require 'rbbt' require 'rbbt/util/open' require 'rbbt/resource' require 'net/ftp' module DbSNP extend Resource self.subdir = "share/databases/dbSNP" URL = "" DbSNP.claim DbSNP.mutations_ncbi, :proc do tsv = TSV.setup({}, :key_field => "RS ID", :fields => ["Genomic Mutation"], :type => :flat) file =, :nocache => true) while line = file.gets do next if line[0] == "#"[0] chr, position, id, ref, alt = line.split "\t" mutations = alt.split(",").collect do |a| if alt[0] == ref[0] alt[0] = '+'[0] end [chr, position, alt] * ":" end tsv.namespace = "Hsa/may2012" tsv[id] = mutations end tsv.to_s end DbSNP.claim DbSNP.rsids, :proc do |filename| ftp ='') ftp.passive = true ftp.login('gsapubftp-anonymous', '') ftp.chdir('/bundle/2.3/hg19') tmpfile = TmpFile.tmp_file + '.gz' ftp.getbinaryfile('dbsnp_137.hg19.vcf.gz', tmpfile, 1024) file =, :nocache => true) begin, 'w') do |f| f.puts "#: :type=:list#:namespace=Hsa/may2012" f.puts "#" + ["RS ID", "GMAF", "G5", "G5A", "dbSNP Build ID"] * "\t" while line = file.gets do next if line[0] == "#"[0] chr, position, id, ref, muts, qual, filter, info = line.split "\t" g5 = g5a = dbsnp_build_id = gmaf = nil gmaf = $1 if info =~ /GMAF=([0-9.]+)/ g5 = true if info =~ /\bG5\b/ g5a = true if info =~ /\bG5A\b/ dbsnp_build_id = $1 if info =~ /dbSNPBuildID=(\d+)/ f.puts [id, gmaf, g5, g5a, dbsnp_build_id] * "\t" end end rescue Exception FileUtils.rm filename if File.exists? filename raise $! ensure file.close FileUtils.rm tmpfile end nil end DbSNP.claim DbSNP.mutations, :proc do |filename| ftp ='') ftp.passive = true ftp.login('gsapubftp-anonymous', '') ftp.chdir('/bundle/2.3/hg19') tmpfile = TmpFile.tmp_file + '.gz' ftp.getbinaryfile('dbsnp_137.hg19.vcf.gz', tmpfile, 1024) file =, :nocache => true) begin, 'w') do |f| f.puts "#: :type=:flat#:namespace=Hsa/may2012" f.puts "#" + ["RS ID", "Genomic Mutation"] * "\t" while line = file.gets do next if line[0] == "#"[0] chr, position, id, ref, muts, qual, filter, info = line.split "\t" chr.sub!('chr', '') position, muts = Misc.correct_vcf_mutation(position.to_i, ref, muts) mutations = muts.collect{|mut| [chr, position, mut] * ":" } f.puts ([id] + mutations) * "\t" end end rescue Exception FileUtils.rm filename if File.exists? filename raise $! ensure file.close FileUtils.rm tmpfile end nil end DbSNP.claim DbSNP.mutations_hg18, :proc do |filename| require 'rbbt/sources/organism' mutations = CMD.cmd("grep -v '^#'|cut -f 2|sort -u", :in =>"\n").collect{|l| l.split("|")}.flatten translations = Misc.process_to_hash(mutations){|mutations| Organism.liftOver(mutations, "Hsa/jun2011", "Hsa/may2009")} begin file =, :nocache => true), 'w') do |f| f.puts "#: :type=:flat#:namespace=Hsa/may2009" f.puts "#" + ["RS ID", "Genomic Mutation"] * "\t" while line = file.gets do next if line[0] == "#"[0] parts = line.split("\t") parts[1..-1] = parts[1..-1].collect{|p| translations[p]} * "|" f.puts parts * "\t" end end rescue Exception FileUtils.rm filename if File.exists? filename raise $! ensure file.close end nil end def self.rsid_index(organism, chromosome = nil) build = Organism.hg_build(organism) tag = [build, chromosome] * ":" Persist.persist("StaticPosIndex for dbSNP [#{ tag }]", :fwt, :persist => true) do value_size = 0 file = DbSNP[build == "hg19" ? "mutations" : "mutations_hg18"] chr_positions = []"grep '\t#{chromosome}:'", :in =>, :pipe => true)) do |line| next if line[0] == "#"[0] rsid, mutation = line.split("\t") next if mutation.nil? or mutation.empty? chr, pos = mutation.split(":") next if chr != chromosome or pos.nil? or pos.empty? chr_positions << [rsid, pos.to_i] value_size = rsid.length if rsid.length > value_size end fwt = :memory, value_size fwt.add_point(chr_positions) fwt end end def self.mutation_index(organism) build = Organism.hg_build(organism) file = DbSNP[build == "hg19" ? "mutations" : "mutations_hg18"] @mutation_index ||= {} @mutation_index[build] ||= file.tsv :persist => true, :fields => ["Genomic Mutation"], :type => :single, :persist => true end end if defined? Entity if defined? Gene and Entity === Gene module Gene property :dbSNP_rsids => :single2array do DbSNP.rsid_index(organism, chromosome)[self.chr_range] end property :dbSNP_mutations => :single2array do GenomicMutation.setup(DbSNP.mutation_index(organism).values_at(*self.dbSNP_rsids).compact.flatten.uniq, "dbSNP mutations over #{ || self}", organism, true) end end end if defined? GenomicMutation and Entity === GenomicMutation module GenomicMutation property :dbSNP => :array2single do dbSNP.mutations.tsv(:persist => true, :key_field => "Genomic Mutation", :fields => ["RS ID"], :type => :single).values_at *self end end end end