# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe CouchRest::Model::Property do before(:each) do reset_test_db! @card = Card.new(:first_name => "matt") end it "should be accessible from the object" do @card.properties.should be_an_instance_of(Array) @card.properties.map{|p| p.name}.should include("first_name") end it "should list object properties with values" do @card.properties_with_values.should be_an_instance_of(Hash) @card.properties_with_values["first_name"].should == "matt" end it "should let you access a property value (getter)" do @card.first_name.should == "matt" end it "should let you set a property value (setter)" do @card.last_name = "Aimonetti" @card.last_name.should == "Aimonetti" end it "should not let you set a property value if it's read only" do lambda{@card.read_only_value = "test"}.should raise_error end it "should let you use an alias for an attribute" do @card.last_name = "Aimonetti" @card.family_name.should == "Aimonetti" @card.family_name.should == @card.last_name end it "should let you use an alias for a casted attribute" do @card.cast_alias = Person.new(:name => ["Aimonetti"]) @card.cast_alias.name.should == ["Aimonetti"] @card.calias.name.should == ["Aimonetti"] card = Card.new(:first_name => "matt", :cast_alias => {:name => ["Aimonetti"]}) card.cast_alias.name.should == ["Aimonetti"] card.calias.name.should == ["Aimonetti"] end it "should raise error if property name coincides with model type key" do lambda { Cat.property(Cat.model_type_key) }.should raise_error(/already used/) end it "should not raise error if property name coincides with model type key on non-model" do lambda { Person.property(Article.model_type_key) }.should_not raise_error end it "should be auto timestamped" do @card.created_at.should be_nil @card.updated_at.should be_nil @card.save.should be_true @card.created_at.should_not be_nil @card.updated_at.should_not be_nil end describe "#as_couch_json" do it "should provide a simple hash from model" do @card.as_couch_json.class.should eql(Hash) end it "should remove properties from Hash if value is nil" do @card.last_name = nil @card.as_couch_json.keys.include?('last_name').should be_false end end describe "#as_json" do it "should provide a simple hash from model" do @card.as_json.class.should eql(Hash) end it "should pass options to Active Support's as_json" do @card.last_name = "Aimonetti" @card.as_json(:only => 'last_name').should eql('last_name' => 'Aimonetti') end end describe '#read_attribute' do it "should let you use read_attribute method" do @card.last_name = "Aimonetti" @card.read_attribute(:last_name).should eql('Aimonetti') @card.read_attribute('last_name').should eql('Aimonetti') last_name_prop = @card.properties.find{|p| p.name == 'last_name'} @card.read_attribute(last_name_prop).should eql('Aimonetti') end it 'should raise an error if the property does not exist' do expect { @card.read_attribute(:this_property_should_not_exist) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe '#write_attribute' do it "should let you use write_attribute method" do @card.write_attribute(:last_name, 'Aimonetti 1') @card.last_name.should eql('Aimonetti 1') @card.write_attribute('last_name', 'Aimonetti 2') @card.last_name.should eql('Aimonetti 2') last_name_prop = @card.properties.find{|p| p.name == 'last_name'} @card.write_attribute(last_name_prop, 'Aimonetti 3') @card.last_name.should eql('Aimonetti 3') end it 'should raise an error if the property does not exist' do expect { @card.write_attribute(:this_property_should_not_exist, 823) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should let you use write_attribute on readonly properties" do lambda { @card.read_only_value = "foo" }.should raise_error @card.write_attribute(:read_only_value, "foo") @card.read_only_value.should == 'foo' end it "should cast via write_attribute" do @card.write_attribute(:cast_alias, {:name => ["Sam", "Lown"]}) @card.cast_alias.class.should eql(Person) @card.cast_alias.name.last.should eql("Lown") end it "should not cast via write_attribute if property not casted" do @card.write_attribute(:first_name, {:name => "Sam"}) @card.first_name.class.should eql(Hash) @card.first_name[:name].should eql("Sam") end end describe "mass updating attributes without property" do describe "when mass_assign_any_attribute false" do it "should not allow them to be set" do @card.attributes = {:test => 'fooobar'} @card['test'].should be_nil end it 'should not allow them to be updated with update_attributes' do @card.update_attributes(:test => 'fooobar') @card['test'].should be_nil end it 'should not have a different revision after update_attributes' do @card.save rev = @card.rev @card.update_attributes(:test => 'fooobar') @card.rev.should eql(rev) end it 'should not have a different revision after save' do @card.save rev = @card.rev @card.attributes = {:test => 'fooobar'} @card.save @card.rev.should eql(rev) end end describe "when mass_assign_any_attribute true" do before(:each) do # dup Card class so that no other tests are effected card_class = Card.dup card_class.class_eval do mass_assign_any_attribute true end @card = card_class.new(:first_name => 'Sam') end it 'should allow them to be updated' do @card.attributes = {:testing => 'fooobar'} @card['testing'].should eql('fooobar') end it 'should allow them to be updated with update_attributes' do @card.update_attributes(:testing => 'fooobar') @card['testing'].should eql('fooobar') end it 'should have a different revision after update_attributes' do @card.save rev = @card.rev @card.update_attributes(:testing => 'fooobar') @card.rev.should_not eql(rev) end it 'should have a different revision after save' do @card.save rev = @card.rev @card.attributes = {:testing => 'fooobar'} @card.save @card.rev.should_not eql(rev) end end end describe "mass assignment protection" do it "should not store protected attribute using mass assignment" do cat_toy = CatToy.new(:name => "Zorro") cat = Cat.create(:name => "Helena", :toys => [cat_toy], :favorite_toy => cat_toy, :number => 1) cat.number.should be_nil cat.number = 1 cat.save cat.number.should == 1 end it "should not store protected attribute when 'declare accessible poperties, assume all the rest are protected'" do user = User.create(:name => "Marcos Tapajós", :admin => true) user.admin.should be_nil end it "should not store protected attribute when 'declare protected properties, assume all the rest are accessible'" do user = SpecialUser.create(:name => "Marcos Tapajós", :admin => true) user.admin.should be_nil end end describe "validation" do before(:each) do @invoice = Invoice.new(:client_name => "matt", :employee_name => "Chris", :location => "San Diego, CA") end it "should be able to be validated" do @card.valid?.should == true end it "should let you validate the presence of an attribute" do @card.first_name = nil @card.should_not be_valid @card.errors.should_not be_empty @card.errors[:first_name].should == ["can't be blank"] end it "should let you look up errors for a field by a string name" do @card.first_name = nil @card.should_not be_valid @card.errors['first_name'].should == ["can't be blank"] end it "should validate the presence of 2 attributes" do @invoice.clear @invoice.should_not be_valid @invoice.errors.should_not be_empty @invoice.errors[:client_name].should == ["can't be blank"] @invoice.errors[:employee_name].should_not be_empty end it "should let you set an error message" do @invoice.location = nil @invoice.valid? @invoice.errors[:location].should == ["Hey stupid!, you forgot the location"] end it "should validate before saving" do @invoice.location = nil @invoice.should_not be_valid @invoice.save.should be_false @invoice.should be_new end end end describe "properties of hash of casted models" do it "should be able to assign a casted hash to a hash property" do chain = KeyChain.new keys = {"House" => "8==$", "Office" => "<>==U"} chain.keys = keys chain.keys = chain.keys chain.keys.should == keys end end describe "properties of array of casted models" do before(:each) do @course = Course.new :title => 'Test Course' end it "should allow attribute to be set from an array of objects" do @course.questions = [Question.new(:q => "works?"), Question.new(:q => "Meaning of Life?")] @course.questions.length.should eql(2) end it "should allow attribute to be set from an array of hashes" do @course.questions = [{:q => "works?"}, {:q => "Meaning of Life?"}] @course.questions.length.should eql(2) @course.questions.last.q.should eql("Meaning of Life?") @course.questions.last.class.should eql(Question) # typecasting end it "should allow attribute to be set from hash with ordered keys and objects" do @course.questions = { '0' => Question.new(:q => "Test1"), '1' => Question.new(:q => 'Test2') } @course.questions.length.should eql(2) @course.questions.last.q.should eql('Test2') @course.questions.last.class.should eql(Question) end it "should allow attribute to be set from hash with ordered keys and sub-hashes" do @course.questions = { '10' => {:q => 'Test10'}, '0' => {:q => "Test1"}, '1' => {:q => 'Test2'} } @course.questions.length.should eql(3) @course.questions.last.q.should eql('Test10') @course.questions.last.class.should eql(Question) end it "should allow attribute to be set from hash with ordered keys and HashWithIndifferentAccess" do # This is similar to what you'd find in an HTML POST parameters hash = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new({ '0' => {:q => "Test1"}, '1' => {:q => 'Test2'} }) @course.questions = hash @course.questions.length.should eql(2) @course.questions.last.q.should eql('Test2') @course.questions.last.class.should eql(Question) end it "should raise an error if attempting to set single value for array type" do lambda { @course.questions = Question.new(:q => 'test1') }.should raise_error(/Expecting an array/) end end describe "a casted model retrieved from the database" do before(:each) do reset_test_db! @cat = Cat.new(:name => 'Stimpy') @cat.favorite_toy = CatToy.new(:name => 'Stinky') @cat.toys << CatToy.new(:name => 'Feather') @cat.toys << CatToy.new(:name => 'Mouse') @cat.save @cat = Cat.get(@cat.id) end describe "as a casted property" do it "should already be casted_by its parent" do @cat.favorite_toy.casted_by.should === @cat end end describe "from a casted collection" do it "should already be casted_by its parent" do @cat.toys[0].casted_by.should === @cat @cat.toys[1].casted_by.should === @cat end end end describe "nested models (not casted)" do before(:each) do reset_test_db! @cat = ChildCat.new(:name => 'Stimpy') @cat.mother = {:name => 'Stinky'} @cat.siblings = [{:name => 'Feather'}, {:name => 'Felix'}] @cat.save @cat = ChildCat.get(@cat.id) end it "should correctly save single relation" do @cat.mother.name.should eql('Stinky') @cat.mother.casted_by.should eql(@cat) end it "should correctly save collection" do @cat.siblings.first.name.should eql("Feather") @cat.siblings.last.casted_by.should eql(@cat) end end describe "Property Class" do let :klass do CouchRest::Model::Property end it "should provide name as string" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => String) property.name.should eql('test') property.to_s.should eql('test') end it "should provide name as a symbol" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => String) property.name.to_sym.should eql(:test) property.to_sym.should eql(:test) end it "should provide class from type" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => String) property.type.should eql(String) property.array.should be_false end it "should provide base class from type in array" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => [String]) property.type.should eql(String) property.array.should be_true end it "should provide base class and set array type" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => String, :array => true) property.type.should eql(String) property.array.should be_true end it "should raise error if type as string requested" do lambda { property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => 'String') }.should raise_error end it "should leave type nil and return class as nil also" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => nil) property.type.should be_nil end it "should convert empty type array to [Object]" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => []) property.type.should eql(Object) end it "should set init method option or leave as 'new'" do # (bad example! Time already typecast) property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => Time) property.init_method.should eql('new') property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => Time, :init_method => 'parse') property.init_method.should eql('parse') end it "should set the allow_blank option to true by default" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => String) property.allow_blank.should be_true end it "should allow setting of the allow_blank option to false" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => String, :allow_blank => false) property.allow_blank.should be_false end it "should convert block to type" do prop = klass.new(:test) do property :testing end prop.array.should be_false prop.type.should_not be_nil prop.type.class.should eql(Class) obj = prop.type.new obj.should respond_to(:testing) end it "should convert block to type with array" do prop = klass.new(:test, :array => true) do property :testing end prop.type.should_not be_nil prop.type.class.should eql(Class) prop.array.should be_true end describe "#build" do it "should allow instantiation of new object" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => Date) obj = property.build(2011, 05, 21) obj.should eql(Date.new(2011, 05, 21)) end it "should use init_method if provided" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => Date, :init_method => 'parse') obj = property.build("2011-05-21") obj.should eql(Date.new(2011, 05, 21)) end it "should use init_method Proc if provided" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => Date, :init_method => Proc.new{|v| Date.parse(v)}) obj = property.build("2011-05-21") obj.should eql(Date.new(2011, 05, 21)) end it "should raise error if no class" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test) lambda { property.build }.should raise_error(StandardError, /Cannot build/) end end ## Property Casting method. More thoroughly tested in typecast_spec. describe "casting" do it "should cast a value" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => Date) parent = mock("FooObject") property.cast(parent, "2010-06-16").should eql(Date.new(2010, 6, 16)) property.cast_value(parent, "2010-06-16").should eql(Date.new(2010, 6, 16)) end it "should cast an array of values" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => [Date]) parent = mock("FooObject") property.cast(parent, ["2010-06-01", "2010-06-02"]).should eql([Date.new(2010, 6, 1), Date.new(2010, 6, 2)]) end it "should cast an array of values with array option" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => Date, :array => true) parent = mock("FooObject") property.cast(parent, ["2010-06-01", "2010-06-02"]).should eql([Date.new(2010, 6, 1), Date.new(2010, 6, 2)]) end context "when allow_blank is false" do let :parent do mock("FooObject") end it "should convert blank to nil" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => String, :allow_blank => false) property.cast(parent, "").should be_nil end it "should remove blank array entries" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => [String], :allow_blank => false) property.cast(parent, ["", "foo"]).should eql(["foo"]) end end it "should set a CastedArray on array of Objects" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => [Object]) parent = mock("FooObject") property.cast(parent, ["2010-06-01", "2010-06-02"]).class.should eql(CouchRest::Model::CastedArray) end it "should set a CastedArray on array of Strings" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => [String]) parent = mock("FooObject") property.cast(parent, ["2010-06-01", "2010-06-02"]).class.should eql(CouchRest::Model::CastedArray) end it "should allow instantion of model via CastedArray#build" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:dates, :type => [Date]) parent = Article.new ary = property.cast(parent, []) obj = ary.build(2011, 05, 21) ary.length.should eql(1) ary.first.should eql(Date.new(2011, 05, 21)) obj = ary.build(2011, 05, 22) ary.length.should eql(2) ary.last.should eql(Date.new(2011, 05, 22)) end it "should cast an object that provides an array" do prop = Class.new do attr_accessor :ary def initialize(val); self.ary = val; end def as_json; ary; end end property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => prop) parent = mock("FooClass") cast = property.cast(parent, [1, 2]) cast.ary.should eql([1, 2]) end it "should set parent as casted_by object in CastedArray" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => [Object]) parent = mock("FooObject") property.cast(parent, ["2010-06-01", "2010-06-02"]).casted_by.should eql(parent) end it "should set casted_by on new value" do property = CouchRest::Model::Property.new(:test, :type => CatToy) parent = mock("CatObject") cast = property.cast(parent, {:name => 'catnip'}) cast.casted_by.should eql(parent) end end end