# # Author:: Joshua Timberman () # Copyright:: 2011-2018, Chef Software, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef/resource" class Chef class Resource class DmgPackage < Chef::Resource resource_name :dmg_package provides(:dmg_package) { true } description "Use the dmg_package resource to install a dmg 'package'. The resource will retrieve the dmg file from a remote URL, mount it using OS X's hdidutil, copy the application (.app directory) to the specified destination (/Applications), and detach the image using hdiutil. The dmg file will be stored in the Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]." introduced "14.0" property :app, String, description: "The name of the application as it appears in the /Volumes directory, if it differs from the resource block's name.", name_property: true property :source, String, description: "The remote URL that is used to download the .dmg file, if specified." property :file, String, description: "The full path to the .dmg file on the local system." property :owner, String, description: "The user that should own the package installation." property :destination, String, description: "The directory to copy the .app into.", default: "/Applications" property :checksum, String, description: "The sha256 checksum of the .dmg file to download." property :volumes_dir, String, description: "The directory under /Volumes where the dmg is mounted, if it differs from the name of the .dmg file.", default: lazy { |r| r.app }, default_description: "The value passed for the application name." property :dmg_name, String, description: "The name of the .dmg file if it differs from that of the app, or if the name has spaces.", desired_state: false, default: lazy { |r| r.app }, default_description: "The value passed for the application name." property :type, String, description: "The type of package.", equal_to: %w{app pkg mpkg}, default: "app", desired_state: false property :package_id, String, description: "The package ID that is registered with pkgutil when a pkg or mpkg is installed." property :dmg_passphrase, String, description: "Specify a passphrase to be used to decrypt the .dmg file during the mount process.", desired_state: false property :accept_eula, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Specify whether to accept the EULA. Certain dmgs require acceptance of EULA before mounting.", default: false, desired_state: false property :headers, Hash, description: "Allows custom HTTP headers (like cookies) to be set on the remote_file resource.", desired_state: false property :allow_untrusted, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Allow installation of packages that do not have trusted certificates.", default: false, desired_state: false load_current_value do |new_resource| if ::File.directory?("#{new_resource.destination}/#{new_resource.app}.app") Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource.app} is already installed. To upgrade, remove \"#{new_resource.destination}/#{new_resource.app}.app\"" elsif shell_out("pkgutil --pkg-info '#{new_resource.package_id}'").exitstatus == 0 Chef::Log.info "#{new_resource.app} is already installed. To upgrade, try \"sudo pkgutil --forget '#{new_resource.package_id}'\"" else current_value_does_not_exist! # allows us to check for current_resource.nil? below end end action :install do description "Installs the application." if current_resource.nil? if new_resource.source remote_file dmg_file do source new_resource.source headers new_resource.headers if new_resource.headers checksum new_resource.checksum if new_resource.checksum end end ruby_block "attach #{dmg_file}" do block do raise "This DMG package requires EULA acceptance. Add 'accept_eula true' to dmg_package resource to accept the EULA during installation." if software_license_agreement? && !new_resource.accept_eula attach_cmd = new_resource.accept_eula ? "yes | " : "" attach_cmd << "/usr/bin/hdiutil attach #{passphrase_cmd} '#{dmg_file}' -nobrowse -mountpoint '/Volumes/#{new_resource.volumes_dir}'" shell_out!(attach_cmd, env: { "PAGER" => "true" }) end not_if { dmg_attached? } end case new_resource.type when "app" execute "rsync --force --recursive --links --perms --executability --owner --group --times '/Volumes/#{new_resource.volumes_dir}/#{new_resource.app}.app' '#{new_resource.destination}'" do user new_resource.owner if new_resource.owner end file "#{new_resource.destination}/#{new_resource.app}.app/Contents/MacOS/#{new_resource.app}" do mode "0755" ignore_failure true end when "mpkg", "pkg" install_cmd = "installation_file=$(ls '/Volumes/#{new_resource.volumes_dir}' | grep '.#{new_resource.type}$') && sudo installer -pkg \"/Volumes/#{new_resource.volumes_dir}/$installation_file\" -target /" install_cmd += " -allowUntrusted" if new_resource.allow_untrusted execute install_cmd do # Prevent cfprefsd from holding up hdiutil detach for certain disk images environment("__CFPREFERENCES_AVOID_DAEMON" => "1") end end execute "/usr/bin/hdiutil detach '/Volumes/#{new_resource.volumes_dir}' || /usr/bin/hdiutil detach '/Volumes/#{new_resource.volumes_dir}' -force" end end action_class do # @return [String] the path to the dmg file def dmg_file @dmg_file ||= begin if new_resource.file.nil? "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/#{new_resource.dmg_name}.dmg" else new_resource.file end end end # @return [String] the hdiutil flag for handling DMGs with a password def passphrase_cmd @passphrase_cmd ||= new_resource.dmg_passphrase ? "-passphrase #{new_resource.dmg_passphrase}" : "" end # @return [Boolean] does the DMG require a software license agreement def software_license_agreement? # example hdiutil imageinfo output: http://rubular.com/r/0xvOaA6d8B /Software License Agreement: true/.match?(shell_out!("/usr/bin/hdiutil imageinfo #{passphrase_cmd} '#{dmg_file}'").stdout) end # @return [Boolean] is the dmg file currently attached? def dmg_attached? # example hdiutil imageinfo output: http://rubular.com/r/CDcqenkixg /image-path.*#{dmg_file}/.match?(shell_out!("/usr/bin/hdiutil info #{passphrase_cmd}").stdout) end end end end end