{ "resourceType": "PlanDefinition", "id": "zika-virus-intervention-initial", "url": "http://example.org/PlanDefinition/zika-virus-intervention", "identifier": [ { "use": "official", "value": "zika-virus-intervention" } ], "version": "1.0.0", "title": "Example Zika Virus Intervention", "status": "active", "date": "2016-11-14", "description": "Zika Virus Management intervention describing the CDC Guidelines for Zika Virus Reporting and Management.", "topic": [ { "text": "Zika Virus Management" } ], "relatedArtifact": [ { "type": "derived-from", "url": "https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/65/wr/mm6539e1.htm?s_cid=mm6539e1_w" }, { "type": "successor", "resource": "PlanDefinition/zika-virus-intervention" } ], "library": [ "Library/zika-virus-intervention-logic" ], "action": [ { "title": "Zika Virus Assessment", "trigger": [ { "type": "named-event", "name": "patient-view" } ], "condition": [ { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "language": "text/cql", "expression": "Is Patient Pregnant" } } ], "action": [ { "condition": [ { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "language": "text/cql", "expression": "Should Administer Zika Virus Exposure Assessment" } } ], "definitionCanonical": "ActivityDefinition/administer-zika-virus-exposure-assessment" }, { "condition": [ { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "language": "text/cql", "expression": "Should Order Serum + Urine rRT-PCR Test" } } ], "definitionCanonical": "ActivityDefinition/order-serum-urine-rrt-pcr-test" }, { "condition": [ { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "language": "text/cql", "expression": "Should Order Serum Zika Virus IgM + Dengue Virus IgM" } } ], "definitionCanonical": "ActivityDefinition/order-serum-zika-dengue-virus-igm" }, { "condition": [ { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "language": "text/cql", "expression": "Should Consider IgM Antibody Testing" } } ], "definitionCanonical": "ActivityDefinition/consider-igm-antibody-testing" }, { "condition": [ { "kind": "applicability", "expression": { "language": "text/cql", "expression": "Should Provide Mosquito Prevention and Contraception Advice" } } ], "action": [ { "definitionCanonical": "ActivityDefinition/provide-mosquito-prevention-advice" }, { "definitionCanonical": "ActivityDefinition/provide-contraception-advice" } ] } ] } ] }