require 'readline' module Qcmd module InputCompleter # the commands listed here should represent every possible legal command ReservedWords = %w[ connect exit quit workspace workspaces disconnect ] ReservedWorkspaceWords = %w[ cueLists selectedCues runningCues runningOrPausedCues thump go stop pause resume reset panic disconnect ] ReservedCueWords = %w[ cue stop pause resume load preview reset panic loadAt uniqueID hasFileTargets hasCueTargets allowsEditingDuration isLoaded isRunning isPaused isBroken preWaitElapsed actionElapsed postWaitElapsed percentPreWaitElapsed percentActionElapsed percentPostWaitElapsed type number name notes cueTargetNumber cueTargetId preWait duration postWait continueMode flagged armed colorName basics children sliderLevel sliderLevels ] CompletionProc = {|input| # puts "input: #{ input }" matcher = /^#{Regexp.escape(input)}/ commands = ReservedWords.grep(matcher) if Qcmd.connected? # have selected a machine if Qcmd.context.workspace_connected? # have selected a workspace cue_numbers = commands = commands + cue_numbers.grep(matcher) + ReservedCueWords.grep(matcher) + ReservedWorkspaceWords.grep(matcher) else # haven't selected a workspace yet names = Qcmd.context.machine.workspace_names quoted_names = {|wn| %["#{wn}"]} workspace_names = (names + quoted_names).grep(matcher) workspace_names = quote_if_necessary workspace_names commands = commands + workspace_names end else # haven't selected a machine yet machine_names = Qcmd::Network.names quoted_names = {|mn| %["#{mn}"]} names = (quoted_names + machine_names).grep(matcher) names = quote_if_necessary(names) # unquote commands = commands + names end commands } class << self # if the name of a thing has a space in it, it must be surrounded by double # quotes to be properly handled by the parser. so before we pass back # unquoted space-containing results, we must quote them. def quote_if_necessary names do |name| if / / =~ name && /"/ !~ name # if name has a space and is not already quoted %["#{ name }"] else name end end end end end end if Readline.respond_to?("basic_word_break_characters=") Readline.basic_word_break_characters= " \t\n`><=;|&{(" end Readline.completion_append_character = nil Readline.completion_case_fold = true Readline.completion_proc = Qcmd::InputCompleter::CompletionProc