module Dynamoid module AdapterPlugin class Query OPTIONS_KEYS = [ :limit, :hash_key, :hash_value, :range_key, :consistent_read, :scan_index_forward, :select, :index_name, :batch_size, :exclusive_start_key, :record_limit, :scan_limit ] attr_reader :client, :table, :options, :conditions def initialize(client, table, opts = {}) @client = client @table = table opts = opts.symbolize_keys @options = opts.slice(*OPTIONS_KEYS) @conditions = opts.except(*OPTIONS_KEYS) end def call request = build_request do |yielder| record_count = 0 scan_count = 0 backoff = Dynamoid.config.backoff ? Dynamoid.config.build_backoff : nil loop do # Adjust the limit down if the remaining record and/or scan limit are # lower to obey limits. We can assume the difference won't be # negative due to break statements below but choose smaller limit # which is why we have 2 separate if statements. # NOTE: Adjusting based on record_limit can cause many HTTP requests # being made. We may want to change this behavior, but it affects # filtering on data with potentially large gaps. # Example: # User.where('created_at.gte' => # Records 1-999 User's that fit criteria # Records 1000-2000 Users's that do not fit criteria # Record 2001 fits criteria # The underlying implementation will have 1 page for records 1-999 # then will request with limit 1 for records 1000-2000 (making 1000 # requests of limit 1) until hit record 2001. if request[:limit] && record_limit && record_limit - record_count < request[:limit] request[:limit] = record_limit - record_count end if request[:limit] && scan_limit && scan_limit - scan_count < request[:limit] request[:limit] = scan_limit - scan_count end response = client.query(request) yielder << response record_count += response.count break if record_limit && record_count >= record_limit scan_count += response.scanned_count break if scan_limit && scan_count >= scan_limit if response.last_evaluated_key request[:exclusive_start_key] = response.last_evaluated_key else break end if backoff end end end private def build_request request = options.slice( :consistent_read, :scan_index_forward, :select, :index_name, :exclusive_start_key ).compact # Deal with various limits and batching batch_size = options[:batch_size] limit = [record_limit, scan_limit, batch_size].compact.min request[:limit] = limit if limit request[:table_name] = request[:key_conditions] = key_conditions request[:query_filter] = query_filter request end def record_limit options[:record_limit] end def scan_limit options[:scan_limit] end def hash_key_name (options[:hash_key] || table.hash_key) end def range_key_name (options[:range_key] || table.range_key) end def key_conditions result = { hash_key_name => { comparison_operator: AwsSdkV3::EQ, attribute_value_list: AwsSdkV3.attribute_value_list(AwsSdkV3::EQ, options[:hash_value].freeze) } } conditions.slice(*AwsSdkV3::RANGE_MAP.keys).each do |k, _v| op = AwsSdkV3::RANGE_MAP[k] result[range_key_name] = { comparison_operator: op, attribute_value_list: AwsSdkV3.attribute_value_list(op, conditions[k].freeze) } end result end def query_filter conditions.except(*AwsSdkV3::RANGE_MAP.keys).reduce({}) do |result, (attr, cond)| condition = { comparison_operator: AwsSdkV3::FIELD_MAP[cond.keys[0]], attribute_value_list: AwsSdkV3.attribute_value_list(AwsSdkV3::FIELD_MAP[cond.keys[0]], cond.values[0].freeze) } result[attr] = condition result end end end end end