# frozen_string_literal: true include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers CR_STEPS = { "action_cable" => "Action Cable", "webpacker" => "CableReady using Webpacker", "shakapacker" => "CableReady using Shakapacker", "npm_packages" => "Install CableReady npm package", "importmap" => "Install CableReady using importmaps", "esbuild" => "Install CableReady using esbuild", "config" => "Client initialization", "initializers" => "Generate and configure initializer", "development" => "development environment configuration", "spring" => "Disable spring gem. Spring has been removed from Rails 7", "mrujs" => "Swap out UJS for mrujs", "broadcaster" => "Make CableReady::Broadcaster available to channels, controllers, jobs and models", "updatable" => "Include CableReady::Updatable in Active Record model classes", "vite" => "CableReady using Vite", "compression" => "Compress WebSockets traffic with gzip" } CR_BUNDLERS = { "webpacker" => ["npm_packages", "webpacker", "config", "action_cable", "development", "initializers", "broadcaster", "updatable", "spring", "yarn", "bundle"], "esbuild" => ["npm_packages", "esbuild", "config", "action_cable", "development", "initializers", "broadcaster", "updatable", "spring", "yarn", "bundle"], "vite" => ["npm_packages", "vite", "config", "action_cable", "development", "initializers", "broadcaster", "updatable", "spring", "yarn", "bundle"], "shakapacker" => ["npm_packages", "shakapacker", "config", "action_cable", "development", "initializers", "broadcaster", "updatable", "spring", "yarn", "bundle"], "importmap" => ["config", "action_cable", "importmap", "development", "initializers", "broadcaster", "updatable", "spring", "bundle"] } def run_install_template(template, force: false, trace: false) puts "--- [#{template}] ----" if Rails.root.join("tmp/cable_ready_installer/halt").exist? FileUtils.rm(Rails.root.join("tmp/cable_ready_installer/halt")) puts "CableReady installation halted. Please fix the issues above and try again." exit end if Rails.root.join("tmp/cable_ready_installer/#{template}").exist? && !force puts "👍 Step #{template} already completed. Skipping." return end system "#{RbConfig.ruby} ./bin/rails app:template LOCATION=#{File.expand_path("../../install/#{template}.rb", __dir__)} SKIP_SANITY_CHECK=true #{"--trace" if trace}" puts end namespace :cable_ready do desc "✨ Install CableReady ✨" task :install do FileUtils.mkdir_p(Rails.root.join("tmp/cable_ready_installer/templates")) FileUtils.mkdir_p(Rails.root.join("tmp/cable_ready_installer/working")) install_complete = Rails.root.join("tmp/cable_ready_installer/complete") bundler = nil options = {} ARGV.each do |arg| # make sure we have a valid build tool specified, or proceed to automatic detection if ["webpacker", "esbuild", "vite", "shakapacker", "importmap"].include?(arg) bundler = arg else kv = arg.split("=") if kv.length == 2 kv[1] = if kv[1] == "true" true else (kv[1] == "false") ? false : kv[1] end options[kv[0]] = kv[1] end end end options_path = Rails.root.join("tmp/cable_ready_installer/options") options_path.write(options.to_yaml) if defined?(StimulusReflex) puts "✨ \e[38;5;220mStimulusReflex\e[0m is present in this project ✨" puts puts "CableReady will be installed with StimulusReflex. Just run: \e[38;5;231mrails stimulus_reflex:install\e[0m" puts puts "Get help on Discord: \e[4;97mhttps://discord.gg/stimulus-reflex\e[0m. \e[38;5;196mWe are here for you.\e[0m 💙" puts exit end if install_complete.exist? puts "✨ \e[38;5;220mCableReady\e[0m is already installed ✨" puts puts "To restart the installation process, run: \e[38;5;231mrails cable_ready:install:restart\e[0m" puts puts "To get started, check out \e[4;97mhttps://cableready.stimulusreflex.com/guide/cableready-101\e[0m" puts "or get help on Discord: \e[4;97mhttps://discord.gg/stimulus-reflex\e[0m. \e[38;5;196mWe are here for you.\e[0m 💙" puts exit end # if there is an installation in progress, continue where we left off cached_entrypoint = Rails.root.join("tmp/cable_ready_installer/entrypoint") if cached_entrypoint.exist? entrypoint = File.read(cached_entrypoint) puts "✨ Resuming \e[38;5;220mCableReady\e[0m installation ✨" puts puts "If you have any setup issues, please consult \e[4;97mhttps://cableready.stimulusreflex.com/hello-world/setup\e[0m" puts "or get help on Discord: \e[4;97mhttps://discord.gg/stimulus-reflex\e[0m. \e[38;5;196mWe are here for you.\e[0m 💙" puts puts "Resuming installation into \e[1m#{entrypoint}\e[22m" puts "Run \e[1;94mrails cable_ready:install:restart\e[0m to restart the installation process" puts else puts "✨ Installing \e[38;5;220mCableReady\e[0m ✨" puts puts "If you have any setup issues, please consult \e[4;97mhttps://cableready.stimulusreflex.com/hello-world/setup\e[0m" puts "or get help on Discord: \e[4;97mhttps://discord.gg/stimulus-reflex\e[0m. \e[38;5;196mWe are here for you.\e[0m 💙" if Rails.root.join(".git").exist? puts puts "We recommend running \e[1;94mgit commit\e[0m before proceeding. A diff will be generated at the end." end if options.key? "entrypoint" entrypoint = options["entrypoint"] else entrypoint = [ "app/javascript", "app/frontend" ].find { |path| File.exist?(Rails.root.join(path)) } || "app/javascript" puts puts "Where do JavaScript files live in your app? Our best guess is: \e[1m#{entrypoint}\e[22m 🤔" puts "Press enter to accept this, or type a different path." print "> " input = $stdin.gets.chomp entrypoint = input unless input.blank? end File.write(cached_entrypoint, entrypoint) end # verify their bundler before starting, unless they explicitly specified on CLI if !bundler # auto-detect build tool based on existing packages and configuration if Rails.root.join("config/importmap.rb").exist? bundler = "importmap" elsif Rails.root.join("package.json").exist? package_json = File.read(Rails.root.join("package.json")) bundler = "webpacker" if package_json.include?('"@rails/webpacker":') bundler = "esbuild" if package_json.include?('"esbuild":') bundler = "vite" if package_json.include?('"vite":') bundler = "shakapacker" if package_json.include?('"shakapacker":') if !bundler puts "❌ You must be using a node-based bundler such as esbuild, webpacker, vite or shakapacker (package.json) or importmap (config/importmap.rb) to use CableReady." exit end else puts "❌ You must be using a node-based bundler such as esbuild, webpacker, vite or shakapacker (package.json) or importmap (config/importmap.rb) to use CableReady." exit end puts puts "It looks like you're using \e[1m#{bundler}\e[22m as your bundler. Is that correct? (Y/n)" print "> " input = $stdin.gets.chomp if input.downcase == "n" puts puts "CableReady installation supports: esbuild, webpacker, vite, shakapacker and importmap." puts "Please run \e[1;94mrails cable_ready:install [bundler]\e[0m to install CableReady." exit end end File.write("tmp/cable_ready_installer/bundler", bundler) FileUtils.touch("tmp/cable_ready_installer/backups") File.write("tmp/cable_ready_installer/template_src", File.expand_path("../../generators/cable_ready/templates/", __dir__)) # do the things CR_BUNDLERS[bundler].each do |template| run_install_template(template, trace: !!options["trace"]) end puts puts "🎉 \e[1;92mCableReady has been successfully installed!\e[22m 🎉" puts puts "👉 \e[4;97mhttps://cableready.stimulusreflex.com/guide/cableready-101\e[0m" puts puts "Join over 2000 CableReady developers on Discord: \e[4;97mhttps://discord.gg/stimulus-reflex\e[0m" puts backups = File.readlines("tmp/cable_ready_installer/backups").map(&:chomp) if backups.any? puts "🙆 The following files were modified during installation:" puts backups.each { |backup| puts " #{backup}" } puts puts "Each of these files has been backed up with a .bak extension. Please review the changes carefully." puts "If you're happy with the changes, you can delete the .bak files." puts end if Rails.root.join(".git").exist? system "git diff > tmp/cable_ready_installer.diff" puts "🏮 A diff of all changes has been saved to \e[1mtmp/cable_ready_installer.diff\e[22m" puts end FileUtils.touch(install_complete) `pkill -f spring` if Rails.root.join("tmp/cable_ready_installer/kill_spring").exist? exit end namespace :install do desc "Restart CableReady installation" task :restart do FileUtils.rm_rf Rails.root.join("tmp/cable_ready_installer") system "rails cable_ready:install #{ARGV.join(" ")}" exit end desc <<~DESC Re-run specific CableReady install steps #{CR_STEPS.sort.map { |step, description| "#{step.ljust(20)} #{description}" }.join("\n")} DESC task :step do def warning(step = nil) return if step.to_s.include?("=") if step puts "⚠️ #{step} is not a valid step. Valid steps are: #{CR_STEPS.keys.join(", ")}" else puts "❌ You must specify a step to re-run. Valid steps are: #{CR_STEPS.keys.join(", ")}" puts "Example: \e[1;94mrails cable_ready:install:step initializers\e[0m" end end warning if ARGV.empty? ARGV.each do |step| CR_STEPS.include?(step) ? run_install_template(step, force: true) : warning(step) end run_install_template(:bundle, force: true) run_install_template(:yarn, force: true) exit end end end