# Dry::Behaviour [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/am-kantox/dry-behaviour.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/am-kantox/dry-behaviour) **Tiny library inspired by Elixir [`protocol`](http://elixir-lang.org/getting-started/protocols.html) pattern.** ## Protocols ### Declaration ```ruby require 'dry/behaviour' module Protocols module Adder include Dry::Protocol defprotocol do defmethod :add, :this, :other defmethod :subtract, :this, :other def add_default(value) add(3, 2) + value end end defimpl Protocols::Adder, target: String do def add(this, other) this * other end def subtract(this, other) this end end defimpl Protocols::Adder, target: NilClass do def add(this, other) other end def subtract(this, other) this end end # delegate `to_s` as is, map `add` and `subtract` to `:+` and `:-` respectively defimpl target: Integer, delegate: :to_s, map: { add: :+, subtract: :- } end end ``` ### Usage ```ruby expect(Protocols::Adder.add(5, 3)).to eq(8) expect(Protocols::Adder.add(5, 10)).to eq(15) expect(Protocols::Adder.subtract(5, 10)).to eq(-5) expect(Protocols::Adder.add(15, 10)).to eq(25) expect(Protocols::Adder.add("!", 10)).to eq("!!!!!!!!!!") expect(Protocols::Adder.add(nil, 10)).to eq(10) expect(Protocols::Adder.add_default(1)).to eq(6) ``` ## Guards Starting with `v0.5.0` we support multiple function clauses and guards. ```ruby class GuardTest include Dry::Guards def a(p, p2 = nil, *_a, when: { p: Integer, p2: String }, **_b, &cb); 1; end def a(p, _p2 = nil, *_a, when: { p: Integer }, **_b, &cb); 2; end def a(p, _p2 = nil, *_a, when: { p: Float }, **_b, &cb); 3; end def a(p, _p2 = nil, *_a, when: { p: ->(v) { v < 42 } }, **_b, &cb); 4; end def a(_p, _p2 = nil, *_a, when: { cb: ->(v) { !v.nil? } }, **_b, &cb); 5; end def a(p1, p2, p3); 6; end def a(p, _p2 = nil, *_a, **_b, &cb); 'ALL'; end def b(p, &cb) 'NOT GUARDED' end end gt = GuardTest.new it 'performs routing to function clauses as by guards' do expect(gt.a(42, 'Hello')).to eq(1) expect(gt.a(42)).to eq(2) expect(gt.a(3.14)).to eq(3) expect(gt.a(3)).to eq(4) # expect(gt.a('Hello', &-> { puts 0 })).to eq(5) NYI expect(gt.a(*%w|1 2 3|)).to eq(6) expect(gt.a('Hello')).to eq('ALL') end ``` ## Authors @am-kantox, @saverio-kantox & @kantox ## Changelog ### `0.5.0` :: Guards ### `0.4.2` :: Removed the forgotten debug output :( ### `0.4.1` :: Protocol-wide methods are allowed to call from implementation **NB** Works for all `defimpl`s. ### `0.4.0` :: Protocol-wide methods are allowed to call from inside implementation ```ruby module Protocols::Adder include Dry::Protocol defprotocol do defmethod :add, :this, :other def default 42 end end end Dry::Protocol.defimpl target: Integer do def add(this) this + default #⇒ 47 when called as Protocols::Adder.add(5) end end ``` **NB** At the moment works only for external `defimpl`. ### `0.3.1` :: `implemented_for?` and `implementation_for` ### `0.3.0` :: version bump ### `0.2.2` :: meaningful errors #### Throws an exception on wrong usage: ```ruby Protocols::Adder.add({}, 42) #⇒ Protocols::NotImplemented: Protocol “Protocols::Adder” is not implemented for “Hash” Protocols::Adder.hello({}, 42) #⇒ Protocols::NotImplemented: Protocol “Protocols::Adder” does not declare method “hello” ``` ### `0.2.1` :: multiple targets #### Multiple targets: ```ruby defimpl MyProto, target: [MyClass1, MyClass2], delegate: [:add, :subtract] ``` ### `0.2.0` :: implicit delegate on incomplete implementation when `defimpl` does not fully cover the protocol declaration, missing methods are implicitly delegated to the target, the warning is being issued: ```ruby defimpl MyProto, target: MyClass, map: { add: :+, subtract: :- } #⇒ W, [2016-10-24T14:52:49.230808 #26382] WARN -- : Implicit delegate MyProto#to_s to MyClass ``` ### `0.1.1` :: delegate and map methods to receiver `defimpl` now accepts `delegate` and `map`: ```ruby defimpl MyProto, target: MyClass, delegate: :to_s, map: { add: :+, subtract: :- } ``` ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'dry-behaviour' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install dry-behaviour ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/[USERNAME]/dry-behaviour. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).