=begin Camaleon CMS is a content management system Copyright (C) 2015 by Owen Peredo Diaz Email: owenperedo@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License (GPLv3) for more details. =end module Plugins::ContactForm::ContactFormHtmlHelper # This allows calls to methods plugin from html views def self.included(klass) klass.helper_method [:form_element_object, :form_element_bootstrap_object, :form_shortcode, :get_forms, :form_value_rescue] rescue "" end # This returns the format of the plugin shortcode. def form_shortcode(slug) "[forms slug=#{slug}]" end # This returns all the answers on a form made from the frontend. def get_forms(id) current_site.contact_forms.where({parent_id: id}) end def form_value_rescue(form) JSON.parse(form.settings).to_sym rescue form.value end # form contact with css bootstrap def form_element_bootstrap_object(form, object, values) html = "" object.each do |ob| temp = "

[descr ci]

' if ob[:field_options][:description].present?}
" r = {field: ob, form: form, template: temp, custom_class: "form-control #{ob[:field_options][:field_class]}", custom_attrs: {id: ob[:cid] } } hooks_run("contact_form_item_render", r) ob = r[:field] ob[:custom_class] = r[:custom_class] ob[:custom_attrs] = r[:custom_attrs] field_options = ob[:field_options] for_name = ob[:label].to_s f_name = "fields[#{ob[:cid]}]" cid = ob[:cid].to_sym temp2 = "" case ob[:field_type].to_s when 'paragraph','textarea' temp2 = "" when 'radio' temp2= form_select_multiple_bootstrap(ob, ob[:label], ob[:field_type],values) when 'checkboxes' temp2= form_select_multiple_bootstrap(ob, ob[:label], "checkbox",values) when 'text', 'website', 'email' class_type = "" class_type = "railscf-field-#{ob[:field_type]}" if ob[:field_type]=="website" class_type = "railscf-field-#{ob[:field_type]}" if ob[:field_type]=="email" temp2 = "" when 'captcha' temp2 = captcha_tag(5, {}, {class: "#{ob[:custom_class]} field-captcha required"}.merge(ob[:custom_attrs])) when 'file' class_type = "railscf-field-#{ob[:field_type]}" if ob[:field_type]=="website" temp2 = "" when 'dropdown' temp2 = form_select_multiple_bootstrap(ob, ob[:label], "select",values) else end r[:template] = r[:template].sub('[label ci]', for_name).sub('[ci]', temp2) r[:template] = r[:template].sub('[descr ci]', field_options[:description] || "") html += r[:template] end html end def form_select_multiple_bootstrap(ob, title, type, values) options = ob[:field_options][:options] include_other_option = ob[:field_options][:include_other_option] other_input = "" f_name = "fields[#{ob[:cid]}]" f_label = "" cid = ob[:cid].to_sym html = "" if type == "radio" || type == "checkbox" other_input = (include_other_option)? "
" : " " else html = " #{op[:label]} " else html += "" end end if type == "radio" || type == "checkbox" html += other_input else html += " " end end def convert_form_values(op_fields, fields) values = {} op_fields.each do |field| cid = field[:cid].to_sym label = field[:label] values[label] = [] if field[:field_type] == 'file' values[label] << fields[cid].original_filename if fields[cid].present? elsif field[:field_type] == 'captcha' values[label] << session[:captcha] elsif field[:field_type] == 'radio' || field[:field_type] == 'checkboxes' values[label] << fields[cid].join(',') if fields[cid].present? else values[label] << fields[cid] if fields[cid].present? end end return values end end