$(document).ready(function() { function siskelPath(filename){ if (filename.match('-')){ var url = 'http://siskel.lib.ncsu.edu/SLI'; var name = filename.split('-')[0]; return url + '/' + name + '/' + filename + '/' + filename; } } function checkForWebvtt(){ var path = siskelPath($('body.admin_kinney_clips input#kinney_clip_filename').val()); if (path){ $('video').attr('poster', path + '.png'); $('video').attr('src', path + '.webm'); $.ajax({ url: path + '.vtt', success: function(data) { $('#vtt textarea').val(data); $('#vtt_result').html('
WEBVTT Found. Fill out the other required fields and you can save.
'); $('body.admin_kinney_clips #kinney_clip_submit_action input').removeAttr('disabled'); }, error: function(data){ $('#vtt textarea').val('NO WEBVTT FILE FOUND!!!'); $('#vtt_result').html('
WEBVTT Not Found. You will not be able to save this clip without a WEBVTT file on the server.
'); $('body.admin_kinney_clips #kinney_clip_submit_action input').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); } } if ($('.admin_kinney_clips').length > 0) { // WEBVTT must be present to submit form $('body.admin_kinney_clips #kinney_clip_submit_action input').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $('#vtt_result').html('
Give focus to the filename. You will not be able to save until there is a WEBVTT file.
'); checkForWebvtt(); $('body.admin_kinney_clips input#kinney_clip_filename').bind('keyup change paste focus', function(){ checkForWebvtt(); }); } $('.admin_kinney_clips video').mediaelementplayer({ success: function(mediaElement, domObject){ mediaElement.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function(){ var duration = Math.round(mediaElement.duration); $('#kinney_clip_duration').val(duration); }); } }); });