require 'json' require 'faraday' module Tgbot API_URL = ''.freeze TYPES = JSON.parse( File.expand_path '../types.json' , __dir__).freeze METHODS = JSON.parse( File.expand_path '../methods.json', __dir__).freeze # This bot supports a minimal usage of Telegram Bot APIs. # bot = TOKEN, proxy: '' # # API's methods' input and output are hash. # bot.get_updates offset: 0 #=> { 'ok' => 'true', 'result' => [] } # # It will check type of params before post method, and # if invalid, it will raise an error with detail. class Bot attr_accessor :token # Initialize a bot, and call getMe at once to see if given token is valid. # If everything ok, the bot will get its id and name and so on. # token :: String = TOKEN of your bot from botfather # opts :: Hash = Options passed to def initialize(token, **opts) @token = token get_connection(**opts) identify_self end # Get bot's info. def identify_self x = get_me if x['ok'] @me = x['result'] else raise ArgumentError, 'not found myself, check your token.' end end # Shortcuts for bot's info. def id ; @me && @me['id'] ; end def first_name; @me && @me['first_name']; end def username ; @me && @me['username'] ; end alias name first_name # Connect to API_URL. It will take few seconds. # opts :: Hash = Options passed to def get_connection(**opts) @conn = API_URL, **opts) do |faraday| faraday.request :multipart faraday.request :url_encoded faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter end end # Verify methods and params then call(post) it. # `:get_me' and `:getMe' are both valid. def method_missing(meth, **kwargs) camelized_meth = camelize meth meth_body = METHODS[camelized_meth] super unless meth_body ret, params = meth_body.values_at 'ret', 'params' check_params! (JSON.parse JSON.generate kwargs), params call camelized_meth, kwargs end def call meth, kwargs JSON.parse"/bot#{@token}/#{meth}", kwargs).body rescue {} end # Check args to meet method declaration. Raises error if invalid. def check_params! kwargs, params params.each do |param, info| arg = kwargs[param] type, optional = info.values_at 'type', 'optional' if (arg.nil? && !optional) || (!arg.nil? && !check_type(arg, type)) raise ArgumentError, "[#{param}] should be #{type}\n#{error_message_of_type type}" end end end # Get declaration of type in form of: # User := { id :: Integer, first_name :: String } def error_message_of_type type (type.delete('[]').split('|') - ['True', 'Boolean', 'Integer', 'Float', 'String']).map { |type| "#{type} := { #{TYPES[type].map { |field, info| "#{info['optional'] ? '' : '*'}#{field} :: #{info['type']}" }.join(', ')} }" }.join(' ') end # Check arg to meet type declaration. Returns false if invalid. def check_type arg, type case type when 'True' then return arg == true when 'Boolean' then return arg == true || arg == false when 'Integer' then return arg.is_a? Integer when 'Float' then return arg.is_a? Float when 'String' then return arg.is_a? String end if type[0] == '[' return arg.is_a?(Array) ? arg.all? { |a| check_type a, type[1..-2] } : false elsif type.include? '|' return type.split('|').any? { |t| check_type arg, t } end return false unless TYPES[type] check_params(arg, TYPES[type]) end # Check args to meet method declaration. Returns false if invalid. def check_params kwargs, params check_params!(kwargs, params) true rescue false end def get_types end def get_methods { |e| underscore e }.map(&:to_sym) end # Transform 'TheName' or 'theName' to 'the_name'. def underscore str str.gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2') .gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2').downcase end # Transform 'the_name' to 'theName'. def camelize meth ret = String(meth).split('_') ret.drop(1).map(&:capitalize!) ret.join end def inspect "#" end end end