewport.width <= 0.0 || viewport.height <= 0.0) return; lsm_debug_render ("[LsmSvgSvgElement::render] viewport %g, %g, %g, %g", viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.width, viewport.height); lsm_svg_view_show_viewport (view, &viewport); lsm_svg_view_push_viewport (view, &viewport, is_viewbox_defined ? &svg->viewbox.value : NULL, &svg->preserve_aspect_ratio.value, is_outermost_svg ? LSM_SVG_OVERFLOW_VISIBLE : LSM_SVG_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN); LSM_SVG_ELEMENT_CLASS (parent_class)->render (self, view); lsm_svg_view_pop_viewport (view); } /* LsmSvgSvgElement implementation */ void lsm_svg_svg_element_render (LsmSvgSvgElement *svg, LsmSvgView *view) { gboolean is_outermost_svg; is_outermost_svg = LSM_IS_SVG_DOCUMENT (lsm_dom_node_get_parent_node (LSM_DOM_NODE (svg))); lsm_svg_view_push_viewport (view, &svg->svg_box, NULL, NULL, is_outermost_svg ? LSM_SVG_OVERFLOW_VISIBLE : LSM_SVG_OVERFLOW_HIDDEN); lsm_svg_element_render (LSM_SVG_ELEMENT (svg), view); lsm_svg_view_pop_viewport (view); } LsmDomNode * lsm_svg_svg_element_new (void) { return g_object_new (LSM_TYPE_SVG_SVG_ELEMENT, NULL); } static const LsmSvgLength x_y_default = { .value_unit = 0.0, .type = LSM_SVG_LENGTH_TYPE_PERCENTAGE}; static const LsmSvgLength width_height_default = { .value_unit = 100.0, .type = LSM_SVG_LENGTH_TYPE_PERCENTAGE}; static const LsmBox viewbox_default = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; static const LsmSvgPreserveAspectRatio preserve_aspect_ratio_default = { .defer = FALSE, .align = LSM_SVG_ALIGN_X_MID_Y_MID, .meet_or_slice = LSM_SVG_MEET_OR_SLICE_MEET }; static void lsm_svg_svg_element_init (LsmSvgSvgElement *self) { self->x.length = x_y_default; self->y.length = x_y_default; self->width.length = width_height_default; self->height.length = width_height_default; self->viewbox.value = viewbox_default; self->preserve_aspect_ratio.value = preserve_aspect_ratio_default; } static void lsm_svg_svg_element_finalize (GObject *object) { parent_class->finalize (object); } /* LsmSvgSvgElement class */ static const LsmAttributeInfos lsm_svg_svg_element_attribute_infos[] = { { .name = "x", .attribute_offset = offsetof (LsmSvgSvgElement, x), .trait_class = &lsm_svg_length_trait_class, .trait_default = &x_y_default }, { .name = "y", .attribute_offset = offsetof (LsmSvgSvgElement, y), .trait_class = &lsm_svg_length_trait_class, .trait_default = &x_y_default }, { .name = "width", .attribute_offset = offsetof (LsmSvgSvgElement, width), .trait_class = &lsm_svg_length_trait_class, .trait_default = &width_height_default }, { .name = "height", .attribute_offset = offsetof (LsmSvgSvgElement, height), .trait_class = &lsm_svg_length_trait_class, .trait_default = &width_height_default }, { .name = "viewBox", .attribute_offset = offsetof (LsmSvgSvgElement, viewbox), .trait_class = &lsm_box_trait_class, .trait_default = &viewbox_default }, { .name = "preserveAspectRatio", .attribute_offset = offsetof (LsmSvgSvgElement, preserve_aspect_ratio), .trait_class = &lsm_svg_preserve_aspect_ratio_trait_class, .trait_default = &preserve_aspect_ratio_default } }; static void lsm_svg_svg_element_class_init (LsmSvgSvgElementClass *s_svg_class) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (s_svg_class); LsmDomNodeClass *d_node_class = LSM_DOM_NODE_CLASS (s_svg_class); LsmSvgElementClass *s_element_class = LSM_SVG_ELEMENT_CLASS (s_svg_class); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (s_svg_class); object_class->finalize = lsm_svg_svg_element_finalize; d_node_class->get_node_name = lsm_svg_svg_element_get_node_name; s_element_class->category = LSM_SVG_ELEMENT_CATEGORY_CONTAINER | LSM_SVG_ELEMENT_CATEGORY_STRUCTURAL; s_element_class->render = _svg_element_render; s_element_class->attribute_manager = lsm_attribute_manager_duplicate (s_element_class->attribute_manager); lsm_attribute_manager_add_attributes (s_element_class->attribute_manager, G_N_ELEMENTS (lsm_svg_svg_element_attribute_infos), lsm_svg_svg_element_attribute_infos); } G_DEFINE_TYPE (LsmSvgSvgElement, lsm_svg_svg_element, LSM_TYPE_SVG_ELEMENT)