Once there was a young man named Alex. He was always misunderstood by people around him, and he was not bothered by it. Alex didn't care about what people thought of him, and he wasn't interested in building any social relationships. Living alone, Alex spent most of his day playing video games and watching movies. He never hung out with his neighbors or attended any social events. Most people in his neighborhood ignored him thinking he was too arrogant to be spoken to. While other people his age were busy planning for their careers, Alex remained indifferent to his future. He never attended college, nor did he have any interest in getting a job. One day, Alex woke up from a dream with an idea that could change the world. It was a radical idea, and it required significant effort and resources to make it a reality. It was the kind of idea that most people would brand as impossible. But Alex was determined, and he didn't let anything stand in his way. He spent all of his savings to put his plan into action. Months went by, and people started noticing Alex's efforts. His neighbors couldn't believe that a youth who never cared about anything was up to something so significant. The word spread, and people started to take an interest in him. They even invited Alex to a community event to share his idea with everyone. Alex was thrilled. For the first time, he felt that people saw the real him. He delivered an inspiring talk and was met with applause and support. Alex couldn't believe that he had accomplished so much without intentionally seeking approval from others. That day marked a significant milestone in Alex's life. He realized that by not caring about what others thought and deliberately avoiding social relationships, he had stumbled upon his incredible idea that had the power to change the world. He didn't regret not caring about his social standing because he had accomplished something significant, all on his own terms.