describe("Ropenlayer", function() { //var testMap; /* beforeEach(function() { player = new Player(); song = new Song(); });*/ it("should be able to crete map continer", function() { // create a new element var testRopenlayerContainer = document.createElement('div'); testRopenlayerContainer.setAttribute('id', 'ropenlayer_test_map'); testRopenlayerContainer.setAttribute('style', 'background-color: red; widht: 800px; height: 400px;'); x = document.body.appendChild(testRopenlayerContainer); //reget it y = document.getElementById('ropenlayer_test_map'); expect('ropenlayer_test_map'); }); it("should create a new map container", function () { // add first OpenLayers Lib var testRopenlayerContainer = document.createElement('div'); // testMap = setTestMap(); }); });