# Features - [x] namespace checks system/cpu or system:cpu => system.rb or system/cpu.rb - [x] defcheck: - [x] proc check semantics: - [x] proc_check { } - [x] runnable without .new - [x] has access to :event/:sys method and also access to lexical scope - [x] anonymous defcheck but still needs to be initialized using new - [x] check.rb: - [x] allow only predefined options - [x] randomized scheduling with offset(for yum/salt) per "every" block and not per task/check - [x] scheduler offset - [x] check_name, to_s for debugging - [x] better synchronize which returns nil and does not wait - [x] num_workers in config # Checks Library - [x] system: load/cpu/memory/iowait/uptime - [x] disk: disk usage - [x] yum: check updates(with timeout) - [x] salt: check highstate drift ( with timeout) - [x] http: check http/https url status - [x] consul: check for failed nodes - [x] oom: oom count daily/weekly - [ ] postgres master/slave - [ ] elasticsearch - [ ] redis stats - [ ] memcached stats # TODO - [ ] http check: modify service name - [ ] rpm spec - [ ] list checks and opts --list-checks - [ ] self health check: tainted/ok - [ ] packaging user gems - [ ] RUBY_GC_HEAP_GROWTH_FACTOR=1.05 - [ ] better code coverage - [ ] use libpcp metrics if possible - [ ] jemalloc MALLOC_CONF="narenas:1,lg_chunk:18"