test_name "confirm host object behave correctly"

step "#port_open? : can determine if a port is open on hosts"
hosts.each do |host|
  logger.debug "port 22 (ssh) should be open on #{host}"
  assert_equal(true, host.port_open?(22), "port 22 on #{host} should be open")
  logger.debug "port 65535 should be closed on #{host}"
  assert_equal(false, host.port_open?(65535), "port 65535 on #{host} should be closed")

step "#ip : can determine the ip address on hosts"
hosts.each do |host|
  ip = host.ip
  # confirm ip format
  logger.debug("format of #{ip} for #{host} should be correct")
  assert_match(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/, ip, "#{ip} on #{host} isn't correct format")

step "#is_x86_64? : can determine arch on hosts"
hosts.each do |host|
  if host['platform'] =~ /x86_64|_64|amd64|-64/
    assert_equal(true, host.is_x86_64?, "is_x86_64? should be true on #{host}: #{host['platform']}")
    assert_equal(false, host.is_x86_64?, "is_x86_64? should be false on #{host}: #{host['platform']}")

step "#add_env_var : can add an environment variable"
hosts.each do |host|
  logger.debug("add TEST=1")
  host.add_env_var("TEST", "1")
  logger.debug("add TEST=1 again (shouldn't create duplicate entry)")
  host.add_env_var("test", "1")
  logger.debug("add test=2")
  host.add_env_var("test", "2")
  logger.debug("ensure that TEST env var has correct setting")
  logger.debug("add test=3")
  host.add_env_var("test", "3")
  logger.debug("ensure that TEST env var has correct setting")
  val = host.get_env_var("test")
  assert_match(/TEST=3(;|:)2(;|:)1$/, val, "add_env_var can correctly add env vars")

step "#delete_env_var : can delete an environment"
hosts.each do |host|
  logger.debug("remove TEST=3")
  host.delete_env_var("TEST", "3")
  val = host.get_env_var("test")
  assert_match(/TEST=2(;|:)1$/, val, "delete_env_var can correctly delete part of a chained env var")
  logger.debug("remove TEST=1")
  host.delete_env_var("TEST", "1")
  val = host.get_env_var("test")
  assert_match(/TEST=2$/, val, "delete_env_var can correctly delete part of a chained env var")
  logger.debug("remove TEST=2")
  host.delete_env_var("TEST", "2")
  val = host.get_env_var("test")
  assert_equal("", val, "delete_env_var fully removes empty env var")

step "#mkdir_p : can recursively create a directory structure on a host"
hosts.each do |host|
  #clean up first!
  #test dir construction
  logger.debug("create test1/test2/test3/test4")
  assert_equal(true, host.mkdir_p("test1/test2/test3/test4"), "can create directory structure")
  logger.debug("should be able to create a file in the new dir")
  on host, host.touch("test1/test2/test3/test4/test.txt", false)

step "#do_scp_to : can copy a directory to the host with no ignores"
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
module_fixture = File.join(current_dir, "../../fixtures/module")
hosts.each do |host|
  logger.debug("can recursively copy a module over")
  #make sure that we are clean on the test host
  host.do_scp_to(module_fixture, ".", {})
  Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp_dir|
    #grab copy from host
    host.do_scp_from("module", tmp_dir, {})
    #compare to local copy
    local_paths = Dir.glob(File.join(module_fixture, "**/*")).select { |f| File.file?(f) }
    host_paths  = Dir.glob(File.join(File.join(tmp_dir, "module"), "**/*")).select { |f| File.file?(f) }
    #each local file should have a single match on the host
    local_paths.each do |path|
      search_name = path.gsub(/^.*fixtures\//, '') #reduce down to the path that should match
      matched = host_paths.select{ |check| check =~ /#{Regexp.escape(search_name)}$/ }
      assert_equal(1, matched.length, "should have found a single instance of path #{search_name}, found #{matched.length}: \n #{matched}")
      host_paths = host_paths - matched
    assert_equal(0, host_paths.length, "there are extra paths on #{host} (#{host_paths})")

step "#do_scp_to with :ignore : can copy a dir to the host, excluding ignored patterns that DO NOT appear in the source absolute path"
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
module_fixture = File.expand_path(File.join(current_dir, "../../fixtures/module"))
hosts.each do |host|
  logger.debug("can recursively copy a module over, ignoring some files/dirs")
  #make sure that we are clean on the test host
  host.do_scp_to(module_fixture, ".", {:ignore => ['vendor', 'Gemfile']})
  Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp_dir|
    #grab copy from host
    host.do_scp_from("module", tmp_dir, {})
    #compare to local copy
    local_paths = Dir.glob(File.join(module_fixture, "**/*")).select { |f| File.file?(f) }
    host_paths  = Dir.glob(File.join(File.join(tmp_dir, "module"), "**/*")).select { |f| File.file?(f) }
    #each local file should have a single match on the host
    local_paths.each do |path|
      search_name = path.gsub(/^.*fixtures\//, '') #reduce down to the path that should match
      matched = host_paths.select{ |check| check =~ /#{Regexp.escape(search_name)}$/ }
      re =  /((\/|\A)vendor(\/|\z))|((\/|\A)Gemfile(\/|\z))/
      if path !~ re
        assert_equal(1, matched.length, "should have found a single instance of path #{search_name}, found #{matched.length}: \n #{matched}")
        assert_equal(0, matched.length, "should have found no instances of path #{search_name}, found #{matched.length}: \n #{matched}")
      host_paths = host_paths - matched
    assert_equal(0, host_paths.length, "there are extra paths on #{host} (#{host_paths})")

step "#do_scp_to with :ignore : can copy a dir to the host, excluding ignored patterns that DO appear in the source absolute path"
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
module_fixture = File.expand_path(File.join(current_dir, "../../fixtures/module"))
hosts.each do |host|
  logger.debug("can recursively copy a module over, ignoring some sub-files/sub-dirs that also appear in the absolute path")
  #make sure that we are clean on the test host
  host.do_scp_to(module_fixture, ".", {:ignore => ['module', 'Gemfile']})
  Dir.mktmpdir do |tmp_dir|
    #grab copy from host
    host.do_scp_from("module", tmp_dir, {})
    #compare to local copy
    local_paths = Dir.glob(File.join(module_fixture, "**/*")).select { |f| File.file?(f) }
    host_paths  = Dir.glob(File.join(File.join(tmp_dir, "module"), "**/*")).select { |f| File.file?(f) }
    #each local file should have a single match on the host
    local_paths.each do |path|
      search_name = path.gsub(/^.*fixtures\/module\//, '') #reduce down to the path that should match
      matched = host_paths.select{ |check| check =~ /#{Regexp.escape(search_name)}$/ }
      re =  /((\/|\A)module(\/|\z))|((\/|\A)Gemfile(\/|\z))/
      if path.gsub(/^.*module\//, '') !~ re
        assert_equal(1, matched.length, "should have found a single instance of path #{search_name}, found #{matched.length}: \n #{matched}")
        assert_equal(0, matched.length, "should have found no instances of path #{search_name}, found #{matched.length}: \n #{matched}")
      host_paths = host_paths - matched
    assert_equal(0, host_paths.length, "there are extra paths on #{host} (#{host_paths})")

step "#reboot: can reboot the host"
hosts.each do |host|
  on host, "echo #{host} rebooted!"