module Pantograph module Actions module SharedValues GIT_REPO_WAS_CLEAN_ON_START = :GIT_REPO_WAS_CLEAN_ON_START end # Raises an exception and stop the lane execution if the repo is not in a clean state class EnsureGitStatusCleanAction < Action def repo_status ="git status --porcelain") repo_clean = repo_status.empty? if repo_clean UI.success('Git status is clean, all good! 💪') Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GIT_REPO_WAS_CLEAN_ON_START] = true else error_message = 'Git repository is dirty! Please ensure the repo is in a clean state by committing/stashing/discarding all changes first.' error_message += "\nUncommitted changes:\n#{repo_status}" if params[:show_uncommitted_changes] if params[:show_diff] repo_diff ="git diff") error_message += "\nGit diff: \n#{repo_diff}" end UI.user_error!(error_message) end end def self.description 'Raises an exception if there are uncommitted git changes' end def self.details [ 'A sanity check to make sure you are working in a repo that is clean.', 'Especially useful to put at the beginning of your Pantfile in the `before_all` block, if some of your other actions will touch your filesystem, do things to your git repo, or just as a general reminder to save your work.', 'Also needed as a prerequisite for some other actions like `reset_git_repo`.' ].join("\n") end def self.output [ ['GIT_REPO_WAS_CLEAN_ON_START', 'Stores the fact that the git repo was clean at some point'] ] end def ['lmirosevic', 'antondomashnev'] end def self.example_code [ 'ensure_git_status_clean' ] end def self.available_options [ :show_uncommitted_changes, env_name: 'ENSURE_GIT_STATUS_CLEAN_SHOW_UNCOMMITTED_CHANGES', description: 'The flag whether to show uncommitted changes if the repo is dirty', optional: true, default_value: false, is_string: false), :show_diff, env_name: 'ENSURE_GIT_STATUS_CLEAN_SHOW_DIFF', description: 'The flag whether to show the git diff if the repo is dirty', optional: true, default_value: false, is_string: false) ] end def self.category :source_control end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end