module ActiveScaffold::Actions module Core def self.included(base) base.class_eval do after_filter :clear_flashes end base.helper_method :nested? base.helper_method :beginning_of_chain base.helper_method :new_model end def render_field if params[:in_place_editing] render_field_for_inplace_editing else render_field_for_update_columns end end protected def nested? false end def render_field_for_inplace_editing register_constraints_with_action_columns(nested.constrained_fields, active_scaffold_config.update.hide_nested_column ? [] : [:update]) if nested? @record = find_if_allowed(params[:id], :update) render :inline => "<%= active_scaffold_input_for(active_scaffold_config.columns[params[:update_column].to_sym]) %>" end def render_field_for_update_columns @record = new_model column = active_scaffold_config.columns[params[:column]] unless column.nil? if column.send_form_on_update_column @record = update_record_from_params(@record, active_scaffold_config.update.columns, params[:record]) else value = column_value_from_param_value(@record, column, params[:value]) @record.send "#{}=", value end after_render_field(@record, column) source_id = params.delete(:source_id) render :partial => "render_field", :collection => Array(params[:update_columns]), :content_type => 'text/javascript', :locals => {:source_id => source_id} end end # override this method if you want to do something after render_field def after_render_field(record, column); end def authorized_for?(options = {}) active_scaffold_config.model.authorized_for?(options) end def clear_flashes if request.xhr? flash.keys.each do |flash_key| flash[flash_key] = nil end end end def default_formats [:html, :js, :json, :xml, :yaml] end # Returns true if the client accepts one of the MIME types passed to it # ex: accepts? :html, :xml def accepts?(*types) for priority in request.accepts.compact if priority == Mime::ALL # Because IE always sends */* in the accepts header and we assume # that if you really wanted XML or something else you would say so # explicitly, we will assume */* to only ask for :html return types.include?(:html) elsif types.include?(priority.to_sym) return true end end false end def response_status if successful? action_name == 'create' ? 201 : 200 else 422 end end # API response object that will be converted to XML/YAML/JSON using to_xxx def response_object @response_object = if successful? (@record || @records) else unless flash[:error].nil? @record.errors.add(:base, flash[:error]) flash.discard(:error) end {:errors => @record.errors} end end def error_object_attributes [:errors] end # Success is the existence of certain variables and the absence of errors (when applicable). # Success can also be defined. def successful? if @successful.nil? @records or (@record and @record.errors.count == 0 and @record.no_errors_in_associated?) else @successful end end def successful=(val) @successful = (val) ? true : false end # Redirect to the main page (override if the ActiveScaffold is used as a component on another controllers page) for Javascript degradation def return_to_main redirect_to main_path_to_return end # Override this method on your controller to define conditions to be used when querying a recordset (e.g. for List). The return of this method should be any format compatible with the :conditions clause of ActiveRecord::Base's find. def conditions_for_collection end # Override this method on your controller to define joins to be used when querying a recordset (e.g. for List). The return of this method should be any format compatible with the :joins clause of ActiveRecord::Base's find. def joins_for_collection end # Override this method on your controller to provide custom finder options to the find() call. The return of this method should be a hash. def custom_finder_options {} end #Overide this method on your controller to provide model with named scopes def beginning_of_chain active_scaffold_config.model end # Builds search conditions by search params for column names. This allows urls like "contacts/list?company_id=5". def conditions_from_params conditions = nil params.reject {|key, value| [:controller, :action, :id, :page, :sort, :sort_direction].include?(key.to_sym)}.each do |key, value| next unless active_scaffold_config.model.column_names.include?(key) if value.is_a?(Array) conditions = merge_conditions(conditions, ["#{active_scaffold_config.model.table_name}.#{key.to_s} in (?)", value]) else conditions = merge_conditions(conditions, ["#{active_scaffold_config.model.table_name}.#{key.to_s} = ?", value]) end end conditions end def new_model model = beginning_of_chain if model.columns_hash[model.inheritance_column] build_options = {model.inheritance_column.to_sym => active_scaffold_config.model_id} if nested? && nested.association && nested.association.collection? params = self.params # in new action inheritance_column must be in params params = params[:record] || {} unless params[model.inheritance_column] # in create action must be inside record key model = params.delete(model.inheritance_column).camelize.constantize if params[model.inheritance_column] end model.respond_to?(:build) ? || {}) : end def virtual_columns(columns) columns.reject {|col| active_scaffold_config.model.columns_hash[col] || active_scaffold_config.model.reflect_on_association(col)} end private def respond_to_action(action) respond_to do |type| action_formats.each do |format| type.send(format){ send("#{action}_respond_to_#{format}") } end end end def action_formats @action_formats ||= if respond_to? "#{action_name}_formats" send("#{action_name}_formats") else (default_formats + active_scaffold_config.formats).uniq end end def response_code_for_rescue(exception) case exception when ActiveScaffold::RecordNotAllowed "403 Record Not Allowed" when ActiveScaffold::ActionNotAllowed "403 Action Not Allowed" else super end end end end