#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'fileutils' require File.expand_path( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib', 'ziya') ) # TODO - Use main module Ziya class Ziyafy # Copy necessary ZiYa components to a ruby web application def initialize( argv=ARGV ) option_parser = default_option_parser option_parser.parse!(argv) puts 'You must specify at least one off --charts, --gauges or --maps' unless options.charts or options.gauges or options.maps copy_artifacts end # copies ziya artifacts to public app directory def copy_artifacts %w[charts gauges maps].each do |s| if options.send( s ) dest_dir = File.join( options.public_dir ) src_dir = File.expand_path( File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. resources], s ) ) puts "Installing ZiYa `#{s} artifacts in `#{dest_dir}" ::FileUtils.cp_r( src_dir, dest_dir ) end end end # access the options def options #:nodoc: unless @options @options = OpenStruct.new # Unless specified copy artifacts to the public directory @options.public_dir = ::File.join( Dir.pwd, %w[public] ) @options.charts = false @options.gauges = false @options.maps = false end @options end # sets up cmd line args def default_option_parser #:nodoc: ::OptionParser.new do |op| op.separator "" op.separator "ziyafy options:" op.on( "-c", "--charts", "Copy ZiYa charts artifacts only" ) do |dir| options.charts = true end op.on( "-g", "--gauges", "Copy ZiYa gauges artifacts only" ) do |dir| options.gauges = true end op.on( "-m", "--maps", "Copy ZiYa maps artifacts only" ) do |dir| options.maps = true end op.on( "-a", "--all", "Copy all ZiYa artifacts" ) do |dir| options.charts = true options.gauges = true options.maps = true end op.on( "-p", "--public_dir FILE", "The location of the public app directory." ) do |dir| options.public_dir = dir end op.separator "" end end end end Ziya::Ziyafy.new(ARGV)