# AnsibleSpec [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/ansible_spec.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/ansible_spec) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/volanja/ansible_spec.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/volanja/ansible_spec) This is a Ruby gem that implements an Ansible Config Parser for Serverspec. It creates a Rake task that can run tests, using Ansible inventory files and playbooks. You can test multiple roles and multiple hosts. # Features - Supports [Serverspec](http://serverspec.org/) v2 - Supports special host variables - `ansible_ssh_port` - `ansible_ssh_user` - `ansible_ssh_host` - `ansible_ssh_private_key_file` - Supports [host patterns/ranges](http://docs.ansible.com/intro_inventory.html#hosts-and-groups) -- e.g.: `www[01:50].example.com` - Supports Ansible [dynamic inventory sources](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_dynamic_inventory.html) # Installation ``` $ gem install ansible_spec ``` # Usage ## Create `Rakefile` & `spec/spec_helper.rb` ``` $ ansiblespec-init create spec create spec/spec_helper.rb create Rakefile create .ansiblespec create .rspec ``` ## [Optional] `.ansiblespec` By default, `site.yml` will be used as the playbook and `hosts` as the inventory file. You can either follow these conventions or you can customize the playbook and inventory using an `.ansiblespec` file. ```.ansiblespec --- - playbook: site.yml inventory: hosts hash_behaviour: merge ``` ## [Optional] Environment variables You can use environment variables with the `rake` command. They are listed below. - `PLAYBOOK` -- playbook name (e.g. `site.yml`) - `INVENTORY` -- inventory file name (e.g. `hosts`) - `HASH_BEHAVIOUR` -- hash behaviour when duplicate hash variables (e.g. `merge`) Environment variables take precedence over the `.ansiblespec` file. Example: ``` $ PLAYBOOK=site.yml INVENTORY=hosts rake serverspec:Ansible-Sample-TDD or $ PLAYBOOK=site.yml rake serverspec:Ansible-Sample-TDD or $ INVENTORY=hosts rake serverspec:Ansible-Sample-TDD or $ HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge rake serverspec:Ansible-Sample-TDD ``` HASH_BEHAVIOUR is same as Ansible's hash behaviour parameter. By default, 'replace'. See http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_configuration.html#hash-behaviour. ## Inventory Inventory files can: - use standard ansible parameters - `ansible_ssh_port` - `ansible_ssh_user` - `ansible_ssh_private_key` - `ansible_ssh_host` - define hosts as expressions. `host-[1:3]` would expand into `host-1`,`host-2`,`host-3` - Group Children - Use [dynamic inventory sources](http://docs.ansible.com/intro_dynamic_inventory.html) ### Sample ```hosts [server] # skip line(comment) # normal # use port 5309 # use port 22 ansible_ssh_port=22 # use Private-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/id_rsa # use user `git` ansible_ssh_user=git # use port 5555 & host jumper ansible_ssh_port=5555 ansible_ssh_host= [web] # www1.example.com to www99.example.com www[1:99].example.com # www01.example.com to www99.example.com www[01:99].example.com [databases] # db-a.example.com to db-z.example.com db-[a:z].example.com # db-A.example.com to db-Z.example.com db-[A:Z].example.com # Multi Group. use server & databases [parent:children] server databases ``` ## Dynamic Inventory Sources (Note: These files need to have execute permission) ``` #!/bin/bash echo '{"databases": {"hosts": ["host1.example.com", "host2.example.com"],"vars":{"a": true}}}' ``` ## Variables Ansible variables supported by following condition. * Playbook's variables are supported. If same variable is defined in different places, priority follows [Ansible order](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_variables.html#variable-precedence-where-should-i-put-a-variable). * Variables defined main.yml in role's tasks are not supported. * Inventry variables are not supported. * Facts are not supported. ### Sample Support variables are in site.yml, group_vars, host_vars, roles. ``` ├── site.yml ├── group_vars │  ├── all.yml │   ├── dbserver.yml │  └── webserver.yml ├── host_vars │  ├── │  └── └── roles ├── apaches │ └── vars │ └── main.yml └── mariadb └── vars └── main.yml ``` #### Define variable(site.yml) ``` - name: Ansible-Variable-Sample hosts: webserver.yml user: root vars: - www_port: 8080 roles: - nginx ``` #### Spec file(roles/nginx/spec/nginx_spec.rb) ``` describe port(property['www_port']) do it { should be_listening } end ``` # Sample ## Directory sample is [here](https://github.com/volanja/ansible-sample-tdd) ``` . ├── .ansiblespec # Create file (use Serverspec). read above section. ├── .rspec # Create file (use Serverspec). read RSpec Doc. ├── README.md ├── hosts # use Ansible and Serverspec if .ansiblespec is not exist. ├── site.yml # use Ansible and Serverspec if .ansiblespec is not exist. ├── nginx.yml # (comment-out) incluted by site.yml ├── roles │   └── nginx │   ├── handlers │   │   └── main.yml │   ├── spec # use Serverspec │   │   └── nginx_spec.rb │   ├── tasks │   │   └── main.yml │   ├── templates │   │   └── nginx.repo │   └── vars │   └── main.yml ├── Rakefile # Create file (use Serverspec) └── spec # Create file (use Serverspec) └── spec_helper.rb ``` ## Playbook playbook can use `include` ```site.yml - name: Ansible-Sample-TDD hosts: server user: root roles: - nginx - name: Ansible-Sample-TDD2 hosts: parent user: root roles: - nginx ``` ## Run Test ``` $ rake -T rake serverspec:Ansible-Sample-TDD # Run serverspec for Ansible-Sample-TDD rake serverspec:Ansible-Sample-TDD2 # Run serverspec for Ansible-Sample-TDD2 $ rake serverspec:Ansible-Sample-TDD Run serverspec for Ansible-Sample-TDD to /Users/Adr/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/ruby -S rspec roles/mariadb/spec/mariadb_spec.rb roles/nginx/spec/nginx_spec.rb ........... Finished in 0.34306 seconds 11 examples, 0 failures ``` # Contributing To set up a development environment: ``` $ bundle install ``` To run the tests: ``` $ bundle exec rspec ``` To contribute your change, create a GitHub pull request as follows: 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request at https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec