module Spotlight ## # CRUD actions for assigning exhibit roles to # existing users class RolesController < Spotlight::ApplicationController before_action :authenticate_user! load_and_authorize_resource :exhibit, class: Spotlight::Exhibit load_and_authorize_resource through: :exhibit, except: [:update_all] def index role = authorize! :edit, role add_breadcrumb t(:'spotlight.exhibits.breadcrumb', title: @exhibit.title), @exhibit add_breadcrumb t(:'spotlight.configuration.sidebar.header'), exhibit_dashboard_path(@exhibit) add_breadcrumb t(:'spotlight.configuration.sidebar.users'), exhibit_roles_path(@exhibit) end def update_all authorize_nested_attributes! exhibit_params[:roles_attributes], Role any_deleted = exhibit_params[:roles_attributes].values.any? { |item| item['_destroy'].present? } if @exhibit.update(exhibit_params) notice = any_deleted ? t(:'helpers.submit.role.destroyed') : t(:'helpers.submit.role.updated') redirect_to exhibit_roles_path(@exhibit), notice: notice else flash[:alert] = t(:'helpers.submit.role.batch_error') render action: 'index' end end def exists # note: the messages returned are not shown to users and really only useful for debug, hence no translation necessary # app uses html status code to act on response if ::User.where(email: exists_params).present? render json: { message: 'User exists' } else render json: { message: 'User does not exist' }, status: :not_found end end def invite user = ::User.invite!(email: invite_params[:user], skip_invitation: true) # don't deliver the invitation yet role = Spotlight::Role.create(exhibit: current_exhibit, user: user, role: invite_params[:role]) if user.deliver_invitation # now deliver it when we have saved the role redirect_to :back, notice: t(:'helpers.submit.role.updated') else redirect_to :back, alert: t(:'helpers.submit.role.batch_error') end end protected def exhibit_params params.require(:exhibit).permit(roles_attributes: [:id, :user_key, :role, :_destroy]) end def invite_params params.permit(:user, :role) end def exists_params params.require(:user) end # When nested attributes are passed in, ensure we have authorization to update each row. # @param attr [Hash,Array] the nested attributes # @param klass [Class] the class that is getting created # @return [Integer] a count of the number of deleted records def authorize_nested_attributes!(attrs, klass) attrs.each do |_, item| authorize_item item, klass end end def authorize_item(item, klass) if item[:id] if item['_destroy'].present? authorize! :destroy, klass.find(item[:id]) else authorize! :update, klass.find(item[:id]) end else authorize! :create, klass end end end end