class PhoneNumber { /// Returns `String` for a valid number, `null` for invalid. String clean(String phoneNumber) { /// initialize an empty string. String onlyDigits = ""; /// find all digits. Iterable findDigits = new RegExp(r'\d+').allMatches(phoneNumber); findDigits.forEach((match) { onlyDigits +=; /// remove all digits **for an edge case**. phoneNumber = phoneNumber.replaceAll(, ""); }); /// Only these special characters are allowed. /// **"." "(" ")" "-" "+" ** and space, /// remove these characters. phoneNumber = phoneNumber.replaceAll(new RegExp(r"^[-.()+\s]*$"), ""); /// "123-@:!-7890" is invalid, however **"123-@:!-789012"** is valid /// by the current logic since the regex grabs all the digits /// but "123-@:!-78901256" should be considered as invalid. /// hence if anything else still exists its an invalid number. if (phoneNumber.length > 0) return null; /// remove leading country code **1** to make it easy to process. if (onlyDigits.startsWith("1")) { onlyDigits = onlyDigits.substring(1); } if (onlyDigits.length < 10 || onlyDigits.length > 10) return null; /// after removing the country code if it exists, /// first and fourth digits can only range from **2-9** /// i.e. Area code and Exchange code. RegExp codeRange = new RegExp(r'^[2-9]$'); if (codeRange.hasMatch(onlyDigits[0]) && codeRange.hasMatch(onlyDigits[3])) { return onlyDigits; } /// if a condition isn't accounted for. return null; } }