# frozen_string_literal: true module Primer module Forms # :nodoc: class Base extend ActsAsComponent renders_template File.join(__dir__, "base.html.erb"), :render_base_form class << self attr_reader :has_after_content, :__vcf_form_block, :__vcf_builder alias after_content? has_after_content def form(&block) @__vcf_form_block = block end def new(builder, **options) allocate.tap do |form| form.instance_variable_set(:@builder, builder) form.send(:initialize, **options) end end def inherited(base) form_path = const_source_location(base.name) return unless form_path base.template_root_path = File.join(File.dirname(form_path), base.name.demodulize.underscore) base.renders_template "after_content.html.erb" do base.instance_variable_set(:@has_after_content, true) end base.renders_templates "*_caption.html.erb" do |path| base.fields_with_caption_templates << File.basename(path).chomp("_caption.html.erb").to_sym end end def caption_template?(field_name) fields_with_caption_templates.include?(field_name) end def fields_with_caption_templates @fields_with_caption_templates ||= [] end private # Unfortunately this bug (https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/5646) prevents us from using # Ruby's native Module.const_source_location. Instead we have to fudge it by searching # for the file in the configured autoload paths. Doing so relies on Rails' autoloading # conventions, so it should work ok. Zeitwerk also has this information but lacks a # public API to map constants to source files. def const_source_location(class_name) # NOTE: underscore respects namespacing, i.e. will convert Foo::Bar to foo/bar. class_path = "#{class_name.underscore}.rb" ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths.each do |autoload_path| absolute_path = File.join(autoload_path, class_path) return absolute_path if File.exist?(absolute_path) end nil end end def inputs @inputs ||= form_object.inputs.map do |input| next input unless input.input? # wrap inputs in a group (unless they are already groups) if input.type == :group input else Primer::Forms::Dsl::InputGroup.new(builder: @builder, form: self) do |group| group.send(:add_input, input) end end end end def each_input_in(root_input, &block) return enum_for(__method__, root_input) unless block root_input.inputs.each do |input| if input.respond_to?(:inputs) each_input_in(input, &block) else yield input end end end def before_render each_input_in(self) do |input| if input.input? && input.invalid? && input.focusable? input.autofocus! break end end end def caption_template?(*args) self.class.caption_template?(*args) end def after_content?(*args) self.class.after_content?(*args) end def render_caption_template(name) send(:"render_#{name}_caption") end def perform_render(&_block) Base.compile! self.class.compile! render_base_form end private def form_object # rubocop:disable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName @__pf_form_object ||= Primer::Forms::Dsl::FormObject.new(builder: @builder, form: self).tap do |obj| # compile before adding inputs so caption templates are identified self.class.compile! instance_exec(obj, &self.class.__vcf_form_block) end # rubocop:enable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName end end end end