require "rails_helper" =begin in the following "web-app-context" tests and "json-request" tests, we sign in the same user whose client we use for authentication. basically we have created one user in the before(:example) , and with it an asscoiated client is created. now in all the tests, we sign in this user only, using its own client. normally we could also sign in other users using this client. =end RSpec.describe "session request spec",:session => true,:authentication => true, :type => :request do context " -- web app requests" do before(:example) do ActionController::Base.allow_forgery_protection = false User.delete_all Auth::Client.delete_all @u = @u.versioned_create @c = Auth::Client.where(:resource_id => @c.api_key = "test" @c.redirect_urls = [""] @c.app_ids << "testappid" @c.versioned_update @ap_key = @c.api_key end context " -- valid api key with redirect url" do it " -- GET Request,should set the session variables " do get new_user_session_path, params: {redirect_url: "", api_key: @ap_key, current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} expect(session[:client]).not_to be_nil expect(session[:redirect_url]).not_to be_nil end it " -- CREATE request, should redirect with the auth_token and es " do post user_session_path, params: {user: {login:, password: "password"},redirect_url: "", api_key: @ap_key, current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} user = assigns(:user) expect(response.code).to eq("302") expect(response).to redirect_to("{user.authentication_token}&es=#{user.client_authentication[@c.app_ids[0]]}") expect(user).not_to be_nil expect(user.errors.full_messages).to be_empty end it " -- DESTROY Request, should not redirect. " do sign_in_as_a_valid_and_confirmed_user delete destroy_user_session_path, params: {:id =>, redirect_url: "", api_key: @ap_key, current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} expect(response.code).to eq("302") expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) expect(@user.errors.full_messages).to be_empty end end context " -- invalid api key with redirect url" do it " -- yields new session" do get new_user_session_path, params: {api_key: "dog", redirect_url:"", current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} res = assigns(:user) expect(response.code).to eq("200") expect(session[:client]).to be_nil expect(session[:redirect_url]).to be_nil expect(res).not_to be_nil expect(res.errors.full_messages).to be_empty end it " -- create session successfully,but does not redirect" do post user_session_path, params: {user: {login:, password: "password"}, api_key:"dog", redirect_url:"", current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} res = assigns(:user) expect(session[:client]).to be_nil expect(session[:redirect_url]).to be_nil expect(res).not_to be_nil expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) expect(res.errors.full_messages).to be_empty end it " -- destory session loads" do sign_in_as_a_valid_and_confirmed_user delete destroy_user_session_path, params: {:id =>, api_key:"dog", redirect_url:"", current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} res = assigns(:user) expect(session[:client]).to be_nil expect(session[:redirect_url]).to be_nil expect(response.code).to eq("302") expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end end context " -- no api key with redirect url" do it " -- yields new session" do get new_user_session_path, params: { redirect_url:"", current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} res = assigns(:user) expect(response.code).to eq("200") expect(session[:client]).to be_nil expect(session[:redirect_url]).to be_nil expect(res).not_to be_nil expect(res.errors.full_messages).to be_empty end it " -- create session successfully, but does not redirect" do post new_user_session_path, params: {user: attributes_for(:user), redirect_url:"", current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} res = assigns(:user) expect(response.code).to eq("200") expect(session[:client]).to be_nil expect(session[:redirect_url]).to be_nil expect(res).not_to be_nil expect(res.errors.full_messages).to be_empty end it " -- destory session loads" do sign_in_as_a_valid_and_confirmed_user delete destroy_user_session_path, params: {:id =>, redirect_url:"", current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} expect(session[:client]).to be_nil expect(session[:redirect_url]).to be_nil expect(response.code).to eq("302") expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end end context " -- no api key, no redirect url" do it " -- yields new session" do get new_user_session_path res = assigns(:user) expect(response.code).to eq("200") expect(res).not_to be_nil expect(res.errors.full_messages).to be_empty end it " -- create session successfully, but does not redirect" do post new_user_session_path, params: {user: attributes_for(:user)} res = assigns(:user) expect(response.code).to eq("200") expect(res).not_to be_nil expect(res.errors.full_messages).to be_empty end it " -- destory session loads" do sign_in_as_a_valid_and_confirmed_user delete destroy_user_session_path, params: {:id =>} expect(response.code).to eq("302") end end end context " -- json requests " do before(:example) do ActionController::Base.allow_forgery_protection = true User.delete_all Auth::Client.delete_all @u = @u.versioned_create @c = Auth::Client.where(:resource_id => @c.api_key = "test" @c.redirect_urls = [""] @c.app_ids << "testappid" @c.versioned_update @ap_key = @c.api_key end after(:example) do #session.delete(:client) #session.delete(:redirect_url) end before(:each) do @headers = { "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json" , "ACCEPT" => "application/json"} #, "X-User-Token" => @u.authentication_token, "X-User-Es" => @u.client_authentication["testappid"], "X-User-Aid" => "testappid" end context " -- no api key" do it " -- new session returns not authenticated" do get new_user_session_path,params: nil,headers: @headers expect(response.code).to eq("406") end it " -- create session retursn not authenticated" do post new_user_session_path, params: {user: attributes_for(:user)}.to_json, headers: @headers expect(response.code).to eq("401") end it " -- destroy session returns not authenticated" do a = {:id =>} delete destroy_user_session_path,params: a.to_json,headers: @headers expect(response.code).to eq("406") end end context " -- invalid api key " do it " -- new session returns not authenticated" do get new_user_registration_path,params: nil,headers: @headers expect(response.code).to eq("401") end it " -- create session retursn not authenticated" do post new_user_session_path, params: {user: attributes_for(:user)}.to_json, headers: @headers expect(response.code).to eq("401") end it " -- destroy session returns not authenticated" do a = {:id =>} delete destroy_user_session_path, params: a.to_json, headers: @headers expect(response.code).to eq("406") end end context " -- valid api key" do it " -- returns 406 when calling GET" do get new_user_session_path, params: {api_key: @ap_key, current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]}, headers: @headers expect(response.code).to eq("406") end it " -- returns the auth key and es when calling CREATE", :json_test => true do params = {user: {login:, password: "password"}, api_key: @ap_key, current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} post user_session_path, params: params.to_json, headers: @headers expect(response.code).to eq("201") user_hash = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(user_hash.keys).to match_array(["authentication_token","es"]) end it " -- returns a 401 Not Authenticated if login or passwod is wrong -- ", :wrong_password => true do params = {user: {login:, password: "wrong_password"}, api_key: @ap_key, current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} post user_session_path, params: params.to_json, headers: @headers expect(response.code).to eq("401") end it " -- returns 406 when calling DESTROY" do a = {:id =>, :api_key => @ap_key, current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} delete destroy_user_session_path, params: a.to_json, headers: @headers expect(response.code).to eq("406") end end end context " -- multiple clients -- ",:order => :defined do before(:all) do ##create first user and associated client. User.delete_all Auth::Client.delete_all @u = #@u.set_client_authentication("testappid") @u.versioned_create @c = Auth::Client.where(:resource_id => @c.api_key = "test" @c.redirect_urls = [""] @c.app_ids << "testappid" @c.versioned_update @ap_key = @c.api_key ##create another user and associated other client. @u2 = #@u2.set_client_authentication("testappid2") @u2.versioned_create @c2 = Auth::Client.where(:resource_id => @c2.api_key = "test2" @c2.redirect_urls = [""] @c2.app_ids << "testappid2" @c2.versioned_update @ap_key2 = @c2.api_key ActionController::Base.allow_forgery_protection = false end it " -- signs in user using first client -- " do params = {user: {login:, password: "password"}, api_key: @ap_key, current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} post user_session_path, params: params end it "-- signs in user using second client -- " do params = {user: {login:, password: "password"}, api_key: @ap_key2, current_app_id: @c2.app_ids[0]} post new_user_session_path, params: params @signed_in_user = assigns(:user) expect(@signed_in_user.client_authentication[@c.app_ids[0]]).not_to be_nil expect(@signed_in_user.client_authentication[@c2.app_ids[0]]).not_to be_nil end end context " -- same client with multiple app ids -- " do before(:all) do ##create first user and associated client. User.delete_all Auth::Client.delete_all @u = @u.versioned_create @c = Auth::Client.where(:resource_id => @c.api_key = "test" @c.redirect_urls = [""] @c.app_ids << "testappid" @c.app_ids << "testappid2" @c.versioned_update @ap_key = @c.api_key end it " -- signs in user with first app id -- " do params = {user: {login:, password: "password"}, api_key: @ap_key, current_app_id: @c.app_ids[0]} post new_user_session_path, params: params end it " -- signs in user with second app id -- " do params = {user: {login:, password: "password"}, api_key: @ap_key, current_app_id: @c.app_ids[1]} post new_user_session_path, params: params @signed_in_user = assigns(:user) expect(@signed_in_user.client_authentication[@c.app_ids[0]]).not_to be_nil expect(@signed_in_user.client_authentication[@c.app_ids[1]]).not_to be_nil end end end