# Welcome to Adhearsion
You've got a fresh app and you're almost ready to get started. Firstly, you'll need to configure your VoIP platform:
## Asterisk
Edit `extensions.conf` to include the following:
exten => _.,1,AGI(agi:async)
and setup a user in `manager.conf` with read/write access to `all`.
If you are using Asterisk 1.8, you will need to add an additional context with the name `adhearsion-redirect`. On Asterisk 10 and above this is auto-provisioned.
### With mod_rayo (recommended)
* Ensure that mod_rayo is installed and configured according to its' documentation.
* Add an extension to your dialplan like so:
* Connect Adhearsion via XMPP using the Rayo protocol, as per the sample config.
### With Punchblock's FreeSWITCH mode (deprecated)
* Ensure that mod_event_socket is installed, and configure it in autoload_configs/event_socket.conf.xml to taste
* Add an extension to your dialplan like so:
* Connect Adhearsion via EventSocket, as per the sample config.
## Voxeo PRISM
Install the [rayo-server](https://github.com/rayo/rayo-server) app into PRISM 11 and follow the [configuration guide](https://github.com/rayo/rayo-server/wiki/Single-node-and-cluster-configuration-reference).
## Configure your app
In `config/adhearsion.rb` you'll need to set the VoIP platform you're using, along with the correct credentials. You'll find example config there, so follow the comments.
## Ready, set, go!
Start your new app with "ahn start". You'll get a lovely console and should be presented with the SimonGame when you call in.
### Running your app on heroku
In order to run an adhearsion application on Heroku, you must create the application on the 'cedar' stack (`heroku apps:create --stack cedar`) and re-scale your processes like so:
heroku ps:scale web=0
heroku ps:scale ahn=1
More detail is available in the [deployment documentation](http://adhearsion.com/docs/best-practices/deployment).
Check out [the Adhearsion website](http://adhearsion.com) for more details of where to go from here.