{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe) import Test.Hspec.Runner (configFastFail, defaultConfig, hspecWith) import Robot ( Bearing ( East , North , South , West ) , bearing , coordinates , mkRobot , simulate , turnLeft , turnRight ) main :: IO () main = hspecWith defaultConfig {configFastFail = True} specs specs :: Spec specs = describe "robot-simulator" $ do -- Test cases adapted from `exercism/x-common/robot-simulator.json` -- on 2016-08-02. Some deviations exist and are noted in comments. describe "mkRobot" $ do -- The function described by the reference file -- as `create` is called `mkRobot` in this track. it "A robot is created with a position and a direction" $ do let robot = mkRobot North (0, 0) coordinates robot `shouldBe` (0, 0) bearing robot `shouldBe` North it "Negative positions are allowed" $ do let robot = mkRobot South (-1, -1) coordinates robot `shouldBe` (-1, -1) bearing robot `shouldBe` South -- The reference tests for `turnLeft` and `turnRight` describe -- functions that are applied to robots positioned at (0, 0). -- In this track, they are functions over directions, so those -- test cases cannot be completely implemented. describe "turnRight" $ do it "turn from North" $ turnRight North `shouldBe` East it "turn from East" $ turnRight East `shouldBe` South it "turn from South" $ turnRight South `shouldBe` West it "turn from West" $ turnRight West `shouldBe` North describe "turnLeft" $ do it "turn from North" $ turnLeft North `shouldBe` West it "turn from West" $ turnLeft West `shouldBe` South it "turn from South" $ turnLeft South `shouldBe` East it "turn from East" $ turnLeft East `shouldBe` North describe "simulate advance" $ do -- The function described by the reference file as `advance` -- doesn't exist in this track, so we test `simulate` with "A". let dir `from` pos = simulate (mkRobot dir pos) "A" it "does not change the direction" $ bearing (North `from` (0, 0)) `shouldBe` North it "increases the y coordinate one when facing north" $ coordinates (North `from` (0, 0)) `shouldBe` (0, 1) it "decreases the y coordinate by one when facing south" $ coordinates (South `from` (0, 0)) `shouldBe` (0, -1) it "increases the x coordinate by one when facing east" $ coordinates (East `from` (0, 0)) `shouldBe` (1, 0) it "decreases the x coordinate by one when facing west" $ coordinates (West `from` (0, 0)) `shouldBe `(-1, 0) describe "simulate" $ do -- The function described by the reference file as -- `instructions` is called `simulate` in this track. let simulation pos dir = simulate (mkRobot dir pos) it "instructions to move west and north" $ do let robot = simulation (0, 0) North "LAAARALA" coordinates robot `shouldBe` (-4, 1) bearing robot `shouldBe` West it "instructions to move west and south" $ do let robot = simulation (2, -7) East "RRAAAAALA" coordinates robot `shouldBe` (-3, -8) bearing robot `shouldBe` South it "instructions to move east and north" $ do let robot = simulation (8, 4) South "LAAARRRALLLL" coordinates robot `shouldBe` (11, 5) bearing robot `shouldBe` North