module MaRuKu::Out::Markdown DefaultLineLength = 40 def to_md(context={}) children_to_md(context) end # " andrea censi " => [" andrea ", "censi "] def mysplit(c) res = {|x| x + " " } if c[0] == ' ' && res[0] res[0] = " " + res[0] end res end def to_md_header(context) pounds = "#" * @level "#{pounds} #{children_to_md(context)} #{pounds}\n\n" end def to_md_inline_code(context) "`#{@raw_code}`" end def to_md_code(context) @raw_code.split("\n").collect { |line| " " + line}.join("\n") + "\n\n" end def to_md_quote(context) line_length = (context[:line_length] || DefaultLineLength) - 2 wrap(@children, line_length, context).split(/\n/).collect { |line| "> " + line}.join("\n") + "\n" end def to_md_hrule(context) "* * *\n" end def to_md_emphasis(context) "*#{children_to_md(context)}*" end def to_md_strong(context) "**#{children_to_md(context)}**" end def to_md_immediate_link(context) "<#{@url}>" end def to_md_email_address(context) "<#{@email}>" end def to_md_entity(context) "&#{@entity_name};" end def to_md_linebreak(context) "\n" end def to_md_paragraph(context) line_length = context[:line_length] || DefaultLineLength wrap(@children, line_length, context)+"\n" end def to_md_im_link(context) "[#{children_to_md(context)}](#{@url}#{" \"#{@title}\"" if @title})" end def to_md_link(context) "[#{children_to_md(context)}][#{@ref_id}]" end def to_md_im_image(context) "![#{children_to_md(context)}](#{@url}#{" \"#{@title}\"" if @title})" end def to_md_image(context) "![#{children_to_md(context)}][#{@ref_id}]" end def to_md_ref_definition(context) "[#{@ref_id}] #{@url}#{" \"#{@title}\"" if @title}" end def to_md_abbr_def(context) "*[#{self.abbr}]: #{self.text}\n" end def to_md_ol(context) len = (context[:line_length] || DefaultLineLength) - 2 md = "" self.children.each_with_index do |li, i| # s = (w=wrap(li.children, len-2, context)).rstrip.gsub(/^/, ' ')+"\n" # s[0,4] = "#{i+1}. "[0,4] # puts w.inspect s = "#{i+1}. " + wrap(li.children, len-2, context).rstrip + "\n" md += s end md + "\n" end def to_md_ul(context) len = (context[:line_length] || DefaultLineLength) - 2 md = "" self.children.each_with_index do |li, i| w = wrap(li.children, len-2, context) s = "- " + w # puts "W: "+ w.inspect # s = add_indent(w) # puts "S: " +s.inspect # s[0,1] = "-" md += s end md + "\n" end def add_indent(s,char=" ") t = s.split("\n").map{|x| char+x }.join("\n") s << ?\n if t[-1] == ?\n s end # Convert each child to html def children_to_md(context) array_to_md(@children, context) end def wrap(array, line_length, context) out = "" line = "" array.each do |c| if c.kind_of?(MaRuKu::MDElement) && c.node_type == :linebreak out << line.strip << " \n"; line=""; next end pieces = if c.kind_of? String mysplit(c) elsif c.kind_of?(MaRuKu::MDElement) method = "to_md_#{c.node_type}" method = "to_md" unless c.respond_to?(method) [c.send(method, context)].flatten else [c.to_md(context)].flatten end # puts "Pieces: #{pieces.inspect}" pieces.each do |p| if p.size + line.size > line_length out << line.strip << "\n"; line = "" end line << p end end out << line.strip << "\n" if line.size > 0 out << ?\n if not out[-1] == ?\n out end def array_to_md(array, context, join_char='') e = [] array.each do |c| if c.is_a?(String) e << c else method = c.kind_of?(MaRuKu::MDElement) ? "to_md_#{c.node_type}" : "to_md" if not c.respond_to?(method) #raise "Object does not answer to #{method}: #{c.class} #{c.inspect[0,100]}" # tell_user "Using default for #{c.node_type}" method = 'to_md' end # puts "#{c.inspect} created with method #{method}" h = c.send(method, context) if h.nil? raise "Nil md for #{c.inspect} created with method #{method}" end if h.kind_of?Array e = e + h else e << h end end end e.join(join_char) end end module MaRuKu class MDDocument alias old_md to_md def to_md(context={}) warn "Maruku#to_md is deprecated and will be removed in a near-future version of Maruku." old_md(context) end end end