#!/usr/bin/env ruby # add lib to the default include path unless $:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/') $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib' end require 'dante' require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'flapjack/configuration' require 'flapjack/version' options = OpenStruct.new options.config = File.join('etc', 'flapjack_config.yaml') options.daemonize = nil @exe = File.basename(__FILE__) optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: flapjack COMMAND [OPTIONS]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Commands" opts.separator " start #{" " * 25} start flapjack" opts.separator " stop #{" " * 26} stop flapjack" opts.separator " restart #{" " * 23} (re)start flapjack" opts.separator " reload #{" " * 24} reload flapjack configuration" opts.separator " status #{" " * 24} see if flapjack is running" opts.separator " version #{" " * 23} display flapjack version and exit" opts.separator " help #{" " * 26} display this usage info" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Options" opts.on("-c", "--config [PATH]", String, "PATH to the config file to use") do |c| options.config = c end opts.on("-d", "--[no-]daemonize", "Daemonize?") do |d| options.daemonize = d end opts.on("-p", "--pidfile [PATH]", String, "PATH to the pidfile to write to") do |p| options.pidfile = p end opts.on("-l", "--logfile [PATH]", String, "PATH to the logfile to write to") do |l| options.log_path = l end opts.on("-v", "--version", "display flapjack version") do |v| options.version = v end end optparse.parse!(ARGV) FLAPJACK_ENV = ENV['FLAPJACK_ENV'] || 'development' config = Flapjack::Configuration.new config.load(options.config) config_env = config.all if config_env.nil? || config_env.empty? puts "No config data for environment '#{FLAPJACK_ENV}' found in '#{options.config}'" exit(false) end pidfile = options.pidfile.nil? ? (config_env['pid_file'] || 'tmp/pids/flapjack.pid') : options.pidfile logfile = options.logfile.nil? ? (config_env['log_file'] || 'log/flapjack.log') : options.logfile daemonize = options.daemonize.nil? ? !!config_env['daemonize'] : options.daemonize if options.version puts Flapjack::VERSION exit end flapjack_coord = Proc.new { require 'flapjack/coordinator' coordinator = Flapjack::Coordinator.new(config) coordinator.start(:signals => true) } @runner_opts = { :pid_path => pidfile, :log_path => logfile } def get_runner Dante::Runner.new(@exe, @runner_opts) end def process_exists(pid) return unless pid begin Process.kill(0, pid) return true rescue Errno::ESRCH return false end end # wait until the specified pid no longer exists, or until a timeout is reached def wait_pid_gone(pid, timeout = 30) print "waiting for a max of #{timeout} seconds for process #{pid} to exit" if process_exists(pid) started_at = Time.now.to_i while process_exists(pid) break unless (Time.now.to_i - started_at < timeout) print '.' sleep 1 end puts '' return !process_exists(pid) end begin pid = IO.read(pidfile).chomp.to_i rescue StandardError pid = nil end case ARGV[0] when "start" runner = get_runner if runner.daemon_running? puts "Flapjack is already running." else print "Flapjack starting..." runner.execute(:daemonize => daemonize) { flapjack_coord.call } puts " done." end when "stop" runner = get_runner if runner.daemon_running? print "Flapjack stopping..." runner.execute(:kill => true) puts " done." else puts "Flapjack is not running." end exit 1 unless wait_pid_gone(pid) when "restart" runner = get_runner if runner.daemon_running? print "Flapjack stopping..." runner.execute(:kill => true) puts " done." end exit 1 unless wait_pid_gone(pid) runner = get_runner print "Flapjack starting..." runner.execute(:daemonize => daemonize) { flapjack_coord.call } puts " done." when "reload" runner = get_runner if runner.daemon_running? print "Reloading Flapjack configuration..." begin Process.kill('HUP', pid) puts " sent HUP to pid #{pid}." rescue => e puts " couldn't send HUP to pid '#{pid}'." end else puts "Flapjack is not running daemonized." exit 1 end when "status" runner = get_runner uptime = (runner.daemon_running?) ? Time.now - File.stat(pidfile).ctime : 0 if runner.daemon_running? puts "Flapjack is running: pid #{pid}, uptime #{uptime}" else puts "Flapjack is not running" exit 3 end when "help" puts optparse exit when "version" puts Flapjack::VERSION exit else if ARGV.nil? || ARGV.empty? puts "No command provided" else puts "Unknown command provided: '#{ARGV[0]}'" end puts "\n#{optparse}" exit 1 end