require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/helpers.rb' context "a drawable" do setup { } asserts(:origin).equals Ray::Vector2[0, 0] asserts(:scale).equals Ray::Vector2[1, 1] asserts(:pos).equals Ray::Vector2[0, 0] asserts(:z).equals 0 asserts(:angle).equals 0 asserts(:shader).nil asserts(:shader_attributes).nil asserts(:matrix_proc).nil asserts(:blend_mode).equals :alpha context "after changing blend mode" do hookup { topic.blend_mode = :add } asserts(:blend_mode).equals :add end context "after changing origin" do hookup { topic.origin = Ray::Vector2[10, 20] } asserts(:origin).equals Ray::Vector2[10, 20] asserts(:scale).equals Ray::Vector2[1, 1] asserts(:pos).equals Ray::Vector2[0, 0] asserts(:z).equals 0 asserts(:angle).equals 0 end context "after changing the scale" do hookup { topic.scale = Ray::Vector2[3, 0.5] } asserts(:origin).equals Ray::Vector2[0, 0] asserts(:scale).equals Ray::Vector2[3, 0.5] asserts(:pos).equals Ray::Vector2[0, 0] asserts(:z).equals 0 asserts(:angle).equals 0 end context "after changing pos" do hookup { topic.pos = Ray::Vector2[10, 20] } asserts(:origin).equals Ray::Vector2[0, 0] asserts(:scale).equals Ray::Vector2[1, 1] asserts(:pos).equals Ray::Vector2[10, 20] asserts(:z).equals 0 asserts(:angle).equals 0 end context "after changing z" do hookup { topic.z = -0.5 } asserts(:origin).equals Ray::Vector2[0, 0] asserts(:scale).equals Ray::Vector2[1, 1] asserts(:pos).equals Ray::Vector2[0, 0] asserts(:z).equals(-0.5) asserts(:angle).equals 0 end context "after changing angle" do hookup { topic.angle = 60 } asserts(:origin).equals Ray::Vector2[0, 0] asserts(:scale).equals Ray::Vector2[1, 1] asserts(:pos).equals Ray::Vector2[0, 0] asserts(:z).equals 0 asserts(:angle).equals 60 end context "with several transformations" do attr = {:foo => 3} hookup do topic.origin = [30, 40] topic.pos = [10, 20] topic.angle = 90 topic.scale = [2, 0.5] topic.z = 9 topic.shader_attributes = attr end # (10, 30) => (-20, -10) (origin) # (-20, -10) => (-40, -5) (scale) # (-40, -5) => (5, -40) (rotate) # (5, -40) => (15, -20) (translate) asserts(:transform, [10, 30]).almost_equals(Ray::Vector3[15, -20, 9], 1e-6) asserts("matrix.transform (10, 30)") { topic.matrix.transform [10, 30] }.almost_equals(Ray::Vector3[15, -20, 9], 1e-6) context "created from a copy" do setup { topic.dup } asserts(:origin).equals Ray::Vector2[30, 40] asserts(:pos).equals Ray::Vector2[10, 20] asserts(:angle).equals 90 asserts(:scale).equals Ray::Vector2[2, 0.5] asserts(:z).equals 9 asserts(:shader_attributes).equals attr asserts("shader_attributes are copied") do !(topic.shader_attributes.equal? attr) end end context "and a custom matrix" do hookup do topic.matrix = end asserts(:matrix).equals asserts(:transform, [10, 30]).equals Ray::Vector3[10, 30, 0] context "that has been disabled" do hookup do topic.matrix = nil end asserts(:transform, [10, 30]).almost_equals(Ray::Vector3[15, -20, 9], 1e-6) end end context "and a custom matrix proc" do matrix_proc = proc { Ray::Matrix.identity } hookup do proxy(matrix_proc).call topic.matrix_proc = matrix_proc topic.matrix # calls proc end asserts(:matrix).equals asserts(:matrix_proc).equals matrix_proc asserts(:matrix_proc).received(:call) { topic } context "when matrix is accessed twice" do hookup { topic.matrix } denies(:matrix_proc).received(:call => 2) { topic } end context "when matrix is accessed after a change" do hookup do topic.matrix_changed! topic.matrix end asserts(:matrix_proc).received(:call => 2) { topic } end end end context "after changing shader" do hookup do topic.shader = @shader = end asserts(:shader).equals { @shader } end end class CustomDrawable < Ray::Drawable include Ray::GL Vertex = Ray::GL::Vertex.make [ [:pos, "pos", :vector2] ] def initialize super Vertex self.vertex_count = 3 end def fill_vertices [[0, 0]),[50, 0]),[50, 50])] end def fill_indices(from) + 0, from + 1, from + 2) end def render(vertex, index) draw_arrays :triangles, vertex, 3 end end context "a custom drawable" do setup { } asserts(:vertex_count).equals 3 asserts :changed? denies :textured? target = "test", [100, 100] context "drawn" do hookup do proxy(topic).fill_vertices proxy(topic).fill_indices proxy(topic).render target.draw topic end asserts_topic.received :fill_vertices denies_topic.received :fill_indices, anything asserts_topic.received :render, is_a(Integer), 0 denies :changed? context "twice" do hookup do target.draw topic end denies_topic.received :fill_vertices => 2 asserts_topic.received({:render => 2}, is_a(Integer), 0) denies :changed? end context "and changed" do hookup { topic.changed! } asserts :changed? context "and drawn again" do hookup { target.draw topic } denies :changed? asserts_topic.received :fill_vertices => 2 asserts_topic.received({:render => 2}, is_a(Integer), 0) end end end context "drawn with indices" do hookup do proxy(topic).fill_indices proxy(topic).render topic.index_count = 3 target.draw topic end asserts_topic.received :fill_indices, is_a(Integer) asserts_topic.received :render, is_a(Integer), is_a(Integer) context "but no vertices" do hookup do topic.vertex_count = 0 target.draw topic end asserts_topic.received({:render => 2}, is_a(Integer), is_a(Integer)) end end context "drawn without vertices" do hookup do topic.vertex_count = 0 proxy(topic).render target.draw topic end asserts_topic.received :render, 0, 0 end context "with more indices than it gives" do hookup { topic.index_count = 5 } asserts("drawing it") { target.draw topic }.raises_kind_of RuntimeError end context "after enabling texturing" do hookup { topic.textured = true } asserts :textured? end end run_tests if __FILE__ == $0