# turbolinks-form [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/badges/github.com/hsgubert/turbolinks-form.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/github.com/hsgubert/turbolinks-form) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/turbolinks-form.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/turbolinks-form) Turbolinks 5 extension to render form errors after a submit. ## Installation Add the gem to your `Gemfile` ``` ruby gem 'turbolinks-form' ``` Then `bundle install`. Add the javascript to your `application.js` or to your `vendor.js` ``` javascript //= require turbolinks-form ``` This will automatically include jQuery and Turbolinks if not included already. ## Basic Usage Add `turbolinks_form: true` to your `form_for` or `form_tag` ``` erb <%= form_for :resource, turbolinks_form: true do |f| ... %> <%= form_tag users_path, turbolinks_form: true do ... %> ``` In your controller, just render the desired view with status `:unprocessable_entity` when validation fails: ``` ruby def create @user = User.build(params[:user]) if @user.save redirect_to users_path # This redirect_to is handled by turbolinks alone else render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity # This render is handled by turbolinks-form end end ``` The body of the rendered page will replace the current body, just like turbolinks would do for a regular visit. If you prefer, you can use a convenience method `render_form_with_errors` that will automatically render the `new` page on `create` actions and the `edit` page on `update` actions ``` ruby def create @user = User.build(params[:user]) if @user.save redirect_to users_path # This redirect_to is handled by turbolinks alone else render_form_with_errors # This render is handled by turbolinks-form end end ``` ## Advanced Usage #### Rendering custom view You can pass the template name as the parameter to `render_form_with_errors` to choose any view you would like to render: ``` ruby render_form_with_errors template: 'custom_view' ``` #### Rendering form with errors inside dialog Sometimes we do not wish to replace the whole page body with the form with error, but rather just replace the content of a dialog or page fragment. You can pass the dialog CSS selector to choose where your form will be rendered: ``` ruby render_form_with_errors target: 'div.dialog' ``` The command above will replace the whole content of `div.dialog` with the body of your rendered page. When using this option your page is rendered without layout. ## More Details #### Script tags Turbolinks-form will execute any `