This class is used for getting the pages from the wordpress database
The above will find the user with id of 1 and retrieve all of the pages they have ever made
The above will find the pge with id of 1
Retrieves the page with the sepcified id
Retrieves all of the pages in the database
The title of the page
Set the title of the page
The content of the page
Set the content of the page
The pages` id
The User id of who created the Page
The above returns the User that the page belongs to
The date the page was created
The date the page was created in gmt/utc time
The content of the page
The title of the page
The excerpt of the page
The status of the page e.g. Published
Whether or not comments are allowed e.g. open
Whether or not pings are allowed e.g. open
The password (if any) required to view the page
The url version of the page e.g. example-page
The date the page last edited
The date the page last edited in gmt/utc time
The pages parent id (if any)
The full url to the page
The order at which the page sits in the menu
The type of the post e.g. page or post (will always be page)
The mime type of the post
The amount of comments on the page
Used and created by wpb for activerecord inheritance