# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path('../ext/em', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../ext/blankslate', __FILE__) %w[ version buffer spec protocol frame client ].each do |file| require File.expand_path("../amqp/#{file}", __FILE__) end module AMQP class << self @logging = false attr_accessor :logging attr_reader :conn, :closing alias :closing? :closing alias :connection :conn end def self.connect *args Client.connect *args end def self.settings @settings ||= { # server address :host => '', :port => PORT, # login details :user => 'guest', :pass => 'guest', :vhost => '/', # connection timeout :timeout => nil, # logging :logging => false, # ssl :ssl => false } end # Must be called to startup the connection to the AMQP server. # # The method takes several arguments and an optional block. # # This takes any option that is also accepted by EventMachine::connect. # Additionally, there are several AMQP-specific options. # # * :user => String (default 'guest') # The username as defined by the AMQP server. # * :pass => String (default 'guest') # The password for the associated :user as defined by the AMQP server. # * :vhost => String (default '/') # The virtual host as defined by the AMQP server. # * :timeout => Numeric (default nil) # Measured in seconds. # * :logging => true | false (default false) # Toggle the extremely verbose logging of all protocol communications # between the client and the server. Extremely useful for debugging. # # AMQP.start do # # default is to connect to localhost:5672 # # # define queues, exchanges and bindings here. # # also define all subscriptions and/or publishers # # here. # # # this block never exits unless EM.stop_event_loop # # is called. # end # # Most code will use the MQ api. Any calls to MQ.direct / MQ.fanout / # MQ.topic / MQ.queue will implicitly call #start. In those cases, # it is sufficient to put your code inside of an EventMachine.run # block. See the code examples in MQ for details. # def self.start *args, &blk EM.run { @conn ||= connect *args @conn.callback(&blk) if blk @conn } end class << self alias :run :start end def self.stop if @conn and not @closing @closing = true EM.next_tick do @conn.close { yield if block_given? @conn = nil @closing = false } end end end def self.fork workers EM.fork(workers) do # clean up globals in the fork Thread.current[:mq] = nil AMQP.instance_variable_set('@conn', nil) yield end end end