# Copyright 2011-2013 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --- :json_version: '1.1' :target_prefix: StorageGateway_20130630. :api_version: '2013-06-30' :operations: - :name: ActivateGateway :method: :activate_gateway :inputs: ActivationKey: - :string - :required GatewayName: - :string - :required GatewayTimezone: - :string - :required GatewayRegion: - :string - :required GatewayType: - :string TapeDriveType: - :string MediumChangerType: - :string :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: AddCache :method: :add_cache :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required DiskIds: - :list: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: AddUploadBuffer :method: :add_upload_buffer :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required DiskIds: - :list: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: AddWorkingStorage :method: :add_working_storage :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required DiskIds: - :list: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: CancelArchival :method: :cancel_archival :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required TapeARN: - :string - :required :outputs: TapeARN: :sym: :tape_arn :type: :string - :name: CancelRetrieval :method: :cancel_retrieval :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required TapeARN: - :string - :required :outputs: TapeARN: :sym: :tape_arn :type: :string - :name: CreateCachediSCSIVolume :method: :create_cachedi_scsi_volume :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required VolumeSizeInBytes: - :long - :required SnapshotId: - :string TargetName: - :string - :required NetworkInterfaceId: - :string - :required ClientToken: - :string - :required :outputs: VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string TargetARN: :sym: :target_arn :type: :string - :name: CreateSnapshot :method: :create_snapshot :inputs: VolumeARN: - :string - :required SnapshotDescription: - :string - :required :outputs: VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string SnapshotId: :sym: :snapshot_id :type: :string - :name: CreateSnapshotFromVolumeRecoveryPoint :method: :create_snapshot_from_volume_recovery_point :inputs: VolumeARN: - :string - :required SnapshotDescription: - :string - :required :outputs: SnapshotId: :sym: :snapshot_id :type: :string VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string VolumeRecoveryPointTime: :sym: :volume_recovery_point_time :type: :string - :name: CreateStorediSCSIVolume :method: :create_storedi_scsi_volume :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required DiskId: - :string - :required SnapshotId: - :string PreserveExistingData: - :boolean - :required TargetName: - :string - :required NetworkInterfaceId: - :string - :required :outputs: VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string VolumeSizeInBytes: :sym: :volume_size_in_bytes :type: :integer TargetARN: :sym: :target_arn :type: :string - :name: CreateTapes :method: :create_tapes :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required TapeSizeInBytes: - :long - :required ClientToken: - :string - :required NumTapesToCreate: - :integer - :required TapeBarcodePrefix: - :string - :required :outputs: TapeARNs: :sym: :tape_ar_ns :type: :string - :name: DeleteBandwidthRateLimit :method: :delete_bandwidth_rate_limit :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required BandwidthType: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: DeleteChapCredentials :method: :delete_chap_credentials :inputs: TargetARN: - :string - :required InitiatorName: - :string - :required :outputs: TargetARN: :sym: :target_arn :type: :string InitiatorName: :sym: :initiator_name :type: :string - :name: DeleteGateway :method: :delete_gateway :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: DeleteSnapshotSchedule :method: :delete_snapshot_schedule :inputs: VolumeARN: - :string - :required :outputs: VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string - :name: DeleteTape :method: :delete_tape :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required TapeARN: - :string - :required :outputs: TapeARN: :sym: :tape_arn :type: :string - :name: DeleteTapeArchive :method: :delete_tape_archive :inputs: TapeARN: - :string - :required :outputs: TapeARN: :sym: :tape_arn :type: :string - :name: DeleteVolume :method: :delete_volume :inputs: VolumeARN: - :string - :required :outputs: VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string - :name: DescribeBandwidthRateLimit :method: :describe_bandwidth_rate_limit :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string AverageUploadRateLimitInBitsPerSec: :sym: :average_upload_rate_limit_in_bits_per_sec :type: :integer AverageDownloadRateLimitInBitsPerSec: :sym: :average_download_rate_limit_in_bits_per_sec :type: :integer - :name: DescribeCache :method: :describe_cache :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string DiskIds: :sym: :disk_ids :type: :string CacheAllocatedInBytes: :sym: :cache_allocated_in_bytes :type: :integer CacheUsedPercentage: :sym: :cache_used_percentage :type: :float CacheDirtyPercentage: :sym: :cache_dirty_percentage :type: :float CacheHitPercentage: :sym: :cache_hit_percentage :type: :float CacheMissPercentage: :sym: :cache_miss_percentage :type: :float - :name: DescribeCachediSCSIVolumes :method: :describe_cachedi_scsi_volumes :inputs: VolumeARNs: - :list: - :string - :required :outputs: CachediSCSIVolumes: :sym: :cachedi_scsi_volumes :type: :hash :members: VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string VolumeId: :sym: :volume_id :type: :string VolumeType: :sym: :volume_type :type: :string VolumeStatus: :sym: :volume_status :type: :string VolumeSizeInBytes: :sym: :volume_size_in_bytes :type: :integer VolumeProgress: :sym: :volume_progress :type: :float SourceSnapshotId: :sym: :source_snapshot_id :type: :string VolumeiSCSIAttributes: :sym: :volumei_scsi_attributes :type: :hash :members: TargetARN: :sym: :target_arn :type: :string NetworkInterfaceId: :sym: :network_interface_id :type: :string NetworkInterfacePort: :sym: :network_interface_port :type: :integer LunNumber: :sym: :lun_number :type: :integer ChapEnabled: :sym: :chap_enabled :type: :boolean - :name: DescribeChapCredentials :method: :describe_chap_credentials :inputs: TargetARN: - :string - :required :outputs: ChapCredentials: :sym: :chap_credentials :type: :hash :members: TargetARN: :sym: :target_arn :type: :string SecretToAuthenticateInitiator: :sym: :secret_to_authenticate_initiator :type: :string InitiatorName: :sym: :initiator_name :type: :string SecretToAuthenticateTarget: :sym: :secret_to_authenticate_target :type: :string - :name: DescribeGatewayInformation :method: :describe_gateway_information :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string GatewayId: :sym: :gateway_id :type: :string GatewayTimezone: :sym: :gateway_timezone :type: :string GatewayState: :sym: :gateway_state :type: :string GatewayNetworkInterfaces: :sym: :gateway_network_interfaces :type: :hash :members: Ipv4Address: :sym: :ipv_4_address :type: :string MacAddress: :sym: :mac_address :type: :string Ipv6Address: :sym: :ipv_6_address :type: :string GatewayType: :sym: :gateway_type :type: :string NextUpdateAvailabilityDate: :sym: :next_update_availability_date :type: :string - :name: DescribeMaintenanceStartTime :method: :describe_maintenance_start_time :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string HourOfDay: :sym: :hour_of_day :type: :integer MinuteOfHour: :sym: :minute_of_hour :type: :integer DayOfWeek: :sym: :day_of_week :type: :integer Timezone: :sym: :timezone :type: :string - :name: DescribeSnapshotSchedule :method: :describe_snapshot_schedule :inputs: VolumeARN: - :string - :required :outputs: VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string StartAt: :sym: :start_at :type: :integer RecurrenceInHours: :sym: :recurrence_in_hours :type: :integer Description: :sym: :description :type: :string Timezone: :sym: :timezone :type: :string - :name: DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes :method: :describe_storedi_scsi_volumes :inputs: VolumeARNs: - :list: - :string - :required :outputs: StorediSCSIVolumes: :sym: :storedi_scsi_volumes :type: :hash :members: VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string VolumeId: :sym: :volume_id :type: :string VolumeType: :sym: :volume_type :type: :string VolumeStatus: :sym: :volume_status :type: :string VolumeSizeInBytes: :sym: :volume_size_in_bytes :type: :integer VolumeProgress: :sym: :volume_progress :type: :float VolumeDiskId: :sym: :volume_disk_id :type: :string SourceSnapshotId: :sym: :source_snapshot_id :type: :string PreservedExistingData: :sym: :preserved_existing_data :type: :boolean VolumeiSCSIAttributes: :sym: :volumei_scsi_attributes :type: :hash :members: TargetARN: :sym: :target_arn :type: :string NetworkInterfaceId: :sym: :network_interface_id :type: :string NetworkInterfacePort: :sym: :network_interface_port :type: :integer LunNumber: :sym: :lun_number :type: :integer ChapEnabled: :sym: :chap_enabled :type: :boolean - :name: DescribeTapeArchives :method: :describe_tape_archives :inputs: TapeARNs: - :list: - :string Marker: - :string Limit: - :integer :outputs: TapeArchives: :sym: :tape_archives :type: :hash :members: TapeARN: :sym: :tape_arn :type: :string TapeBarcode: :sym: :tape_barcode :type: :string TapeSizeInBytes: :sym: :tape_size_in_bytes :type: :integer CompletionTime: :sym: :completion_time :type: :time RetrievedTo: :sym: :retrieved_to :type: :string TapeStatus: :sym: :tape_status :type: :string Marker: :sym: :marker :type: :string - :name: DescribeTapeRecoveryPoints :method: :describe_tape_recovery_points :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required Marker: - :string Limit: - :integer :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string TapeRecoveryPointInfos: :sym: :tape_recovery_point_infos :type: :hash :members: TapeARN: :sym: :tape_arn :type: :string TapeRecoveryPointTime: :sym: :tape_recovery_point_time :type: :time TapeSizeInBytes: :sym: :tape_size_in_bytes :type: :integer TapeStatus: :sym: :tape_status :type: :string Marker: :sym: :marker :type: :string - :name: DescribeTapes :method: :describe_tapes :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required TapeARNs: - :list: - :string Marker: - :string Limit: - :integer :outputs: Tapes: :sym: :tapes :type: :hash :members: TapeARN: :sym: :tape_arn :type: :string TapeBarcode: :sym: :tape_barcode :type: :string TapeSizeInBytes: :sym: :tape_size_in_bytes :type: :integer TapeStatus: :sym: :tape_status :type: :string VTLDevice: :sym: :vtl_device :type: :string Progress: :sym: :progress :type: :float Marker: :sym: :marker :type: :string - :name: DescribeUploadBuffer :method: :describe_upload_buffer :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string DiskIds: :sym: :disk_ids :type: :string UploadBufferUsedInBytes: :sym: :upload_buffer_used_in_bytes :type: :integer UploadBufferAllocatedInBytes: :sym: :upload_buffer_allocated_in_bytes :type: :integer - :name: DescribeVTLDevices :method: :describe_vtl_devices :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required VTLDeviceARNs: - :list: - :string Marker: - :string Limit: - :integer :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string VTLDevices: :sym: :vtl_devices :type: :hash :members: VTLDeviceARN: :sym: :vtl_device_arn :type: :string VTLDeviceType: :sym: :vtl_device_type :type: :string VTLDeviceVendor: :sym: :vtl_device_vendor :type: :string VTLDeviceProductIdentifier: :sym: :vtl_device_product_identifier :type: :string DeviceiSCSIAttributes: :sym: :devicei_scsi_attributes :type: :hash :members: TargetARN: :sym: :target_arn :type: :string NetworkInterfaceId: :sym: :network_interface_id :type: :string NetworkInterfacePort: :sym: :network_interface_port :type: :integer ChapEnabled: :sym: :chap_enabled :type: :boolean Marker: :sym: :marker :type: :string - :name: DescribeWorkingStorage :method: :describe_working_storage :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string DiskIds: :sym: :disk_ids :type: :string WorkingStorageUsedInBytes: :sym: :working_storage_used_in_bytes :type: :integer WorkingStorageAllocatedInBytes: :sym: :working_storage_allocated_in_bytes :type: :integer - :name: DisableGateway :method: :disable_gateway :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: ListGateways :method: :list_gateways :inputs: Marker: - :string Limit: - :integer :outputs: Gateways: :sym: :gateways :type: :hash :members: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string GatewayType: :sym: :gateway_type :type: :string GatewayOperationalState: :sym: :gateway_operational_state :type: :string Marker: :sym: :marker :type: :string - :name: ListLocalDisks :method: :list_local_disks :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string Disks: :sym: :disks :type: :hash :members: DiskId: :sym: :disk_id :type: :string DiskPath: :sym: :disk_path :type: :string DiskNode: :sym: :disk_node :type: :string DiskSizeInBytes: :sym: :disk_size_in_bytes :type: :integer DiskAllocationType: :sym: :disk_allocation_type :type: :string DiskAllocationResource: :sym: :disk_allocation_resource :type: :string - :name: ListVolumeRecoveryPoints :method: :list_volume_recovery_points :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string VolumeRecoveryPointInfos: :sym: :volume_recovery_point_infos :type: :hash :members: VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string VolumeSizeInBytes: :sym: :volume_size_in_bytes :type: :integer VolumeUsageInBytes: :sym: :volume_usage_in_bytes :type: :integer VolumeRecoveryPointTime: :sym: :volume_recovery_point_time :type: :string - :name: ListVolumes :method: :list_volumes :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required Marker: - :string Limit: - :integer :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string Marker: :sym: :marker :type: :string VolumeInfos: :sym: :volume_infos :type: :hash :members: VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string VolumeType: :sym: :volume_type :type: :string - :name: RetrieveTapeArchive :method: :retrieve_tape_archive :inputs: TapeARN: - :string - :required GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: TapeARN: :sym: :tape_arn :type: :string - :name: RetrieveTapeRecoveryPoint :method: :retrieve_tape_recovery_point :inputs: TapeARN: - :string - :required GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: TapeARN: :sym: :tape_arn :type: :string - :name: ShutdownGateway :method: :shutdown_gateway :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: StartGateway :method: :start_gateway :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: UpdateBandwidthRateLimit :method: :update_bandwidth_rate_limit :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required AverageUploadRateLimitInBitsPerSec: - :long AverageDownloadRateLimitInBitsPerSec: - :long :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: UpdateChapCredentials :method: :update_chap_credentials :inputs: TargetARN: - :string - :required SecretToAuthenticateInitiator: - :string - :required InitiatorName: - :string - :required SecretToAuthenticateTarget: - :string :outputs: TargetARN: :sym: :target_arn :type: :string InitiatorName: :sym: :initiator_name :type: :string - :name: UpdateGatewayInformation :method: :update_gateway_information :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required GatewayName: - :string GatewayTimezone: - :string :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: UpdateGatewaySoftwareNow :method: :update_gateway_software_now :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: UpdateMaintenanceStartTime :method: :update_maintenance_start_time :inputs: GatewayARN: - :string - :required HourOfDay: - :integer - :required MinuteOfHour: - :integer - :required DayOfWeek: - :integer - :required :outputs: GatewayARN: :sym: :gateway_arn :type: :string - :name: UpdateSnapshotSchedule :method: :update_snapshot_schedule :inputs: VolumeARN: - :string - :required StartAt: - :integer - :required RecurrenceInHours: - :integer - :required Description: - :string :outputs: VolumeARN: :sym: :volume_arn :type: :string