require "spec_helper" require "chef/util/editor" describe Chef::Util::Editor do describe '#initialize' do it "takes an Enumerable of lines" do editor = expect(editor.lines).to be == IO.readlines(__FILE__) end it "makes a copy of an Array" do array = editor = expect(editor.lines).to_not be(array) end end subject(:editor) { } let(:input_lines) { %w{one two two three} } describe '#append_line_after' do context "when there is no match" do subject(:execute) { editor.append_line_after("missing", "new") } it("returns the number of added lines") { eq(0) } it "does not add any lines" do expect { execute }.to_not change { editor.lines } end end context "when there is a match" do subject(:execute) { editor.append_line_after("two", "new") } it("returns the number of added lines") { eq(2) } it "adds a line after each match" do execute expect(editor.lines).to be == %w{one two new two new three} end end it "matches a Regexp" do expect(editor.append_line_after(/^ee/, "new")).to be == 0 expect(editor.append_line_after(/ee$/, "new")).to be == 1 end end describe '#append_line_if_missing' do context "when there is no match" do subject(:execute) { editor.append_line_if_missing("missing", "new") } it("returns the number of added lines") { eq(1) } it "adds a line to the end" do execute expect(editor.lines).to be == %w{one two two three new} end end context "when there is a match" do subject(:execute) { editor.append_line_if_missing("one", "new") } it("returns the number of added lines") { eq(0) } it "does not add any lines" do expect { execute }.to_not change { editor.lines } end end it "matches a Regexp" do expect(editor.append_line_if_missing(/ee$/, "new")).to be == 0 expect(editor.append_line_if_missing(/^ee/, "new")).to be == 1 end end describe '#remove_lines' do context "when there is no match" do subject(:execute) { editor.remove_lines("missing") } it("returns the number of removed lines") { eq(0) } it "does not remove any lines" do expect { execute }.to_not change { editor.lines } end end context "when there is a match" do subject(:execute) { editor.remove_lines("two") } it("returns the number of removed lines") { eq(2) } it "removes the matching lines" do execute expect(editor.lines).to be == %w{one three} end end it "matches a Regexp" do expect(editor.remove_lines(/^ee/)).to be == 0 expect(editor.remove_lines(/ee$/)).to be == 1 end end describe '#replace' do context "when there is no match" do subject(:execute) { editor.replace("missing", "new") } it("returns the number of changed lines") { eq(0) } it "does not change any lines" do expect { execute }.to_not change { editor.lines } end end context "when there is a match" do subject(:execute) { editor.replace("two", "new") } it("returns the number of changed lines") { eq(2) } it "replaces the matching portions" do execute expect(editor.lines).to be == %w{one new new three} end end it "matches a Regexp" do expect(editor.replace(/^ee/, "new")).to be == 0 expect(editor.replace(/ee$/, "new")).to be == 1 expect(editor.lines).to be == %w{one two two thrnew} end end describe '#replace_lines' do context "when there is no match" do subject(:execute) { editor.replace_lines("missing", "new") } it("returns the number of changed lines") { eq(0) } it "does not change any lines" do expect { execute }.to_not change { editor.lines } end end context "when there is a match" do subject(:execute) { editor.replace_lines("two", "new") } it("returns the number of replaced lines") { eq(2) } it "replaces the matching line" do execute expect(editor.lines).to be == %w{one new new three} end end it "matches a Regexp" do expect(editor.replace_lines(/^ee/, "new")).to be == 0 expect(editor.replace_lines(/ee$/, "new")).to be == 1 expect(editor.lines).to be == %w{one two two new} end end end