# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: true # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/http-cookie/all/http-cookie.rbi # # http-cookie-1.0.3 module HTTP end class HTTP::Cookie def <=>(other); end def acceptable?; end def acceptable_from_uri?(uri); end def accessed_at; end def accessed_at=(arg0); end def cookie_value; end def created_at; end def created_at=(arg0); end def domain; end def domain=(domain); end def domain_name; end def dot_domain; end def encode_with(coder); end def expire!; end def expired?(time = nil); end def expires; end def expires=(t); end def expires_at; end def expires_at=(t); end def for_domain; end def for_domain=(arg0); end def for_domain?; end def httponly; end def httponly=(arg0); end def httponly?; end def init_with(coder); end def initialize(*args); end def inspect; end def max_age; end def max_age=(sec); end def name; end def name=(name); end def origin; end def origin=(origin); end def path; end def path=(path); end def secure; end def secure=(arg0); end def secure?; end def self.cookie_value(cookies); end def self.cookie_value_to_hash(cookie_value); end def self.parse(set_cookie, origin, options = nil, &block); end def self.path_match?(base_path, target_path); end def session; end def session?; end def set_cookie_value; end def to_s; end def to_yaml_properties; end def valid_for_uri?(uri); end def value; end def value=(value); end def yaml_initialize(tag, map); end include Comparable end class Array end class Hash end class String end class HTTP::CookieJar def <<(cookie); end def add(cookie); end def cleanup(session = nil); end def clear; end def cookies(url = nil); end def delete(cookie); end def each(uri = nil, &block); end def empty?(url = nil); end def get_impl(base, value, *args); end def initialize(options = nil); end def initialize_copy(other); end def load(readable, *options); end def parse(set_cookie, origin, options = nil); end def save(writable, *options); end def self.const_missing(name); end def store; end include Enumerable end