require 'refinery/generators' class RefinerycmsGenerator < ::Refinery::Generators::EngineInstaller engine_name :refinerycms source_root'../templates', __FILE__)) class_option :update, :type => :boolean, :aliases => nil, :group => :runtime, :desc => "Update an existing Refinery CMS based application" def generate # Ensure the generator doesn't output anything using 'puts' self.silence_puts = true # Only pretend to do the next actions if this is Refinery to stay DRY if Rails.root == Refinery.root say_status :'-- pretending to make changes that happen in an actual installation --', nil, :yellow old_pretend = self.options[:pretend] new_options = self.options.dup new_options[:pretend] = true self.options = new_options end # First, effectively move / rename files that get in the way of Refinery CMS %w(public/index.html config/cucumber.yml app/views/layouts/application.html.erb public/javascripts/rails.js).each do |roadblock| if (roadblock_path = Rails.root.join(roadblock)).file? create_file "#{roadblock}.backup", :verbose => true do end remove_file roadblock_path, :verbose => true end end unless self.options[:update] # Copy asset files (JS, CSS) so they're ready to use. %w(application.css formatting.css home.css theme.css).map{ |ss| Refinery.roots('core').join('public', 'stylesheets', ss) }.reject{|ss| !ss.file?}.each do |stylesheet| copy_file stylesheet, Rails.root.join('public', 'stylesheets', stylesheet.basename), :verbose => true end copy_file Refinery.roots('core').join('public', 'javascripts', 'admin.js'), Rails.root.join('public', 'javascripts', 'admin.js'), :verbose => true end # Ensure the config.serve_static_assets setting is present and enabled %w(development test production).map{|e| "config/environments/#{e}.rb"}.each do |env| gsub_file env, %r{#.*config.serve_static_assets}, 'config.serve_static_assets', :verbose => false gsub_file env, "serve_static_assets = false", "serve_static_assets = true # Refinery CMS requires this to be true", :verbose => false unless Rails.root.join(env).read =~ %r{Refinery.rescue_not_found} append_file env, "Refinery.rescue_not_found = #{env.split('/').last.split('.rb').first == 'production'}" end end # Stop pretending if Rails.root == Refinery.root say_status :'-- finished pretending --', nil, :yellow new_options = self.options.dup new_options[:pretend] = old_pretend self.options = new_options end # Ensure .gitignore exists and append our rules to it. create_file ".gitignore" unless Rails.root.join('.gitignore').file? our_ignore_rules = self.class.source_root.join('.gitignore').read our_ignore_rules = our_ignore_rules.split('# REFINERY CMS DEVELOPMENT').first if Rails.root != Refinery.root append_file ".gitignore", our_ignore_rules # If the admin/base_controller.rb file exists, ensure it does not do the old inheritance if (admin_base = Rails.root.join('app', 'controllers', 'admin', 'base_controller.rb')).file? gsub_file admin_base, "# You can extend refinery backend with your own functions here and they will likely not get overriden in an update.", "", :verbose => self.options[:update] gsub_file admin_base, "< Refinery::AdminBaseController", "< ActionController::Base", :verbose => self.options[:update] end # Append seeds. append_file 'db/seeds.rb', :verbose => true do self.class.source_root.join('db', 'seeds.rb').read end force_options = self.options.dup force_options[:force] = self.options[:force] || self.options[:update] self.options = force_options # Seeds and migrations now need to be copied from their various engines. existing_source_root = self.class.source_root ::Refinery::Plugins.registered.pathnames.reject{|p| !p.join('db').directory?}.each do |pathname| self.class.source_root pathname super end self.class.source_root existing_source_root super # The engine installer only installs database templates. Pathname.glob(self.class.source_root.join('**', '*')).reject{|f| or f.to_s =~ /\/db\// }.sort.each do |path| copy_file path, path.to_s.gsub(self.class.source_root.to_s, Rails.root.to_s) end end end