module Shepherd::Command class Show def init @opts = Trollop::options do banner <<-EOB usage: shep show [sheep] [options] options are: EOB opt :oneline, "print one sheep by one line" opt :help, "show me and exit" end # This is what we should show. +:everyone+ means every sheep we got # and ARGV[0] would be the name of the one specified sheep. @what = ARGV[0] || :everyone case @what when :everyone "select * from sheeps" do |sheep| if !@opts[:oneline] puts "#{sheep[0]}. \e[1;32m#{sheep[1]}\e[0;0m in \e[1;34m#{sheep[2]}\e[0;0m #{sheep[3].to_nice} files #{sheep[4].to_nice} lines #{sheep[5].to_nice} chars #{Shepherd::Utils.nice_bytes(sheep[6])} (#{sheep[6].to_nice} bytes) " else puts "#{sheep[0]}. \e[1;32m#{sheep[1]}\e[0;0m in \e[1;34m#{sheep[2]}\e[0;0m" end end else sheep = "select * from sheeps where name = ?", @what if sheep puts <<-EOP #{sheep[0]}. \e[1;32m#{sheep[1]}\e[0;0m in \e[1;34m#{sheep[2]}\e[0;0m #{sheep[3].to_nice} files #{sheep[4].to_nice} lines #{sheep[5].to_nice} chars #{Shepherd::Utils.nice_bytes(sheep[6])} (#{sheep[6].to_nice} bytes) initialized at #{sheep[7]} EOP else puts "[shep] exit 6: there is no such sheep: #{@what}" exit 6 end end end def desc "list sheeps you have initialized" end end end