module Fastlane class EnvironmentPrinter def self.output env_info = get # Remove sensitive option values FastlaneCore::Configuration.sensitive_strings.compact.each do |sensitive_element| env_info.gsub!(sensitive_element, "#########") end puts env_info if FastlaneCore::Helper.mac? && UI.interactive? && UI.confirm("🙄 Wow, that's a lot of markdown text... should fastlane put it into your clipboard, so you can easily paste it on GitHub?") copy_to_clipboard(env_info) UI.success("Successfully copied markdown into your clipboard 🎨") end UI.success("Open to submit a new issue ✅") end def self.get UI.important("Generating fastlane environment output, this might take a few seconds...") require "fastlane/markdown_table_formatter" env_output = "" env_output << print_system_environment env_output << print_system_locale env_output << print_fastlane_files env_output << print_loaded_fastlane_gems env_output << print_loaded_plugins env_output << print_loaded_gems env_output << print_date # Adding title status = (env_output.include?("🚫") ? "🚫" : "✅") env_header = "
#{status} fastlane environment #{status}\n\n" env_tail = "
" final_output = "" if FastlaneCore::Globals.captured_output? final_output << "### Captured Output\n\n" final_output << "Command Used: `#{ARGV.join(' ')}`\n" final_output << "
\n\n" end final_output << env_header + env_output + env_tail end def self.print_date date ="%Y-%m-%d") "\n*generated on:* **#{date}**\n" end def self.print_loaded_plugins ENV["FASTLANE_ENV_PRINTER"] = "enabled" env_output = "### Loaded fastlane plugins:\n" env_output << "\n" plugin_manager = plugin_manager.load_plugins if plugin_manager.available_plugins.length <= 0 env_output << "**No plugins Loaded**\n" else table = "" table << "| Plugin | Version | Update-Status |\n" table << "|--------|---------|\n" plugin_manager.available_plugins.each do |plugin| begin installed_version = Fastlane::ActionCollector.determine_version(plugin) latest_version = FastlaneCore::UpdateChecker.fetch_latest(plugin) if == update_status = "✅ Up-To-Date" else update_status = "🚫 Update available" end rescue update_status = "💥 Check failed" end table << "| #{plugin} | #{installed_version} | #{update_status} |\n" end rendered_table = table env_output << rendered_table.to_md end env_output << "\n\n" env_output end # We have this as a separate method, as this has to be handled # slightly differently, depending on how fastlane is being called def self.gems_to_check if Helper.contained_fastlane? Gem::Specification else Gem.loaded_specs.values end end def self.print_loaded_fastlane_gems # fastlanes internal gems env_output = "### fastlane gems\n\n" table = "" table << "| Gem | Version | Update-Status |\n" table << "|-----|---------|------------|\n" fastlane_tools = Fastlane::TOOLS + [:fastlane_core, :credentials_manager] gems_to_check.each do |current_gem| update_status = "N/A" next unless fastlane_tools.include?( begin latest_version = FastlaneCore::UpdateChecker.fetch_latest( if >= update_status = "✅ Up-To-Date" else update_status = "🚫 Update available" end rescue update_status = "💥 Check failed" end table << "| #{} | #{current_gem.version} | #{update_status} |\n" end rendered_table = table env_output << rendered_table.to_md env_output << "\n\n" return env_output end def self.print_loaded_gems env_output = "
" env_output << "Loaded gems\n\n" table = "| Gem | Version |\n" table << "|-----|---------|\n" gems_to_check.each do |current_gem| unless Fastlane::TOOLS.include?( table << "| #{} | #{current_gem.version} |\n" end end rendered_table = table env_output << rendered_table.to_md env_output << "
\n\n" return env_output end def self.print_system_locale env_output = "### System Locale\n\n" found_one = false env_table = "" ["LANG", "LC_ALL", "LANGUAGE"].each do |e| env_icon = "🚫" if ENV[e] && ENV[e].end_with?("UTF-8") env_icon = "✅" found_one = true end if ENV[e].nil? env_icon = "" end env_table << "| #{e} | #{ENV[e]} | #{env_icon} |\n" end if !found_one table = "| Error |\n" table << "|-----|\n" table << "| No Locale with UTF8 found 🚫|\n" else table = "| Variable | Value | |\n" table << "|-----|---------|----|\n" table << env_table end rendered_table = table env_output << rendered_table.to_md env_output << "\n\n" end def self.print_system_environment require "openssl" env_output = "### Stack\n\n" product, version, build = "Unknown" os_version = "UNKNOWN" if Helper.mac? product, version, build = `sw_vers`.strip.split("\n").map { |line| line.split(':').last.strip } os_version = version end if Helper.linux? # this should work on pretty much all linux distros os_version = `uname -a`.strip version = "" build = `uname -r`.strip product = `cat /etc/`.strip distro_guesser = { fedora: "/etc/fedora-release", debian_based: "/etc/debian_version", suse: "/etc/SUSE-release", mandrake: "/etc/mandrake-release" } distro_guesser.each do |dist, vers| os_version = "#{dist} " + if File.exist?(vers) version = os_version end end table_content = { "fastlane" => Fastlane::VERSION, "OS" => os_version, "Ruby" => RUBY_VERSION, "Bundler?" => Helper.bundler?, "Git" => `git --version`.strip.split("\n").first, "Installation Source" => anonymized_path($PROGRAM_NAME), "Host" => "#{product} #{version} (#{build})", "Ruby Lib Dir" => anonymized_path(RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir']), "OpenSSL Version" => OpenSSL::OPENSSL_VERSION, "Is contained" => Helper.contained_fastlane?.to_s, "Is homebrew" => Helper.homebrew?.to_s, "Is installed via" => Helper.mac_app?.to_s } if Helper.mac? table_content["Xcode Path"] = anonymized_path(Helper.xcode_path) begin table_content["Xcode Version"] = Helper.xcode_version rescue => ex UI.error(ex) UI.error("Could not get Xcode Version") end end table = ["| Key | Value |"] table += table_content.collect { |k, v| "| #{k} | #{v} |" } begin rendered_table ="\n")) env_output << rendered_table.to_md rescue => ex UI.error(ex) UI.error("Error rendering markdown table using the following text:") UI.message(table.join("\n")) env_output << table.join("\n") end env_output << "\n\n" env_output end def self.print_fastlane_files env_output = "### fastlane files:\n\n" fastlane_path = FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.fastfile_path if fastlane_path && File.exist?(fastlane_path) env_output << "
" env_output << "`#{fastlane_path}`\n" env_output << "\n" env_output << "```ruby\n" env_output << env_output << "\n```\n" env_output << "
" else env_output << "**No Fastfile found**\n" end env_output << "\n\n" appfile_path = CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.default_path if appfile_path && File.exist?(appfile_path) env_output << "
" env_output << "`#{appfile_path}`\n" env_output << "\n" env_output << "```ruby\n" env_output << env_output << "\n```\n" env_output << "
" else env_output << "**No Appfile found**\n" end env_output << "\n\n" env_output end def self.anonymized_path(path, home = ENV['HOME']) return home ? path.gsub(%r{^#{home}(?=/(.*)|$)}, '~\2') : path end # Copy a given string into the clipboard # Make sure to ask the user first, as some people don't # use a clipboard manager, so they might lose something important def self.copy_to_clipboard(string) require 'open3' Open3.popen3('pbcopy') { |input, _, _| input << string } end end end