module OEmbed class Provider attr_accessor :format, :name, :url, :urls, :endpoint def initialize(endpoint, format = OEmbed::Formatters::DEFAULT) @endpoint = endpoint @urls = [] # Try to use the best available format @format = OEmbed::Formatters.verify?(format) end def <<(url) if url.is_a? Regexp @urls << url return end full, scheme, domain, path = *url.match(%r{([^:]*)://?([^/?]*)(.*)}) domain = Regexp.escape(domain).gsub("\\*", "(.*?)").gsub("(.*?)\\.", "([^\\.]+\\.)?") path = Regexp.escape(path).gsub("\\*", "(.*?)") @urls <<"^#{Regexp.escape(scheme)}://#{domain}#{path}") end def build(url, options = {}) raise OEmbed::NotFound, url unless include?(url) query = options.merge({:url => url}) endpoint = @endpoint.clone if format_in_url? format = endpoint["{format}"] = (query[:format] || @format).to_s query.delete(:format) else format = query[:format] ||= @format end query_string = "?" + query.inject("") do |memo, (key, value)| "#{key}=#{value}&#{memo}" end.chop URI.parse(endpoint + query_string).instance_eval do @format = format; def format; @format; end self end end def raw(url, options = {}) uri = build(url, options) found = false max_redirects = 4 until found host, port =, uri.port if && uri.port res = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) {|http| http.get(uri.request_uri) } res.header['location'] ? uri = URI.parse(res.header['location']) : found = true if max_redirects == 0 found = true else max_redirects = max_redirects - 1 end end case res when Net::HTTPNotImplemented raise OEmbed::UnknownFormat, uri.format when Net::HTTPNotFound raise OEmbed::NotFound, url when Net::HTTPOK res.body else raise OEmbed::UnknownResponse, res.code end end def get(url, options = {}) options[:format] ||= @format if @format OEmbed::Response.create_for(raw(url, options), self, options[:format]) end def format_in_url? @endpoint.include?("{format}") end def include?(url) @urls.empty? || !!@urls.detect{ |u| u =~ url } end end end