U: FXMap[f0.2999999999999999933FC:FXMapperSettings{"Box BG Colorl+"Arrow Colorl+"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Location TasksT"Edit on CreationF"Paths as CurvesT"Create on ConnectionT"Box Number Colorl+"Location DescriptionT"Use Room CursorF"Font Objects"times new roman"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Automatic ConnectionT"Font Text"times new roman"Box Border Colorl+" BG Colorl+"Grid BoxesT"Location NumbersT"Box Darkness Colorl+" Moonmist"0i[U:FXSection[[8U: FXRoom[" Driveway""[ 0000U:FXConnection[ Fii[@*U;["Courtyard""[ @0000U; [ Fii[@3U;[" Foyer""[ @90U; [ Fii[@U;["Secret Tomb"stone coffin iron maiden "[ 0000@D000Tii"(Light comes from the brass lantern.F[ii0@;0000U; [ Fii[U;[" Path""[ 000@O0000Fii"This is an area behind shrubbery by a steep cliff overlooking the sea. In the dim light, you can barely see a path leading north along the cliff. A priest hole and a lever are on the outer wall.F@>[iiTii"F[ii0Fii"JLight comes from the junction. The basement of the tower keep still holds traces of the medieval past -- such as an ancient well. The basement now stores both Lionel's expedition gear and the castle wine cellar (a rack full of wine bottles). The brick walls are damp and mossy. A stairway lies north, and doors lead east and west.F[ii0Fii"The kitchen is large yet cramped. From here, you can go west to the tower basement, east to the servants' quarters, or up the stairs.F[ii0@f00000Fii"MYou can go east to the dining room or down narrow stairs to the kitchen.F[ii0Fii"This room is impeccably furnished, but it's too formal for relaxing. Lord Jack and all his guests are here. A brooding bust of Lionel Tresyllian (sculpted by Vivien) is displayed in a corner.F[ii0@T0U; [ Fii[@WU;["Sitting Room"9desk piano maid's note butler's note piece of music "[ @d0000000Fii "It looks even lovelier than it sounds in the tourist brochure. It's a comfy place to read a book, play the piano, or just relax. Tamara and Lord Jack and Dr. Wendish and Ian are deep in thought. Hyde is lounging and chatting. Iris is playing the piano.F[ii0@0Fii "The ground-floor corridor goes between the two great halls to east and west. Behind sliding doors, the dining room is north and the sitting room is south.F[ii0Fii "It looks even lovelier than it sounds in the tourist brochure. The hall is floored with black and white marble tiles. They've been worn smooth by footsteps over the centuries, especially near the archway to the drawing room. Bolitho is walking along. A young couple are dancing to the faint sound of rock music from a portable radio on a table nearby. The girl is a stylish London deb type. Her dark hair is cut boyishly short. Her height and figure would make her a perfect high-fashion model. He's a tall blond, sporting a white dinner jacket and scarlet cummerbund. He moves with the elegant swagger of a Guards officer and young-man-about-Mayfair, both of which he is.F[ii000@0@B0Fii"YIt looks even lovelier than it sounds in the tourist brochure. A tall graceful older couple in evening clothes are chatting and sipping sherry. Lord Jack introduces them as Montague Hyde and Vivien Pentreath. Hyde smiles and bows stiffly. And Vivien murmurs in an attractively low voice, "How do you do, Lord Gonza." "Believe it or not, this young man is a famous American detective," Lord Jack tells them. "Not a police detective, of course," Tamara adds as they both stiffen, "but a solver of all sorts of mysteries in the States. We're hoping to find out who or what is haunting Tresyllian Castle."F[ii00000Fii"It looks even lovelier than it sounds in the tourist brochure. "Here comes Jack now!" exclaims Tamara, as he comes striding toward you. He's a tall, handsome, dark-browed young man in dinner jacket and black tie.F[ii000Fii "As flood lights blaze on, you look around. It looks even lovelier than it sounds in the tourist brochure. The dark stone turrets rise toward the misty sky. Your new little blue sports car is parked here.F[ii000Fii "(You're sitting in the sports car.) You are by the front gate of Tresyllian Castle. You can hear the ocean beating urgently against the rocks far below. In the moonlit gloom, you can make out an ornament on the gate. It's a winged, two-legged dragon called a wyvern, which crests the Tresyllian family's coat of arms. The dragon appears in profile. The moonlight glints on its lone visible eye.F@3@<@E@N@W@`@i@r@{@>@R@g@@@@@@@@ @ @@-@@@@G@@@@@9@B@S@k@@@\@@@@(@@@@@@@@[A@0@9@B@K@T@]@f@o@x@;@O@d@@|@@@@*@@@@@@@@@@D@@}@@@6@?@@P@h@q@@@@b@Y@@@.@%@@ @J@@@@@@@@@@"ii