class Auth::Work::Minute include Mongoid::Document embeds_many :cycles, :class_name => "Auth::Work::Cycle", :as => :minute_cycles field :time, type: Time field :geom, type: Array ## this includes workers and entities, and actually anything that could be needed for the cycle. field :entity_types, type: Hash, default: {} ## next step is to pull correctly. ## so this done. def update_entity_types #puts "came to update entity types" applicable_schedules = Auth::Work::Schedule.collection.aggregate([ { "$match" => { "$and" => [ { "start_time" => { "$lte" => self.time } }, { "end_time" => { "$gte" => self.time } } ] } } ]) applicable_schedules.each do |schedule| sched = object = sched.for_object_class.constantize.find(sched.for_object_id) object.cycle_types.keys.each do |k| self.entity_types[k]+=1 if self.entity_types[k] self.entity_types[k]= 1 unless self.entity_types[k] end end end ## returns all minutes which have affected cycles , only containing the affected cycles. ## does not consider the cycle chains. def self.get_affected_minutes(cycle_start_time,cycle_end_time,cycle_workers_assigned,cycle_entities_assigned) response = Auth::Work::Minute.collection.aggregate([ { "$match" => { "cycles" => { "$elemMatch" => { "$and" => [ { "$or" => [ { "start_time" => { "$gte" => cycle_start_time, "$lte" => cycle_end_time } }, { "end_time" => { "$gte" => cycle_start_time, "$lte" => cycle_end_time } }, { "$and" => [ { "start_time" => { "$lte" => cycle_start_time } }, { "end_time" => { "$gte" => cycle_end_time } } ] } ] }, { "$or" => [ { "workers_available" => { "$in" => cycle_workers_assigned } }, { "entities_available" => { "$in" => cycle_entities_assigned } } ] } ] } } } }, { "$unwind" => { "path" => "$cycles", "includeArrayIndex" => "cycle_index" } }, { "$addFields" => { "cycles.cycle_index" => "$cycle_index" } }, { "$match" => { "$and" => [ { "$or" => [ { "cycles.start_time" => { "$gte" => cycle_start_time, "$lte" => cycle_end_time } }, { "cycles.end_time" => { "$gte" => cycle_start_time, "$lte" => cycle_end_time } }, { "$and" => [ { "cycles.start_time" => { "$lte" => cycle_start_time } }, { "cycles.end_time" => { "$gte" => cycle_end_time } } ] } ] }, { "$or" => [ { "cycles.workers_available" => { "$in" => cycle_workers_assigned } }, { "cycles.entities_available" => { "$in" => cycle_entities_assigned } } ] } ] } }, { "$group" => { "_id" => "$_id", "cycles" => { "$push" => "$cycles" } } } ]) array_of_minute_objects = [] response.each do |res| #puts JSON.pretty_generate(res) array_of_minute_objects << end array_of_minute_objects end def self.update_all_affected_cycles(minutes,cycle_workers_assigned,cycle_entities_assigned) update_cycle_chains(minutes) update_cycles(minutes,cycle_workers_assigned,cycle_entities_assigned) end ## @param[Array] minutes : def self.update_cycles(minutes,cycle_workers_assigned,cycle_entities_assigned) minutes = {|minute| pull_hash = {} minute.cycles.each do |cycle| pull_hash["cycles.#{cycle.cycle_index}.workers_available"] = { "$in" => cycle_workers_assigned } end minute = Auth::Work::Minute .where({ "_id" => BSON::ObjectId( }) .find_one_and_update( { "$pull" => pull_hash }, { :return_document => :after } ) minute } minutes end ## first knock of the cycle chains. ## then the actual cycles. def self.update_cycle_chains(minutes) cycles_to_pull = [] minutes.each do |minute| minute.cycles.each do |cycle| cycles_to_pull << cycle.cycle_chain end end{|c| c = BSON::ObjectId(c)}.each_slice(100) do |ids_to_pull| pull_hash = {} pull_hash["cycles"] = { "_id" => { "$in" => ids_to_pull } } response = Auth::Work::Minute.collection.update_many({},{"$pull" => pull_hash}) end cycles_to_pull.flatten end ## @param[Hash] cycles : {cycle_id => cycle} ## @param[Hash] transport_information : {distance : , coordinates :} ## lets get the edit out of the way first. def self.find_applicable_minutes(cycles,transport_information={}) query_clause = { "$match" => { "$and" => [ { "$or" => [ ] }, { "cycles" => { "$elemMatch" => { "$or" => [ ] } } } ] } } ## that will be one api out of the way. ## next is also medicine. ## after this will be the aggregate phase. combined_requirements = {} individual_requirements = [] cycles.keys.each do |cycle_id| cycle = cycles[cycle_id] cycle_clause = { "$and" => [ ] } cycle_clause["$and"] << { "capacity" => cycle.capacity } ## does the cycle have some kind of type ? cycle_clause["$and"] << { "cycle_type" => cycle.cycle_type } query_clause["$match"]["$and"][1]["cycles"]["$elemMatch"]["$or"] << cycle_clause cycle_clause_for_entity_types = { } cycle.requirements.keys.each do |k| combined_requirements[k] = 0 unless combined_requirements[k] combined_requirements[k]+= cycle.requirements[k] cycle_clause_for_entity_types["entity_types.#{k}"] = { "$gte" => cycle.requirements[k] } end query_clause["$match"]["$and"][0]["$or"] << cycle_clause_for_entity_types end =begin query_clause = [{ "$match" => { "time" => { "$exists" => true } } }] =end puts "this is the generated query clause => " puts JSON.pretty_generate(query_clause) Auth::Work::Minute.collection.aggregate([query_clause]) end end