# Gravatarify Removes any hassles building those pesky gravatar urls, it's not there arent any alternatives [out](http://github.com/mdeering/gravitar_image_tag), [there](http://github.com/chrislloyd/gravtastic), but none seem to support stuff like `Proc`s for the default picture url, or the multiple host names supported by gravatar.com (great when displaying lots of avatars). Best of it? It works with Rails, probably Merb and even plain old Ruby :) ## Install Just install the gem (ensure you have gemcutter in your sources!) sudo gem install gravatarify Ready to go! Using Rails? Either add (to `config/environment.rb`): config.gem 'gravatarify', :source => 'http://gemcutter.org' or install as Rails plugin: ./script/plugin install git://github.com/lwe/gravatarify.git If the gem is available, just require it (for your simple ruby apps): require 'rubygems' require 'gravatarify' ## Using the view helpers (Rails only!) Probably one of the easiest ways to add support for gravatar images is with the included view helpers: <%= gravatar_tag @user %> # assumes @user has email or mail field! This builds a neat ``-tag, if you need to pass in stuff like the size etc. just: <%= gravatar_tag @user, :size => 25, :rating => :x, :class => "gravatar" %> This will display an "X" rated avatar which is 25x25 pixel in size and the image tag will have the class `"gravatar"`. If more control is required, or just the URL, well then go ahead and use `gravatar_url` instead: <%= image_tag gravatar_url(@user.author_email, :size => 16), :size => "16x16", :alt => @user.name, :class => "avatar avatar-16"}/ Using rails `image_tag` to create an ``-tag with `gravatar_url`. It's important to know that also an object can be passed to `gravatar_url`, if it responds to either `email` or `mail`. If not (like in the example above), the email address must be passed in. ## Using the model helpers Another way (especially cool) for models is to do: class User < ActiveRecord::Base gravatarify end Thats it! Well, at least if the `User` model responds to `email` or `mail`. Then in the views all left to do is: <%= image_tag @user.gravatar_url %> Neat, isn't it? Of course passing options works just like with the view helpers: <%= image_tag @user.gravatar_url(:size => 16, :rating => :r) %> Defaults can even be passed to the `gravatarify` call, so no need to repeat them on every `gravatar_url` call. gravatarify :employee_mail, :size => 16, :rating => :r All gravatars will now come from the `employee_mail` field, not the default `email` or `mail` field and be in 16x16px in size and have a rating of 'r'. Of course these can be overriden in calls to `gravatar_url` like before. Pretty cool is also the fact that an object can be passed directly to `gravatar_tag` if it responds to `gravatar_url`, like: # model: class User < ActiveRecord::Base gravatarify :size => 16, :secure => true end # view: <%= gravatar_tag @user %> # -> The `gravatar_tag` looks if the object responds to `gravatar_url` and if so, just passes the options to it, it works also with plain old ruby objects, of course :) ### PORO - plain old ruby objects (yeah, POJO sounds smoother :D) Not using Rails, ActiveRecord or DataMapper? It's as easy as including `Gravatarify::ObjectSupport` to your class: require 'gravatarify' class PoroUser include Gravatarify::ObjectSupport gravatarify end Tadaaa! Works exactly like the model helpers, so it's now possible to call `gravatar_url` on instances of `PoroUser`. ## Back to the roots? No need for sophisticated stuff like view helpers and ActiveRecord integration, want to go back to the roots? Then feel free to use `Gravatarify::Base#build_gravatar_url` directly. For example, want to use `build_gravatar_url` in a Sinatra app? helpers Gravatarify::Base Yeah, that should work :). See {Gravatarify::Base#build_gravatar_url} for more informations and usage examples. ## Need more control?
Option Type Description Default
:default String, Proc Fully qualified URL to an image, which is used if gravatar.com has no image for the supplied email. Procs can be used to return e.g. an image based on the request size (see Advanced stuff). Furthermore gravatar.com provides several "special values" which generate icons, these are "wavatar", "monsterid" and "identicon", finally if set to 404 gravatar.com returns the HTTP 404 Not Found error. If nothing is specified gravatar.com returns it's gravatar icon. -
:rating String, Symbol Each avatar at gravatar.com has a rating associated (which is based on MPAAs rating system), valid values are:
g - general audiences, pg - parental guidance suggested, r - restricted and x - x-rated :). Gravatar.com returns g-rated avatars, unless anything else is specified.
:size Integer Avatars are square, so :size defines the length of the sides in pixel, if nothing is specified gravatar.com returns 80x80px images. -
:secure Boolean, Proc If set to true gravatars secure host (https://secure.gravatar.com/) is used to serve the avatars from. Can be a Proc to inflect wheter or not to use the secure host based on request parameters. false
:filetype String, Symbol Change image type, gravatar.com supports :gif, :png and :jpg. :jpg
## Not yet enough? The `:default` option can be passed in a `Proc`, so this is certainly useful to for example to generate an image url, based on the request size: # in an initializer Gravatarify.options[:default] = Proc.new do |options, object| "http://example.com/avatar-#{options[:size] || 80}.jpg" end # now each time a gravatar url is generated, the Proc is evaluated: @user.gravatar_url # => "http://0.gravatar.com/...jpg?d=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fgravatar-80.jpg" @user.gravatar_url(:size => 16) # => "http://0.gravatar.com/...jpg?d=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fgravatar-16.jpg&s=16" Into the block is passed the options hash and as second parameter the object itself, so in the example above `object` would be `@user`, might be useful!? Never used it, so I might remove the second argument... Not only the `:default` option accepts a Proc, but also `:secure`, can be useful to handle cases where it should evaluate against `request.ssl?` for example. ## Licence Copyright (c) 2009 Lukas Westermann Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.